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What do these people have in common?

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  • #16
    Re: What do these people have in common?

    Originally posted by coastaltrash;

    According to that list you weren't at ANY of the events. Now I know that isn't true since there is no one that can impersonate you.
    Landrum, that wasn't Brian Hicks at Chickamauga. You've made the common mistake of thinking you saw him when it was really me you saw. You're not the first person who has confused the two of us.

    Cannot think which is scarier : that I resemble a retired Marine sergeant living in Nashville or that he resembles a public defender living in Seattle. For the record, I very much like Nashville and have considered moving there.
    Silas Tackitt,
    one of the moderators.

    Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


    • #17
      Re: What do these people have in common?

      In looking at Mr. Hick's impressive record, I like to think that somewhere there is a Mrs. Hicks who occassionally utters the same statement my own Dear Husband makes when the gear has been piled in the sunporch too long:

      Honey, isn't it about time for you to GO somewhere? :D
      Terre Hood Biederman
      Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

      Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

      ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


      • #18
        Re: What do these people have in common?

        Take me off the list for BGR folks. To my eternal regret, I couldn't make it.
        Chris O'Brien

        Scalawag Mess
        Volunteer Company
        [URL=""]American Eagle Society[/URL]


        • #19
          Re: What do these people have in common? They are individdles doing their thing.

          Originally posted by NoahBriggs View Post
          I attend what events I like to attend, post on fora as needed, and otherwise try to enjoy the hobby.
          THANK YOU, Noah.

          Even though, by all accounts, I apparently never go to events, permit me to interject something to the discussion of this list.


          Fortunately, some of us don't need lists to satisfy ourselves. I didn't attend any of these events, and I guess I'm not "One Of Us." I'll wear the scarlet letter, if it makes "Us" feel better, whatever, I don't particularly care.

          Doing small, off-the-radar events, at which you actually make a difference in an individual's perception of history doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

          Checking the little box on the periodic CWPT mailing doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess, nor does slipping a piece of green into a skin-of-its-teeth museum's donation box.

          Spending time sitting under a tree on a battlefield, quietly reading an account of what happened there doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

          Bringing an elderly woman to tears when you show her a photograph of her Civil War ancestor that she had never seen before doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess, nor does conversing with a WWII veteran at the spot where his ancestor captured a battle flag.

          Going to someone else's hometown, and teaching them something they had never known about what happened in their own back yard doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

          Wearing a Confederate uniform, respectfully relating the honorable history of a southern regiment to a family visiting from the South, and then having them find out that you're actually from New York doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

          Discussing the movements of a regiment with fellow living historians, on the ground where they moved, and at the precise date and time of the same doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

          You're answering the question "Who Is Us?" but there remains the question of "What Is Us?" Only the people named hereon can call themselves C/P/H's? This is not the Medal of Honor, where you can face serious consequences for laying false claim to it. Is one an F/M/A, by definition, if his or her name doesn't appear on this list? Or is this to be the "Grass Roots of Saving The Hobby Entire" list? All I see is a list of people who attended a certain set of events. Bless you all, I hope everyone had fun at them, and by all accounts they were fantastic events. No one denies that.

          But it takes a lot more than that, if your goal is to be part of the "hobby with a purpose." There are a lot of ways to make positive differences by participating in Civil War re-creation. And I know I've made many positive contributions to it, so I'm not losing any sleep over remaining unlisted in the 2007 "We Are Us" White Pages.
          Marc A. Hermann
          Liberty Rifles.
          MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
          Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

          In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)


          • #20
            Re: What do these people have in common?

            Well said Marc. Sounds to me like you're doing things right...and for all the right reasons.
            [B][FONT=Georgia]Eric P. Emde[/FONT][/B]


            • #21
              Re: What do these people have in common?

              Noah and Marc have made two of the best posts I've seen on this topic.
              Andy Ackeret
              A/C Staff
              Mess No. 3 / Hard Head Mess / O.N.V


              • #22
                Re: What do these people have in common?

