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Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

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  • #76
    Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

    Originally posted by Terry Sorchy View Post
    All I know is when I was in Jr. High I had the biggest crush on the woman that played Madeline in North and South. Cant really remember much of the movie though just her madelines
    Terry Sorchy
    Terry for your viewing pleasure: Her name is Lesley-Anne Down, also in "Days of our Lives" and Bold and the Beautiful. :D
    Last edited by Csayankee; 01-21-2008, 01:52 PM.
    Daniel MacInnis
    Adair Guards
    Commonwealth Grays
    [URL=""]Western Federal Blues[/URL]


    • #77
      Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

      The problem with so many of these films is that like all historically based projects they become part of some agenda, or in the very least the storytelling arcs call for unfortunate jabs at history and truth. I can't imagine there's a couple of execs at Warner Brothers sitting around one afternoon yelling "Hey Sal, let's make that Wilson's Creek epic we always wanted to do!".

      Some films turn out to be flawed, decent works (Ride with the Devil among them) and some are just exercises in politically correct plot lines.

      However, I have long wondered why someone has not produced Sam Watkins story as a film or tv project, it seems almost like an obvious choice.
      Samuel K. Dolan
      1st Texas Infantry


      • #78
        Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

        Originally posted by guad42 View Post
        Some films turn out to be flawed, decent works (Ride with the Devil among them) and some are just exercises in politically correct plot lines.
        Even more disturbing are the movies that make overt references to modern day political events and feelings toward the military.
        Matthew S. Laird
        [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rogers Lodge #460 F&AM

        Cane Hill College Mess, Company H, McRae's Arkansas Infantry
        Auxiliary, New Madrid Guards Mess
        [I]"An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry. "[/I] Thomas Jefferson



        • #79
          Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

          Anyone remember the 1980 movie : ' The Long Riders' I

          believe it covers the same era as Ride with the Devil. I dont believe I've see the 'Long

          Riders' since 1980,so I cant recall it's relative merits. I did like it though.

          Several sets of acting brothers played in the flick. the Keaches,Carridines,Quaids,and the Guests. Playing James,Youngers,Fords.

          Herr Phil: It is an AC Forum requirement that you sign your posts. To make that easier, please consider using the "Auto Signature" feature.

          Curt Schmidt
          Last edited by Curt Schmidt; 01-04-2008, 03:47 PM.
          Phil Oliver


          • #80
            Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

            Whats really sad is that all the stuff the Hollywood "Crap Factory" turns out from time to time makes a film like "Ride with the Devil" seem not so bad by comparison. It was ok for what it was but it had all the authenticity of a polyester sack coat or should I say Jim Caviezel's leather Kepi.
            Robert Clanton

            “Given that the vast majority of Americans have never heard a shot fired in anger, the imaginative presentation of military history is vital, lest rising generations have no sense of the sacrifices of which they are beneficiaries.”

            George Will


            • #81
              Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

              Originally posted by guad42 View Post
              Some films turn out to be flawed, decent works (Ride with the Devil among them) and some are just exercises in politically correct plot lines.
              I'm missing something here, I guess. 1. A black man fighting for the South, and 2. The South being portrayed as anything other than toothless, bloodthirsty hillbillies.

              Tell me how that's P.C.

              Also, I've got to go throw it in the ol' DVD player right now. I never noticed Caviezel's leather cap, and now I have to see it for myself. That guy's from my birthplace; I've got my street cred to consider here.

              Joe Marti

              ...and yes, I did use the search function...


              • #82
                Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...


                "The Long Riders" is about the post War James'/Youngers gang.

                Cringing before the Louis Amour book movies with Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott are mentioned Mess
                Curt Schmidt
                In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                -Vastly Ignorant
                -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                • #83
                  Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                  Curt, haven't seen "long Riders" in a lot of years, seem to recall it is pretty good. watched 'cold Mountain" again in parts the other night. That is a hat makers nightmare to say the least!!!
                  Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

                  Patrick Peterson
                  Old wore out Bugler


                  • #84
                    Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                    I it is Glory who continues to make me most vibrate... :wink_smil
                    William Miconnet
                    French Mess
                    BGR & IPW Survivor
                    Never ever give up!
                    In memory of Steve Boulton, live the little story, lost in the history...
                    I believe!


