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New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

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  • #16
    Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

    Originally posted by BrianHicks View Post
    Respectfully... the care of the men is always a priority, especially when the NCO's of lesser rank, or other leaders of a unit have somehow neglected to insure that the men have had the chance to fill their canteens when the situation is quickly developing to the point that the opportunity to top off will soon not be viable, and the activity level is going to quickly escalate for what could potentially be an unknown period of time; after which many of the men, who were already fatigued and at the end of the event, faced long drives of several hours. The cumulative effects of exhaustion and dehydration can be deadly in such situations. (This I know all to personally... I had a student at the Scout/Sniper School... a SSgt... who failed to stay hydrated, and attempted the three mile drive to his barracks at the end of field week. He perished in a single vehicle wreck. Now... no one desires for such a tragedy to happen at the end of a reenactment event... do they?)

    If the Sergeant Major (Me that is) was in error for laboring 'over whether or not an officer "watered" his men'... then I'll take the hit on this one. But in my military experienced mind and heart... I know that it was the right action to take.

    Let us never forget that the welfare of the men is the greatest responsibility we as leaders must carry. (Mission accomplishment can not be achieved if the men can not perform their duties).

    As the Senior Enlisted Man in the unit, the Sergeant Major must always keep the welfare of his fellow enlisted men in the forefront of his mind.

    I have no doubt that Kiev knows this, and will exemplify it in all aspects of his performance as Sergeant Major for the WIG.
    Don't think for a second that the way WE as the WIG take care of men in the field will change at all.

    I will handel things such as water and rest or whatever through the Sgts.I understand my roll and I know what the regs say that a Sgt Major should do.We will however always put the men of the battalion first.
    Kiev Thomason
    a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
    Armory Guards
    Forest Park Lodge #399
    Forest Park GA.


    • #17
      Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

      Congratulations Kiev, my friend. Brian has passed the baton to the right man. Now, get back to your sewing. ;)
      Former AC Owner


      • #18
        Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

        Way to go Kiev, three cheers! I look forward to seeing you with those extra stripes. BTW, I'm still working out the details of what we were discussing last week.
        Robert Collett
        8th FL / 13th IN
        Armory Guards


        • #19
          Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

          "Hmmm.... he... uh... makes sure young Officers allow their men the opportunity to top off their canteens before it's too late? "

          He also makes sure his young officers can keep up with the canteens!!

          Good Luck Kiev.


          • #20
            Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

            From Kautz:


            541. THE sergeant major is the ranking non-commissioned officer of the regiment: he is appointed by the regimental commander. Each regiment in service is entitled to one sergeant major, and the nine new regiments of infantry are allowed one to each battalion. His pay is twenty-six dollars per month, an allowance of clothing, and one ration.

            542. The sergeant major assists the adjutant in the performance of his duties; he makes the de-tails for guard, fatigue, &c. under his direction parades them, verifies the number required from each company, and sees that they are properly equipped for the duty for which they have been detailed.

            543. He superintends the clerk, and assists him in making out the various returns, rolls, and reports required, and in keeping the books and records of the regiment.

            544. He keeps the roster of the sergeants and corporals and of the various details for guard, fatigue, detachments, &c., and is responsible that these duties are equally required from the various companies.

            545. He generally keeps the time at head-quarters, and sees that the musician detailed for the purpose at head-quarters sounds the calls at the proper time.

            546. At orderly call, he returns the morning report books to the first sergeants, gives them the orders for the day, and furnishes them with the details required from their respective companies for the morrow. The orders, to be copied in the company order-book, are also furnished them.

            547. In the absence of a drum-major or principal musician, the musicians of the companies are controlled and directed by him, and he attends to their instruction. He sees that they attend practice, and that they do not absent themselves without authority.

            548. He keeps their roster for the various duties of orderly, guard, fatigue, &c. Should there be a regimental band and no authorized leader or drum-major, he performs a similar duty as in the case of company musicians.

            549. The sergeant major attends at guard-mounting, taking post in front and on the right of the line on which the guard is to form, facing to the left. As each first sergeant marches his detail upon the line, and having brought it "to rear open order," and "right dress," he receives the report from the first sergeants, "all present," or, so many sergeants, corporals, or privates "absent." He then verifies the reports of the first sergeants, after which the sergeant major brings his sword to a "present," and reports, "Sir, the guard is formed, all present," or, so many sergeants, corporals, and privates "absent." The adjutant then gives the command "front," and the sergeant major takes post two paces on the left of the guard, and the guard, mounting, then proceeds as prescribed in Regulations.

            550. At dress-parade, the sergeant major posts the left guide or marker, and, after all the companies have formed, he takes his post two paces on the extreme left of the regiment. When the guard or regiment marches in review, the sergeant marches on the left of the guard or rear platoon, two paces, or on the left of the rear company or platoon.

            551. The sergeant major should be a model soldier for the rest of the regiment in his dress and military deportment. His example and punctual requirements of duty go far towards influencing a proper discipline in the regiment. If a due regard for the merits of the non-commissioned officers of the regiment is maintained, he will be the first to succeed to a commission in the regiment.

            The responsibility of the details is directly related to the officer or non commissioned officer in charge of said detail, and the failure of whatever detail of a certain company is ultimately reflecting on the commander of said company.

            Sgt Major Hicks and I have had memorable squabbles both on and off the field, but no one on this forum comes close to him in the modern or period knowledge and practice of a PROFESSIONAL Non commissioned officer. It has without a doubt been an extreme pleasure to work with (and sometimes against) my good friend, and BROTHER (lest some forget). Looking forward to seeing you in the ranks or in the line of file closers doing as you wish.

            Kiev will no doubt do a wonderful job, as his leadership has helped form one of the newest organizations in the authentic movement. I've worked with Kiev and under his command and I see nothing but continued positive and progressive movement. Shoes of a passing commander or any other position are never filled nor should they be. Rather a new path is forged and new ways learned. Constant movement, learning and improvement is what makes this side of the hobby different from the rest. Never set out to follow in the footsteps of the one that came before you, but set out and lead on a path you as a capable leader will forge.
            Patrick Landrum
            Independent Rifles


            • #21
              Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

              Good luck Kiev, don't be to hard on those Jr. NCOs.
              [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]Howard Davis[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]


              • #22
                Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

                Hey Kiev, secure mounts for the officers and I cab find you a mounted bugler...
                Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

                Patrick Peterson
                Old wore out Bugler


                • #23
                  Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

                  Congrats Kiev!! :D
                  Carrie Craddock


                  • #24
                    Re: New Sergeant Major For The Wig!

                    1. Take care of your soldiers.
                    2. Be ready to go to war.
                    3. Do what you think is right.

                    Major General Mock
                    Commander 377th RSC

                    Go out and do good- me

