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Post War Uniform Auction, Richmond

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  • Post War Uniform Auction, Richmond

    I recently found a reference to a post-war auction of Confederate jackets in Richmond. Aside from the politics of the quote, I found his reference to the use of CS clothing by children etc. interesting. From “Black Civil War Correspondent; his dispatches from the Virginia Front,” by Thomas Morris Chester, p. 348:

    From Richmond, May 17, 1865

    “Auction Sale of Rebel Uniforms”

    "At auction yesterday, rebel uniform jackets were knocked down at ten cents each, by the box full. This may be regarded as an evidence of the respect which the people here have for the colors in which traitors delighted to shoot down patriots. Nothing can be more gratifying than the consciousness which is herein evinced that the hated gray is morally contraband. Rebel officers who can got out of it as fast as they can, while boys and negroes may be seen sporting suits of rank with a wonderful unconsciousness of their infamy."

    James "Archie" Marshall
    James "Archie" Marshall
    The Buzzard Club (Saltmakers for the south)
    Tampa, FL

  • #2
    Re: Post War Uniform Auction, Richmond

    Originally posted by floridawar View Post
    I recently found a reference to a post-war auction of Confederate jackets in Richmond. Aside from the politics of the quote, I found his reference to the use of CS clothing by children etc. interesting. From “Black Civil War Correspondent; his dispatches from the Virginia Front,” by Thomas Morris Chester, p. 348:

    From Richmond, May 17, 1865

    “Auction Sale of Rebel Uniforms”

    "At auction yesterday, rebel uniform jackets were knocked down at ten cents each, by the box full. This may be regarded as an evidence of the respect which the people here have for the colors in which traitors delighted to shoot down patriots. Nothing can be more gratifying than the consciousness which is herein evinced that the hated gray is morally contraband. Rebel officers who can got out of it as fast as they can, while boys and negroes may be seen sporting suits of rank with a wonderful unconsciousness of their infamy."

    James "Archie" Marshall
    remind me to set the "way back machine" to Richmond, May 16, 1865 and take my biggest duffle bag. Wow.

    Considering that times were hard, CS clothing was soon to be outlawed and any clothing owned would want to be worn, 10 cents per makes sense.
    Soli Deo Gloria
    Doug Cooper

    "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

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