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E. J. Thomas' Website

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  • E. J. Thomas' Website

    Good evening friends,

    So, its been forever and a while since I've been on the forums, but now I'm back. Unfortunately I keep trying to view the E. J. Thomas website, however, for some reason it isn't appearing. Anyone have an idea as to what is going on? Thanks!
    [B]Byron Faidley[/B]

    [I]Loblolly Mess,
    23rd Virginia,
    and the Loyal State Rifles

  • #2
    Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

    Search function. It's there
    Patrick Rooney


    • #3
      Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

      In Byron's defense...the website has had problems for over a year...and has been down completely now for at least two months.

      At this point it's probably reasonable to be asking the question again?

      Note: Don't be fooled by Byron's lack of post...he's very familiar with the AC search function...

      I tried the search function for: "ej", and "e.j." and came up with no hits...a search on "thomas" yielded 500 results...not quite an easy search.

      Paul B. Boulden Jr.

      RAH VA MIL '04
      (Loblolly Mess)
      [URL=""]23rd VA Vol. Regt.[/URL]
      [URL=""]Waggoner's Company of the Virginia Regiment [/URL]

      [URL=""]Company of Military Historians[/URL]
      [URL=""]Museum of the Confederacy[/URL]
      [URL=""]Historic Sandusky [/URL]

      Inscription Capt. Archibold Willet headstone:

      "A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time, Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime."


      • #4
        Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

        Yeah, I guess that is kinda difficult. I see what you're saying regarding any search.

        Well, here's three regarding the same thing that I'm aware of:

        Hope this helps a bit,
        Jason C. Spellman
        Skillygalee Mess

        "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut


        • #5
          Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

          I'll try to reach out to them and see if we can get some participation from them. A lot of folks have the same questions.
          Paul Calloway
          Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
          Proud Member of the GHTI
          Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
          Wayne #25, F&AM


          • #6
            Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

            Hello all,

            Bill of E.J. Thomas was down at the Fort Branch this weekend and had some leather goods for sale. This past week he sent out the following email to customer with outstanding orders. Don’t worry they are still in business.

            Dear Friend & Customer,

            I am writing this in regards to orders you have with our company.
            Recently, we have been forced to make some changes to the structure of
            our business and I wanted to let you know, as you have been patient with

            Currently, I am the sole manufacturer of our leather goods here, as
            Maryanne and Joe have undertaken full time jobs and are unable to
            dedicate enough time to the business. I am also currently working a
            full-time job, as I cannot afford to lose my paycheck and health
            insurance. However, I am still dedicated to continuing our tradition of
            fine hand-crafted items. That leaves me to make everything, answer
            emails, handle the "business end" and also pack & ship everything... all
            in my spare time (which is usually from 7pm on, but I do have a family
            to attend to as well). To further complicate matters, I have recently
            experienced the loss of a loved one... my Mac Powerbook computer! This
            was my only means to the world wide web and boy, you really don't know
            what you have until it's gone. I am now trying to check my email
            everyday at work, but sometimes I am unable because of my schedule. I
            lost a lot of files and pictures of originals in this final crash. I was
            also near finishing the new website, but was unable to post it before I
            lost it.

            So where do we go from here?

            I am currently not taking any new orders and am working on filling the
            pending ones in the order we received them. I appreciate your patience
            while I continue to work on your orders, however, I understand if you
            would like to cancel or have bought the item elsewhere. I generally do
            not take payment up front, but if it is a case where I have your payment
            I will certainly send you a refund if you so wish. If you still need the
            item, but do not wish to wait any longer, I have a list of vendors who,
            in my opinion, are of superb quality and can certainly get you in
            contact with them.


            I am in the process of working with a company now to offer you a
            completely new online store that will feature ready-made products from
            some amazing people I have met along the way. This will be a scaled down
            version of our previous offerings, but will be top of the line.

