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Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

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  • Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

    While not reenactor specific, none the less, it deals with one of our own in the Hobby.

    Today, Art Milbert took the plunge, and was married.

    I hope all who know him, will wish him and his new Bride, Shannon, the best in their union together.

    I do not have a picture of the Groom and Bride, but I do do have a picture of Art, with several of us WIG members.

    From Left to Right:

    Patrick Craddock, Tripp Corbin, Herb Coats, Art Milbert, Brian Hicks, Matt Woodburn and Justin Runyon .
    Attached Files
    Last edited by BrianHicks; 11-03-2007, 09:04 PM.
    Brian Hicks
    Widows' Sons Mess

    Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

    "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

    “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS

  • #2
    Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

    Congratulations Art, and Shannon - welcome to the family!
    Paul Calloway
    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
    Proud Member of the GHTI
    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
    Wayne #25, F&AM


    • #3
      Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

      So,Dante,(our friend Art), finally got married.Cool.Let's hope the store doesn't mess with the honeymoon.
      Cullen Smith
      South Union Guard

      "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

      "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


      • #4
        Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

        Lawrence Underwood, Jr.
        Mobile, AL

        21st Alabama Infantry Reg. Co. D
        Mobile Battle Guards


        • #5
          Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

          Congrats to Art and his bride--it takes a special woman to marry a guy who's running an event less than seven days before the nuptuals! :)

          My oh my, does at least some members of the WIG shine up nice when not in jeancloth or indigo flannel! :p


          • #6
            Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

            I'm sorry, I thought it was the Hahira Delegation at the convention - my bad! Where did ya'll hide the Harley and the high dive? Congrats, Art!
            Ross L. Lamoreaux

            "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


            • #7
              Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

              Art and Shannon,

              Congratulations and best of luck! I wish you both all the happiness in the world.


              Will Eichler

              Member, Company of Military Historians
              Saginaw City Light Infantry
              Hubbard Winsor Lodge #420
              Stony Creek Lodge #5

              Civil War Digital Digest

              Historic Fort Wayne Coalition


              • #8
                Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding


                Great hotel you have there... thanks for the room.

                Congrats to your wife and hopefully she's an authentic civilian.

                As with my wife... does she know what she's in for when it comes to the hobby? :p

                Your comrade- Johnny Lloyd
                Johnny Lloyd
                John "Johnny" Lloyd
                Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                Proud descendant of...


                • #9
                  Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

                  Art and Shannon's wedding was absolutely beautiful! I had never been to a November wedding before. I wish both of them all the best! Congrats you two!!!!:):):)
                  Elizabeth Landrum
                  IR Team Mom


                  • #10
                    Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding


                    Congrats! I will pray for God's grace for you both. In this hobby it takes a large measure of it. Seriously blessings and a full quiver if that is what the Lord has in store.

                    Rod Miller
                    [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                    [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                    [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                    A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                    150th Anniversary
                    1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                    1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                    1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                    1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                    Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                    1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                    Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


                    • #11
                      Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

                      Congratulation Art. I've enjoyed my nuptials for almost 26 years now and still counting. Wishing all the best for a long and happy marriage.

                      But just between you and me - you need to start hanging out with some different guys.:wink_smil
                      Michael Comer
                      one of the moderator guys


                      • #12
                        Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

                        Congrats Art And Shannon!!!
                        [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3][B]Steve Ewing[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
                        [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][URL=]Tar Water Mess[/URL]

                        [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]"There is something in the very air which makes every Kentuckian a soldier." Z. Taylor[/SIZE][/COLOR]


                        • #13
                          Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

                          Art & Shannon,
                          Congratulations to you! I wish you all the best and a long and happy life together!!

                          Man, you're wearing a groove on I-65!! I can see Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee implementing a "WIG Tax" for Civil War commuters on I-65. ;)
                          John Wickett
                          Former Carpetbagger
                          Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                          • #14
                            Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding

                            Bro. Art,


                            Remember to tell her every night before you go to sleep and when you wake up that you love her.

                            Be nice to one another and NEVER take each other for granted!
                            Bill Young
                            WIG/GHTI and a Hoosier by the grace of God
                            Jubilee Lodge #746 F&AM Whiteland, IN

                            [URL=]G.H. Thomas' Invincibles[/URL]

                            [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]


                            • #15
                              Re: Best Wishes To One Of Our Own For His Wedding


                              Congrats and Good Luck,

                              BTW...we would like to see a picture of you and your bride, not you and those slugs...


