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Places to visit in Chicago?

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  • Places to visit in Chicago?

    Hello ,
    I am going to be in Chicago over the Thanksgiving weekend with my wife. Are there any good Museums to visit while we are there? I want to see C.W. related things. I have been to Camp Douglas/Oaklawn Cem.

    Jerry Ross
    Withdraw to Fort Donelson Feb 2012

    Just a sinner trying to change

    Hog Driver
    Lead ,Follow or Get out of the way !

  • #2
    Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

    The Chicago Historical Society has a pretty good exhibit to see. Riley Ewen knows the Evanston Historical Society better than anyone I know, so he'd be able to tell you more about that. His username is Theeknapsack
    Mark Krausz
    William L. Campbell
    Prodigal Sons Mess of Co. B 36th IL Inf.
    Old Northwest Volunteers
    Agents Campbell and Pelican's Military Goods


    • #3
      Re: Places to visit in Chicago?


      While not Civil War, the Museum of Science and Industry has a few things you won't find anywhere else.
      [B]Charles Heath[/B]

      [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

      [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

      [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

      [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

      [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

      [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


      • #4
        Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

        Originally posted by Charles Heath View Post

        While not Civil War, the Museum of Science and Industry has a few things you won't find anywhere else.
        Don't forget to look up or you'll miss the Stuka and Spitfire hanging from the ceiling.

        Field Museum has the Lions of Tsavo; anyone remember The Ghosts and the Darkness?
        Mark Krausz
        William L. Campbell
        Prodigal Sons Mess of Co. B 36th IL Inf.
        Old Northwest Volunteers
        Agents Campbell and Pelican's Military Goods


        • #5
          Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

          Originally posted by Jerry Ross View Post
          Hello ,
          I am going to be in Chicago over the Thanksgiving weekend with my wife. Are there any good Museums to visit while we are there? I want to see C.W. related things. I have been to Camp Douglas/Oaklawn Cem.

          some places closed over the weekend....... but the Lincoln Library on the 4th Floor of the Fine Arts Building (S. Michigan Avenue) is excellent....also the Chicago Historical Society Museum up on the north side is superb.....always call ahead.

          If you get out to Wheaton/Glen Ellyn/NaperPIT area give me a shout and I'll buy you all a hot toddy: 630 561 3249.
          RJ Samp
          (Mr. Robert James Samp, Junior)
          Bugle, Bugle, Bugle


          • #6
            Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

            Originally posted by Charles Heath View Post

            While not Civil War, the Museum of Science and Industry has a few things you won't find anywhere else.
            Also not Civil War, but I think the German U-Baot all refurbished recently is at the Science Museum. If I ever get to Chicago it is one of my planned stops.
            Marc Riddell
            1st Minnesota Co D
            2nd USSS Company C
            Potomac Legion


            • #7
              Re: Places to visit in Chicago?


              For future reference. They are dediciating a midwest civil war Muesuem this spring in Kenosha Wisc, which is not far from Chi- town. If you make other trips it looks to be a good mueseum with some input from local living historians.

              Rod Miller
              [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
              [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
              [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

              [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
              A. Lincoln[/FONT]

              150th Anniversary
              1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
              1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
              1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
              1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
              Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
              1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
              Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


              • #8
                Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

                I believe Loyola University has a great religious art museum.That might be a place to check out.
                Cullen Smith
                South Union Guard

                "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

                "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


                • #9
                  Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

                  Pritzker Military Library. You may be sorry you went as you'd probably wouldn't want to leave.
                  GaryYee o' the Land o' Rice a Roni & Cable Cars
                  High Private in The Company of Military Historians


                  • #10
                    Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

                    Thanks for all the replies. I will give all of this a look through and call before going. Some the off topic ones sound neat, the Lions of Tsavo,U-boat, There is even a T Rex to look at and according to some sources there were people who were starting to piece together some dinosaurs in the 1850's in England.

                    Thanks again
                    Jerry Ross
                    Withdraw to Fort Donelson Feb 2012

                    Just a sinner trying to change

                    Hog Driver
                    Lead ,Follow or Get out of the way !


                    • #11
                      Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

                      Hey fellas ,
                      Thanks for the heads up on places to visit .I did not see much in the way C.W. items.

                      The Field Museum was awesome with way too much to see in one day.Great place to see Indian clothing and artifacts. The taxidermy animals and dinosaurs were everywhere.

                      The Chicago History Museum only had a handful of items about Lincoln. There was not even one gun, uniform or kepi to be found there. The timeline on the wall did not even mention the Civil War.

                      The Science and Industry Museum had many neat things. The best was the WWII items to include air planes and the Greman U-boat! That was well worth the look.

                      I did not make it to the Historical Society Museum. Hopefully next time .

                      Other than a let down at the history museum I plan on going back. My wife loved the shopping and the plays .
                      Jerry Ross
                      Withdraw to Fort Donelson Feb 2012

                      Just a sinner trying to change

                      Hog Driver
                      Lead ,Follow or Get out of the way !


                      • #12
                        Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

                        Sorry I missed this thread until today. I'm a little behind on my computer time. The Chicago Historical Society is the Chicago History Museum.
                        The Civil War part of the Museum is kind of hard to find but if you had found it you would have found a cell door from Libby Prison, the table the Surrender at Appomattox was signed on, the table the Emancipation Proclamation was signed on, and Lincoln's deathbed, not to mention several other interesting items (an original Sack Coat which I believe was reproduced by Sack Coats Unlimited for some time, several rifles, an original howitzer). As far as the Lincoln items go I believe some of them have been moved to the Lincoln Museum in Springfield. That may very well be the new location of the hats they had, their copy of the Gettysburg address, Lincoln's House Divided Speech, etc. although I do not remember seeing any of those items when I visited the Museum last April (the Lincoln Museum was more like a theme park to me). I have only been to the CHM recently to do research on the 89th Illinois Infantry, so I did not visit the Civil War room, so I can't say whether or not it is closed down for renovation or preservation at the moment, although I can make a call if you would like me to.
                        I am, Yr. Ob't Servant,
                        Riley Ewen

                        VMI CLASS OF 2012
                        Hard Head Mess
                        Prodigal Sons Mess, Co. B 36th Illinois Infantry
                        Old Northwest Volunteers


                        • #13
                          Re: Places to visit in Chicago?

                          I thought I had looked the place over real hard .I found several empty rooms.I asked if there were any C.W. exhibits and they said that was it. My wife even mentioned the table but we did not see it(she doesn't even much care about this stuff). We saw some modern art exhibit,train,a slammed low rider Monte Carlo.

                          Oh well I plan to go back when the taste of Chicago happens. Do you know when that happens ?

                          Jerry Ross
                          Withdraw to Fort Donelson Feb 2012

                          Just a sinner trying to change

                          Hog Driver
                          Lead ,Follow or Get out of the way !

