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ONV Schedule for 2008

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  • ONV Schedule for 2008

    "The following events were voted onto the 2008 ONV schedule at the meeting held on Dec. 8, 2007. Members in attendance, 33.

    *Boonesfield, Missouri, April 25-27 2008. Militia impression in a historic town. Civilian impressions, with the ability to use historic buildings and join the town militia as it forms. Other groups will be participating in this event. Terry Sorchy is POC.

    *Pickett’s Mill, Georgia, May 30-June 1, 2008. 29th Ohio impression in battlefield state park. Steve Acker is helping organize federal forces for this event. Acker is POC.

    *Kennesaw Mountain Living History, Georgia, Jun 21-22, 2008. 11th Iowa impression at NPS site. The event has a 45 participant cap. Harrison Holloway is POC.

    *Kenosha Living History, Wisconsin, July 12-13, 2008. Park City Grays militia impression. Living history to support Kenosha Public Museum. 3rd year of this event. There is also a civilian contingent at this event. Andy Ackeret is POC, Dave Gerow is officer.

    *Antietam Living History, Maryland, August 16-17, 2008. 6th Wisconsin impression. Living history at NPS site. Focusing on the Iron Brigade.
    The Stonewall Brigade will also be there providing a Confederate perspective. Steve Acker is POC.

    *Marmaduke’s Raid, Missouri, September 26-28, 2008. 32nd Iowa impression. Immersion event featuring building earthworks, patrolling, picket duty, dealing with enemy cavalry and guerillas. Holloway is Officer. Holloway/Sorchy is POC. "

    After the meeting we had a chance to inspect a number or original artifiacts including: issue shirt, shelter half, confederate drawers and cartidge box, cartridge boxes, haversacks with salt and pepper filled pokes, flags, a 2nd Wisconsin dress hat, and much more. A thank you goes out to Bill Brewster for helping us learn more about the material cultuure of the Civil War.

    See ya all in 2008,
    Steve Acker