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I got the bug again!

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  • I got the bug again!

    Wow a lot has changed!!! I joined this forum about 3 years ago, seems my post count has been reset… though I do remember someone mentioning something about a site crash in the past so that must be it. I started reenacting about 17 years ago… I’m 30 now so you do the math…lol. All through my youth and high school and most of college (history degree) I was reenacting almost every weekend I could muster the money to go. I even became 1LT of my unit when I was 20. After years in the hobby I completely burnt out… utter delusion with the hobby and the politics of the units I belonged to. I began going it solo to every event I could get to… but found myself on the outside looking in… as a progressive reenactor with no unit. So I quit, got married started a business and went on with life.

    So here I am years later, really getting the itch to get back in the hobby. To reenter what used to be a passion of mine that has left a hole in me ever since I left. I went to a local event as a spectator about a month ago (I don’t think I’ve ever been a spectator at an event before) and vowed to pick up my rifle again. I have been a rather silent member of this community for the past 3 years, checking in, keeping up on some news… maybe posting here and there. The people in this forum have been the closest thing to a unit I’ve had over that time. I would like to thank everyone here for helping me come around again. I post this in here because The Sinks is my favorite part of the forums! Now I just have to find a unit to join, most of the ones I knew back in the day aren't around anymore or have fractured in peices to point I don't know them anymore!!!
    Todd Reynolds
    Union Orphan Extraordinaire

  • #2
    Re: I got the bug again!


    Yeah, a lot has changed, but a lot never changes.

    Chief among the things that never changes is my advice to guys who quit: Don't sell any gear you can't replace within 6-months. That coat made by the guy who doesn't make 'em any more. The musket you worked for a year and a half to get defarbed "just so"... keep 'em. No matter how burned out, pissed off, or hen-pecked you may be, KEEP 'EM!!


    Because, you'll be back. You people A-L-W-A-Y-S come back!! Mua ha haaa!!!
    (sorry, that's my best typed version of an evil laugh)

    Seriously, though. Welcome back!

    ...have you registered for the Outpost yet? ;)
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


    • #3
      Re: I got the bug again!

      Yes, welcome back Todd.

      I understand what you are going through. The itch drives you nuts after a while. But after taking a step back for a while you can see and appreciate those little things.

      Good luck finding a unit and maybe we’ll see one another along the way.

      Best Regards,
      [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"]Cody G. Farrell[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]UpStart Mess[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT] - [URL=""][/URL]
      [FONT="Georgia"][B][I][U][SIZE="3"]Texas Ground Hornets[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/FONT] - [URL=""][/URL]
      [I][SIZE="3"][B][U][FONT="Georgia"]Texas State Troops[/FONT][/U][/B][/SIZE][/I] - [URL=""][/URL]

