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Camp Chase Gazette and the Watchdog

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  • #76
    Re: IMHO: What's wrong with the CCG

    Hallo Kameraden!

    This thread has run its useful and practical course, and is closed.

    When one's ability and capability to discuss fails, always resort to insult.

    Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
    Expert, Stupid, and Child

    and right at this moment, Moderator
    Curt Schmidt
    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
    -Vastly Ignorant
    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


    • #77
      Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery


      I don't know what the going rate is for a 2,000-word article. Most of the glossy commercial history mags want articles in the 3,500 to 4,000 word range, and most of the ones I've written for are willing to indulge me to the tune of up to 10,000 words now and then. For glossy, popular history magazines the "going rate" for a "feature article" (and 2,000 words is too short) is about $400. Some pay by the word, like "North and South", for a feature article up to 6,000 words, and after that it's just a flat rate of $600 regardless of how long it is.


      I was very disappointed to see in the "IMHO" thread about CCG the somewhat beligerent posts by Brady Peery, and the insulting e-mail to Paul Calloway. I don't run any "magazines" per se, but I'm smart enough to know you don't talk to your subscribers, writers, and potential writers like that, particularly in the written form where it's so easy to cut-and-paste an e-mail to a public forum. When your livelihood (i.e., a magazine) depends on writers and subscribers, one doesn't go around attempting to seemingly tick them off and long survive.

      I hope that the recent spate of goo about CCG comes to an end, and most of all I hope that CCG's managers--present AND past--realize that they CAN indeed slip further down the slippery slope than they already have. One competing publication is already planning to start; does CCG need any more wake-up calls before they either A) do something...anything, and B) stop berating the very folks they depend on for content and funds, or C) both.

      I like CCG in general (as a vehicle to convey good articles and content to reenactors), but right now after some of the recent posts and e-mails, I'm wondering if I'm on a "crap-list" just for writing on this forum that they need to change their tune, attitude, content, whatever, and start reaching out to reenactors instead of sitting in an ivory tower waiting for writers and subscribers to come to them.

      There goes that marketing thing again.


      • #78
        Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

        As in selling anything, you can attract more with honey than.....well you all know what. I for one come to this site to share information with like minded individuals. The CCG has for years, catered to a predominately mainstream audience. If I wanted mainsteam information and articles to read, then I would be more than happy to purchase their copy. However, I am not overly interested in those type of articles and or discussions, I find the AC forum much more enlightening.
        If it is the goal of Mr Peery to step up the standards and mission of the CCG, they by all means invite participation by some of the AC's more prolific writers, of which, for the record, I am not. I think, as already stated, the CCG needs to define their intended audience.
        Vince Jackson
        Straggler mess


        • #79
          Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

          Thanks Kevin... so basically ... in exchange for a well written article based on research I'm already doing, I could pay for all this stuff? A self funding hobby...
          Daniel Fodera
          Palmetto Living History Assoc


          • #80
            Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

            Then there's this from the 27th


            • #81
              Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery


              That is the one that prompted me to write the management of the CCG this morning as an advertiser and ask them what type employees they had representing the magazine.

              No response thus far.
              Jim Kindred


              • #82
                Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

                Originally posted by JimKindred

                That is the one that prompted me to write the management of the CCG this morning as an advertiser and ask them what type employees they had representing the magazine.

                No response thus far.

                He seems to be out of the loop. On the other hand, there may be no loop.

                I still have not received the edition with the groundbreaking double insignia guy on the cover....

                Been a great deal of thrashing around on the topic of "Future Direction of the Camp Chase Gazette" with zero input or explanation from the magazine editor or publisher. We're all just wrestling with mist. Probably we'll all just have to wait and see what happens next. I suspect they will be at Franklin, huh? Want us to pick up a copy of their article submission requirements?

                Maybe I can get the July issue there.
                Bill Watson


                • #83
                  Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

                  Hallo Kameraden!

                  IMHO, it may be there IS a problem only from "our" perception and perspective.

                  The tail does not wag the dog...

                  I believe a period expression went something like "One can't shingle the fog."
                  Or was that "One cannot nail Jello to the wall?"

                  Are we getting back around to the worn-out discussions and arguments on "Missionary Work" and the notion that the "Mainstream World" are the Heathens only just waiting for the right people to come along with the "Word" and the "Way" to show them out of ignorance, sin, and eternal damnation in the Pits and Fires of Hell?

                  Dr. Phil's Life Law #3: People do what works.

                  "Mainstream" works, and works very well for Mainstream Life and Culture. IMHO, CCG both serves and works well for that Hobby, Life, and Culture.

                  For me personally, I have no desire or need to "convert" anyone or change CCG. They do what they do. CCG does what it does representing them.
                  It works.

                  That Formula worked well and happily for the many years I was a "Mainstreamer." Worked so-so for the years I was a "Hardcore." And no longer "works" for me whereever it is I am at now on my own Journey down the Path.

                  And if any "heathen" (no pun or allegory or analogy intended) has a notion to change, all they need do is walk out of the "jungle" (no pun or allegory or analogy intended) and have a welcome and a seat around is this campfire (no pun or allegory or analogy intended).

                  As I said before, the problem is mine, not CCG's. We are in different hobbies together.

                  The rest might just be beating a dead horse... or trying to shingle the fog.

                  Now if we want to discuss why "I" ("we") am (are) such a threat, such a monster, such a Hell-spawned demon to "them," to evoke and promote anger, hostility, and rudeness- NOW that MIGHT be interesting! ;-) :-)

                  Don't Tell Me What I Don't Want To Know Mess
                  Curt Schmidt
                  In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                  -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                  -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                  -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                  -Vastly Ignorant
                  -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                  • #84
                    Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery


                    Good Luck on the July issue. I received the August issue yesterday.

