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Missouri Secession Cockade

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  • Missouri Secession Cockade

    Hello all,
    Does anyone have any photographic, written, or other sources as to examples of Missouri secession cockades would have looked like? been constructed out of? I have noticed drastic regional differences in existing cockades from South Carolina, Virginia, and Mississippi origin and wondered how a 'Western' cockade would compare.

    I've attached a photo of the Duvall brothers of the MSG in which a cockade is attached to the slouch hat (does anyone have info on this?) as well as a photo of G. Maddox the 'Border Ruffian' wearing what could be a cockade on his shirt (or perhaps it's pocket trim).

    Any help would be appreciated.
    For Missouri and the Cause,
    Matthew Shomaker
    [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
    [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
    "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
    Marmaduke's Raid
    MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village

  • #2
    Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

    Thanks for those pics! Mr Maddox seems to be a well heeled gentleman 4 pistols and BOTH of those Remington he's holding are loaded, no photo prop there!
    I recently discovered I had a "Missouri connection" myself with one of my Guncles living there and his son in the 'Partisans' later with Price but I never considered their Sesech Cockade till now
    Gary Mitchell
    2nd Va. Cavalry Co. C
    Stuart's horse artillery


    • #3
      Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

      Great pic, I have it in a book on the civilian "border war'
      Please let's don't confuse Ole George with a confederate soldier, tho.
      Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

      Patrick Peterson
      Old wore out Bugler


      • #4
        Re: Missouri Secession Cockade


        I came across this interesting quote last night that was written by a free-soiler:

        “Imagine a man standing in a pair of long boots, covered with dust and mud and drawn over his trousers, the latter made of coarse, fancy-colored cloth, well soiled; the handle of a large bowie-knife projecting from one or both boot-tops; a leathern belt buckled around his waist, on each side of which is fastened a large revolver; a red or blue shirt, with a heart, anchor, eagle or some other favorite device braided on the breast or back, over which is swung a rifle or carbine; a sword dangling by his side; an old slouch hat, with a cockade or brass star on the front or side, and a chicken, goose or turkey feather sticking in the top; hair uncut and uncombed, covering his neck and shoulders; an unshaved face and unwashed hands. Imagine such a picture of humanity, who can swear any given number of oaths in any specified time, drink any quantity of bad whiskey without getting drunk, and boast of having stolen a half dozen horses and killed one or more abolitionists, and you will have a pretty fair conception of a border ruffian....”


        Goodrich, Thomas. War to the Knife: Bleeding Kansas, 1854-1861. Mechanicsburg: Stackpole Books, 1998.

        For what it's worth,
        Last edited by kazrosiecki; 11-15-2007, 12:06 PM.
        [FONT="Georgia"]Casimer Rosiecki[/FONT]


        • #5
          Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

          Thank you Mr. Rosiecki.
          I have also come across that book and quote but it, unfortunately, provides little idea of what the cockades looked like. I know that secession cockades were popular in civilian dress, especially in the 'Little Dixie' region of Missouri, but they have not seemed to survived the war in any number.

          Thank you again,
          For Missouri and the Cause,
          [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
          [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
          "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
          Marmaduke's Raid
          MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village


          • #6
            Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

            Great images!

            I have one question though . . .

            On the image of Mr. Maddox, what is the object between his legs and on his right knee?
            Attached Files
            Matthew Easley


            • #7
              Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

              Under the magnifying glass it appears to be a braided tassel from either a cockeyed inseam/outseam or hanging off the back of the other boot.

              [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
              [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
              "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
              Marmaduke's Raid
              MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village


              • #8
                Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                I've loved looking at that image over the years. I'd agree with Matthew that it's some kind of tassel. Another thing that's always puzzled me is the apparent lack of an outer leg seam on his pants, as evidenced on the crossed leg. Unless the seam is way torqued around, but even then you should be able to see it up by his hip. Hmm. Love that coffin-handled bowie, too.

                Dan Hadley


                • #9
                  Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                  Originally posted by Missouri Mule View Post
                  Great images!

                  I have one question though . . .

                  On the image of Mr. Maddox, what is the object between his legs and on his right knee?