                Seems like there's an attempt to get a critical mass of reenactors at history-heavy (EBUFU) events. So yes, going to those events where it's been decided that folks will be concentrating their effort, actually helps achieve that goal and is a Good Thing. If that's not your goal, then it would seem like the list is neutral, and should cause neither joy to be on it nor frustation at being omitted. If that is your goal, then it's simple to pick the events where critical mass is needed and arrange one's schedule to attend mostly those.

                Me, I'm just as happy reenacting with a handful of other reenactors as a thousand, so critical military mass doesn't do anything for me, but I'm glad to throw my little bit of support that way when my interests and others' interests coincide. Fits with the fact I'm on the list, barely.

                Hank Trent
                Hank Trent


                • #23
                  Re: What do these people have in common? They are individdles doing their thing.

                  Originally posted by FranklinGuardsNYSM View Post
                  THANK YOU, Noah.

                  Even though, by all accounts, I apparently never go to events, permit me to interject something to the discussion of this list.


                  Fortunately, some of us don't need lists to satisfy ourselves. I didn't attend any of these events, and I guess I'm not "One Of Us." I'll wear the scarlet letter, if it makes "Us" feel better, whatever, I don't particularly care.

                  Doing small, off-the-radar events, at which you actually make a difference in an individual's perception of history doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

                  Checking the little box on the periodic CWPT mailing doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess, nor does slipping a piece of green into a skin-of-its-teeth museum's donation box.

                  Spending time sitting under a tree on a battlefield, quietly reading an account of what happened there doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

                  Bringing an elderly woman to tears when you show her a photograph of her Civil War ancestor that she had never seen before doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess, nor does conversing with a WWII veteran at the spot where his ancestor captured a battle flag.

                  Going to someone else's hometown, and teaching them something they had never known about what happened in their own back yard doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

                  Wearing a Confederate uniform, respectfully relating the honorable history of a southern regiment to a family visiting from the South, and then having them find out that you're actually from New York doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

                  Discussing the movements of a regiment with fellow living historians, on the ground where they moved, and at the precise date and time of the same doesn't make you "One Of Us," I guess.

                  You're answering the question "Who Is Us?" but there remains the question of "What Is Us?" Only the people named hereon can call themselves C/P/H's? This is not the Medal of Honor, where you can face serious consequences for laying false claim to it. Is one an F/M/A, by definition, if his or her name doesn't appear on this list? Or is this to be the "Grass Roots of Saving The Hobby Entire" list? All I see is a list of people who attended a certain set of events. Bless you all, I hope everyone had fun at them, and by all accounts they were fantastic events. No one denies that.

                  But it takes a lot more than that, if your goal is to be part of the "hobby with a purpose." There are a lot of ways to make positive differences by participating in Civil War re-creation. And I know I've made many positive contributions to it, so I'm not losing any sleep over remaining unlisted in the 2007 "We Are Us" White Pages.
                  Hi Mark,

                  Very Good Post. The list is a nice tool to get some gauge as to whom is attending the more publicized EBUFU events for the year. It certainly dose not doom anyone whom is not on the list. I do not think you have anything to worry about either.

                  I know next year is going to be a hard one to attend more that one of the Tier 1 events for myself with our own mess events, ONV offerings, along with two boys wanting to be with dad. To me, that is my number one event listing at this time.

                  Thanks Charles for the list as it is always interesting to see many of c/p/h folks that attended some very good events in 2007.
                  Tom Klas
                  Hard Head Mess
                  Citizens Guard


                  • #24
                    Re: What do these people have in common?

                    Bingo Hank---and the bulk of these are 'campaigner' type events, which is what this particular forum was founded to promote. High quality civilian only events aren't on the pool list, not because they are not good things to do, but because they are not the specific goal that was in mind here.

                    For the great majority of us, this list is not the only thing we do--far from it. Two weeks from now, I'll have a seemingly endless stream of school children to speak with over a 5 day span--around 10,000. I'll still be wearing wool, still cooking on a fire, still dyeing and knitting. The difference is, I'll be interpreting what I've learned with even more background than I had a year ago--doing history-heavy events with like minded folks provides that critical mass of thought and experience--I learn more when doing them--and thus am a better teacher.
                    Terre Hood Biederman
                    Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                    Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                    ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                    • #25
                      Re: What do these people have in common?