                    Ken Cornett
                    Buckeye Mess-GHTI
                    Mess #1

                    Originally posted by billwatson
                    He seems to be out of the loop. On the other hand, there may be no loop.

                    I still have not received the edition with the groundbreaking double insignia guy on the cover....

                    Been a great deal of thrashing around on the topic of "Future Direction of the Camp Chase Gazette" with zero input or explanation from the magazine editor or publisher. We're all just wrestling with mist. Probably we'll all just have to wait and see what happens next. I suspect they will be at Franklin, huh? Want us to pick up a copy of their article submission requirements?

                    Maybe I can get the July issue there.
                    Ken Cornett
                    MESS NO.1
                    Founding Member
                    Mason Lodge #678, PM
                    Need Rules?


                    • #85
                      Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

                      Now if we want to discuss why "I" ("we") am (are) such a threat, such a monster, such a Hell-spawned demon to "them," to evoke and promote anger, hostility, and rudeness- NOW that MIGHT be interesting! ;-) :-)
                      Don't Tell Me What I Don't Want To Know Mess[/QUOTE]

                      I think that fella came over here with his mind already set in "Bad, Bad Hardcores, Elitists, Snobs, etc." mode. From what I can see reading those CCG Forum posts, as soon as folks didn't jump through hoops for him, he exploded off into bizarre conspiracy land. Now he gets to tell the (probably much-embellished) tale of how he politely asked for help and was trounced upon by those evil A/C Forum Elitists. "They only took time out from their button whizzing just long enough to insult me and mah heritage." Just the kind of campfire story a mainstream officer needs to keep his mainstreamers in line! ;) "Boys, you wanna leave them hardcores alone, I tell ye."

                      "Halloween" movie theme plays in background. Hand-held camera crashes through the underbrush to find: CAMPAIGNERS SLEEPING ON THE GROUND! AAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrgggggh!... Oh, the horror. Oh, the... :)
                      Glenn Milner
                      When You're Spinnin' 'Round, Things Come Undone


                      • #86
                        Re: CCG: To the A/C forum from Brad Peery

                        Dunno. I just came in in the middle. Although if I had advertising money tied up, I might wonder a little more.

                        Originally posted by JimKindred

                        That is the one that prompted me to write the management of the CCG this morning as an advertiser and ask them what type employees they had representing the magazine.

                        No response thus far.


                        • #87
                          Ripped Off

                          Enough rumors are going around that they are even arriving on my doorstep every day or two about a recent case of plagarism. Yes, the rumors are true: I've been ripped off more brazenly and blatently than I've ever seen anyone plagarized.

                          No, it wasn't one reenactor "borrowing" some research by someone else, or quoting a paragraph or two from someone else's work without "permission". What I'm talking about is stealing my work, word for word, and printing it in a magazine under someone else's name, without ever asking permission. For a commercial, for-profit business to do this is shameful.

                          The January/February 2006 issue of Civil War Historian (CWH) carried my article, "Taking Hits: The Behavior of Soldiers Wounded in Battle", and of course properly credited it to me and published it with my permission. This article will also be a chapter in the forthcoming book, The Columbia Rifles Reseach Compendium 2nd Edition, which CWH noted alongside the article when they published it.

                          I receive complementary copies of Camp Chase Gazette (CCG) magazine because of the large number of articles I published in their periodical from 1998 to 2003 or so. When the September 2006 issue of CCG arrived at my house a few weeks ago, I was astonished to find my article "Taking Hits" from CWH printed in CCG, word for word... except that CCG had no permission to publish it, and credited the article to another person.

                          I've seen folks cry foul when their work is photocopied and incorporated with their name still on it into someone else's work, and cry foul when "their" research is used by others, but the type of plagarism that's been recently perpetrated on me is the most blatent I've ever seen: they (or someone) stole a 7,000-word essay already commercially published elsewhere, word for word, and made no attempt to disguise it except for changing the author's name.

                          The reenactor periodical market is limited to only a few publications, and there's only two magazines--CCG and CWH--that feature articles largely catering to Civil War-era military impressionists. The editor of CWH has informed me that he knows what's published in each issue of CCG even today, so it's kind of hard to believe that the editor of CCG didn't know what his chief competition published just six months earlier.

                          This matter is being pursued through proper channels. Legal counsel has advised me that, as long as we stick to the facts, there's no reason why it can't be discussed in public. Given that I'm receiving e-mails and AC Forum PMs about it from folks I don't even know, I figured it was time to confirm what many folks already suspect.


                          • #88
                            Re: Ripped Off

                            Man, that is a major bummer. I hope it gets straightened out soon.

                            Meantime, I look forward to seeing 2.0 of the CCRC.


                            • #89
                              Re: Ripped Off

                              All I can say is, "Incredible!" I'm glad my subscription to the CCG has expired and that I never renewed it. Like Mr. Briggs, I'm also very much in anticipation of the 2nd iteration of the CR Compendium.
                              Charles Kibler
                              Co. A, Chesapeake Volunteer Guard
                              [I]"I have been up to see the Congress and they do not seem to be able to do anything except to eat peanuts and chew tobacco, while my army is starving."[/I]
                              Robert E. Lee


                              • #90
                                Re: Ripped Off

                                Kevin I don't know you, but you have my condolences on the dispicable act anyway.
                                [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]Howard Davis[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