                    • #85
                      Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                      Originally posted by mtvernon View Post
                      I'm missing something here, I guess. 1. A black man fighting for the South, and 2. The South being portrayed as anything other than toothless, bloodthirsty hillbillies.

                      Tell me how that's P.C.

                      Also, I've got to go throw it in the ol' DVD player right now. I never noticed Caviezel's leather cap, and now I have to see it for myself. That guy's from my birthplace; I've got my street cred to consider here.

                      Well, I wasn't really saying the RWD is PC, in fact I believe it is wonderfully, non-PC - I meant flawed (such as Caviezel's cap - strange monolog delivery by Quantrill etc) My comment of PC stuff more or less applied to other pictures.

                      Since Cold Mountain (horribly flawed) has there really been any big budget treatment of the CW?

                      -Sam Dolan
                      Samuel K. Dolan
                      1st Texas Infantry


                      • #86
                        Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                        Having worked in a few films, I would like to comment on Ride With the Devil. Ang Lee made historic accuracy a prime objective, from locations, to wardrobe, to accents. There are a few fluffs, but the talent and crew he had working with him were the best of the best, IMHO. It's virtually impossible to create a "perfect" historic film, because of the overwhelming detail involved. Creating, dressing, and then burning the set representing Lawrence, KS seemed unfathomable at first. Even with the huge budgets, it still seems impossible that so many sets and locations can be created in such a short time, and with any degree of accuracy.

                        Anywho, it's great to see the passion that many of you express in making your choices. I would have to go with "Ride With the Devil" and "Glory" as my favorites so far, but all of the major productions of the past 12 years have had some merit to them.

                        Happy New Year, fellas, and keep yourselves warm and dry.
                        James H. Marks
                        2nd California Cavalry, Co. F


                        • #87
                          Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                          Originally posted by guad42 View Post
                          Well, I wasn't really saying the RWD is PC, in fact I believe it is wonderfully, non-PC - I meant flawed (such as Caviezel's cap - strange monolog delivery by Quantrill etc)\
                          The strange monologue delivery by Quantrill is something I think is great and memorable, but having just skipped through it a few minutes ago, I at first was at a loss as to how Caviezel's cap could be thought of as leather. I had to wait 'three hats in' to the movie to see the gray, suede, sub-sutler's row cap.

                          I've seen that movie probably 6-8 times and never noticed that. Ahh, ignorance is bliss...

                          However, those exceptions aside, I still stand by the movie as a CW film and as a film period. I was a fan of the movie long before I even flirted with reenacting.


                          Nubbin-fingered Joe Marti
                          Joe Marti

                          ...and yes, I did use the search function...


                          • #88
                            Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                            Originally posted by mtvernon View Post
                            The strange monologue delivery by Quantrill is something I think is great and memorable, but having just skipped through it a few minutes ago, I at first was at a loss as to how Caviezel's cap could be thought of as leather. I had to wait 'three hats in' to the movie to see the gray, suede, sub-sutler's row cap.

                            I've seen that movie probably 6-8 times and never noticed that. Ahh, ignorance is bliss...

                            However, those exceptions aside, I still stand by the movie as a CW film and as a film period. I was a fan of the movie long before I even flirted with reenacting.


                            Nubbin-fingered Joe Marti
                            It is a very good movie, and frankly I sometimes wonder why it did not get more attention 9 or ten years ago when it was first released. Though it was such a complicated story, and not at all PC, it was still a balanced portrayal of its characters and was beautifully shot.

                            Sam Dolan
                            Samuel K. Dolan
                            1st Texas Infantry


                            • #89
                              Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                              Ahh, ignorance is bliss...

                              Amen brother aint it so.
                              Robert Clanton

                              “Given that the vast majority of Americans have never heard a shot fired in anger, the imaginative presentation of military history is vital, lest rising generations have no sense of the sacrifices of which they are beneficiaries.”

                              George Will


                              • #90
                                Re: Best Civil War films (or rather, the lack thereof)...

                                Has anyone seen "Ambrose Bierce: Stories of the Civil War"? I got it on DVD in Nov and its three different films from Bierces post war short stories. FYI, Bierce was a Union veteran. The films were made by different people, so the quality and authenticity vary, but it's on whole a good film. Probably the best is "Occurrance at Owl Creek Bridge". Scott Buffington has a role.

                                Kent Dorr - Ohio
                                "Devils Own Mess"