                      Good thoughts in your post! Agreed, the list really ain't a representation of all the events that "we" do ("we" meaining "us", of course! Whoever "we" are). The list is pretty WIG/ONV/GHTI-centric, which leaves great activities by other groups under/unrepresented. ...but, then again, look who's running things around here. That's not a criticism, just a statement of fact.

                      Some folks would probably rather not have their events listed here, and that's just fine, too.

                      There has been much discussion about how many people are attending events and why and how those numbers could possibly be boosted. My personal take on the intent of this list is that it is one person's attempt to crunch through same data to see if there is any information available to aid in the planning of future events.

                      I'm sure in some circles this list functions as a means of identifying who the "cool kids" are, just like some lame-ass high school clique. Such is life, there's no way to stop that. ...or maybe I'm naive and this really IS the point (I like believing folks' intentions are good, so don't burst my bubble, OK? :wink_smil).

                      Whatever the motive behind the list, what events a person attends are personal choices. It sounds like you've been to some great ones, regardless of how big/small they were and what "cool kids" may or may not have been there with you. Good for you (sincerely)!
                      Last edited by LibertyHallVols; 10-19-2007, 01:00 PM. Reason: Wickett slow on the draw again... another "me too" post... sorry folks!
                      John Wickett
                      Former Carpetbagger
                      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                      • #26
                        Re: What do these people have in common?

                        Originally posted by coastaltrash View Post

                        According to that list you weren't at ANY of the events. Now I know that isn't true since there is no one that can impersonate you.
                        It's there:

                        Harris, Greg C
                        Hicks, Brian B I P V C
                        Hawkins, Tony B

                        Just not quite in true alphabetic order.
                        Brian Hicks
                        Widows' Sons Mess

                        Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

                        "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

                        “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


                        • #27
                          Re: What do these people have in common?

                          Originally posted by Spinster View Post
                          In looking at Mr. Hick's impressive record, I like to think that somewhere there is a Mrs. Hicks who occassionally utters the same statement my own Dear Husband makes when the gear has been piled in the sunporch too long:

                          Honey, isn't it about time for you to GO somewhere? :D
                          Very close to true.

                          My wife and I often tease one another... during twenty one years in the Infantry in our beloved Marine Corps, we often talked of how just as she began to grow weary of me, I'd get deployed over seas for several months, or at least to the field for a few weeks.... and just as she would grow to miss me, I'd come home. The cycle seems to repeat itself in our peculiar end of the hobby, but the duration of my absences are much shorter, but do occur a bit more often. (And therein lay the secret to our 20 years of being happily married!! :) )
                          Brian Hicks
                          Widows' Sons Mess

                          Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

                          "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

                          “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


                          • #28
                            Re: What do these people have in common?

                            And a cycle that has been a good one for us as well--having married late in life, one of our 'givens' was that there were other family relationships and duties that would come first---and that the time when there was no one left but us would come later.

                            At first, he was busy on many occassions taking care of elderly relatives with no children of their own, while I was occupied with teenagers, then his job put him on the road all week while I was working at home, and now my life has turned to a weekly commute to care for my father, while he keeps the home fires burning. As these obligations come to an end, we know that with that end comes both loss, and gain. Such is life.

                            When one sees so much of folks being unable to allow a spouse to enjoy a separate hobby, its good to know of the sensible, secure folks in happy marriages!
                            Terre Hood Biederman
                            Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                            Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                            ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                            • #29
                              Re: What do these people have in common?

                              Will the list be updated after Outpost 3? :)
                              Elizabeth Landrum
                              IR Team Mom


                              • #30
                                Re: What do these people have in common?

                                Originally posted by Hank Trent View Post
                                Fits with the fact I'm on the list, barely.

                                Hank Trent

                                Hank said "Fits" [ala Fitz]! That's funny!
                                PATRICK CRADDOCK
                                Prometheus No. 851
                                Franklin, Tennessee
                                Widows' Sons Mess

                                Aut Bibat Aut Abeat

                                Can't fix stupid... Johnny Lloyd