                  Could it part of a ridding crop or the end of a quirt resting in his lap?
                  Russell L. Stanley
                  Co.A 1st Texas Infantry
                  Co.A 45th Mississippi
                  Co.D 8th Missouri (CS)
                  Steelville JayBirds Mess


                  • #10
                    Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                    The following letter would suggest that Missouri Cockades were blue, but offers no help with the design.


                    His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS,

                    President of the Confederate States, Montgomery, Ala.:

                    SIR: Your favor of the 25th ultimo has been received, and I am thankful for your courtesy. I hope, and have reasonable expectations now, that Missouri will soon wheel into line into her Southern sisters, in which case I and my men will be needed here at home. I believe that this portion of Missouri (north of the Missouri River) will be the principal battle-ground between the North and South, as Saint Joseph, with its railroad connections, is the key to Kansas, New Mexico, Jefferson, [?] and Utah, and we have already been notified that the North has determined to hold this portion of the State, even through they lose all the rest of the slavesholding States, and they will either cover it over with dollars or blood, and the choice is for us to make. I have eight companies here in a camp of instruction, by order of our governor, and can assure you that they are all Blue Cockade boys, and if our leaders are disposed to sell this territory for money, our blood will remain at your service.

                    Yours, most respectfully,

                    M. JEFF. THOMPSON,

                    Colonel, Inspector of Fourth Military District."
                    Alan Thrower
                    Member of The Company of Miltary Historians


                    • #11
                      Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                      Originally posted by csabugler View Post
                      Great pic, I have it in a book on the civilian "border war'
                      Please let's don't confuse Ole George with a confederate soldier, tho.
                      Well in my mostly non humble opinion he and those like him are just as good as anybody else, people may disaprove, people may be more inclined to different paths if I were in their place....???? Im glad I never had to walk there but if I did...4 pistols make tha walk easier
                      Gary Mitchell
                      2nd Va. Cavalry Co. C
                      Stuart's horse artillery


                      • #12
                        Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                        I don't believe I made any references to his quality, only to the fact that he was not a confederate soldier. I have often said in the past that a border ruffian impresssion would be cool to do, the Critters would be perfect for it. But we'd have to travel a long way for it to be appropriate.
                        Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

                        Patrick Peterson
                        Old wore out Bugler


                        • #13
                          Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                          You know a good place to do the "border ruffian" impression is going to be Marmaduke's Raid next September. Just something to think about.....:D
                          [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"]Cody G. Farrell[/SIZE][/FONT]
                          [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]UpStart Mess[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT] - [URL=""][/URL]
                          [FONT="Georgia"][B][I][U][SIZE="3"]Texas Ground Hornets[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/FONT] - [URL=""][/URL]
                          [I][SIZE="3"][B][U][FONT="Georgia"]Texas State Troops[/FONT][/U][/B][/SIZE][/I] - [URL=""][/URL]


                          • #14
                            Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                            I myself living in the great state of Missoura have often thought upon doing a Border War impression many a time. But not being a horseman myself is quite the limitation.
                            As to the cockade I have been searching for info on it for some 6 months now and have not found any refrences to the exact design of it unfortuanly.
                            Travis Franklin
                            "Patrick Fhailen"

                            The Missoura Shirkers
                            4th Mo. Inf.

                            "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states." Charles Dickens, 1862


                            • #15
                              Re: Missouri Secession Cockade

                              Originally posted by Dan Hadley View Post
                              Another thing that's always puzzled me is the apparent lack of an outer leg seam on his pants, as evidenced on the crossed leg. Unless the seam is way torqued around, but even then you should be able to see it up by his hip. Hmm. Love that coffin-handled bowie, too.Dan Hadley
                              I know that it has been years (about 8) since I was last at the Arabia Museum, but if memory serves me I think there is an example of a pair of trousers that rely on a tubular leg. They only had a seam on the inseam. It was apart of the collection not on display. Of course, this would have been 1999 or 2000, so my mind could be playing tricks on me. I will have to see if I can find my old photos from the trip. What ever did we do before digital photography?!

                              Could the tassle be the end of a sash? It looks as if his knife is resting in something.
                              Last edited by jhuether; 11-18-2007, 02:16 PM. Reason: Forgot about the tassle!
                              [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Jason Huether[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
                              Lazy Skinner's Society

                              [I]If the Republic goes down in blood and ruin, let its obituary be written thus: "Died of West Point."[/I]
                              Brig Gen James A Garfield, 1862