            Since I had to move our shop and am currently working out of my house,
            my only means of communication right now is via this email address. I
            will try to be in touch with each one of you individually as to where
            your order stands as time allows, however please feel free to email me
            with your questions, concerns, etc.

            I hope to get this operation running smoothly over the next few months
            and have everything back to "normal" as soon as possible. I just ask
            that you keep in mind this is a part-time venture for me. I do it
            because I enjoy it. I will not slap things together to get them out the
            door. If an item does not come together right, it gets pitched and I
            start over until it is right. I am in the hopes that you came to us for
            a reason and I am not in the business of disappointment.

            Thank you for your time and patience!
            Bill Lomas

            -Seth Harr

            Liberty Rifles
            93rd New York Coffee Cooler
            "One of the questions that troubled me was whether I would ever be able to eat hardtack again. I knew the chances were against me. If I could not I was just as good as out of the service"[/I]
            [B]-Robert S. Camberlain, 64th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry[/B]


            • #7
              Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

              Thanks for all your help everybody!

              [B]Byron Faidley[/B]

              [I]Loblolly Mess,
              23rd Virginia,
              and the Loyal State Rifles


              • #8
                Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

                I recieved that same email a couple of weeks ago. And he responded to my email concerning a final payment on goods I had on hold. I sent the payment off Priority mail and it was received.
                He said he would ship them this last Monday ( 5 Nov.) , 1st thing , if he didn't get to the PO by sometime last week before leaving for NC. I await anxiously for my stuff:wink_smil
                Kindest Regards;
                Harold Adams
                Co. F, 48th NYVI
                "On occupation duty in Florida"

                Here we are, some with whole skins, and some not so whole. Others have been left behind. For myself, I can only wonder if there is a bone left in my carcass when I think of the wholesale carnage through which I have passed. My bruises are inward.
                Pvt. J. Haley, Co I, 17th Maine Vols., 9 June 1865


                • #9
                  Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

                  Anybody have a new email address for EJ Thomas?

                  ( This email does not seem to work anymore.

                  As i said in the last post, my stuff was supposedly shipped Monday (and yes I know they have other jobs and lives), and I'm not by any means harrassing anybody,
                  but with no way of communicating, (email or phone) I'm getting kind of worried. Has anybody else this problem?
                  Moderators if this does not belong here please remove it.
                  Harold Adams
                  Co. F, 48th NYVI
                  "On occupation duty in Florida"

                  Here we are, some with whole skins, and some not so whole. Others have been left behind. For myself, I can only wonder if there is a bone left in my carcass when I think of the wholesale carnage through which I have passed. My bruises are inward.
                  Pvt. J. Haley, Co I, 17th Maine Vols., 9 June 1865


                  • #10
                    Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

                    Harold and all,
                    Over the last few months I've been in contact with Bill Lomas , including a longer recent communication, since I sew several items for them and was continuing to. I know that for several on this forum they were impossible to reach for awhile, but I know that Bill was continuing on with several orders and was just about caught up at last talk. This is the first time that I haven't been able to get ahold of him, since the email contact is indeed down. That being said, I too am now a little concerned. If anyone out there has better direct contact with Bill, please let him know that several people are trying to get ahold of him, as I've received several PM's about the subject, and now I have no way to contact him regarding the several projects he wants me to do.
                    Ross L. Lamoreaux

                    "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


                    • #11
                      Re: E. J. Thomas' Website

                      Thank you Ross;
                      I get kind of peaved when someone promises me one thing and doesn't go through with it, and then cuts off the commo.:(
                      Hopefully everything is okay with them, but don't forget your customers.
                      Kindest Regards;
                      Harold Adams
                      Co. F, 48th NYVI
                      "On occupation duty in Florida"

                      Here we are, some with whole skins, and some not so whole. Others have been left behind. For myself, I can only wonder if there is a bone left in my carcass when I think of the wholesale carnage through which I have passed. My bruises are inward.
                      Pvt. J. Haley, Co I, 17th Maine Vols., 9 June 1865

