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  • marching


    I was wondering if there are events that are geared towards marching long distances, literally all day with the hourly ten minute coffee break. In my mind this is the most important part of soldiering in all time periods. I'm serious here, no senarios, no powder-burning, and definitly no "I do this to educate the public BS" (do we really spend major $$$ on our kits to educate some idiot who doesnt care) I've done one preservation march and it was my favorite event ever (Cross keys-Port Republic). I'm talking like in Forrest Gump "I just felt like running" all weekend kind of marching. Let me know your thoughts.

    Benjamin McGee

  • #2
    Re: marching

    BGR and Into the Piney Woods...BGR has past. Into the Piney Woods is in the event folder. Both put on by the Texas Ground Hornets and both in Louisianna.However instead of only a weekend it is geared for a week of marching. I hope that is not too much...:D
    Mitchell L Critel
    Wide Awake Groupie
    Texas Ground Hornets


    • #3
      Re: marching

      Dear Sir ,
      In the Chicago , Illinois area there is an annual event in March called "Miller's March " . It is coordinated by Mike Miller of the 154th Tennessee Infantry Regt and Confederates and Federals march along the I&M Canal for four miles, have lunch and march back. No politics , no caps or powder , no causes, no contributions , no agendas, no scenario busting , just marching, singing, drum beats , cadence , conversation , stacking arms and biling coffee . Some years the weather is mild and beautiful other years it snows or rains and is cold . To celebrate the tenth year of the event we marched ten miles but that was a tad much for most . It is not a popular event among the hundreds of area reenactors because it involves...well , ... marching. Those of us who particpate , do enjoy the soldierly experience.
      all for the old flag ,
      David Corbett
      Dave Corbett


      • #4
        Re: marching

        I find that there are only two things in this hobby that we can undoubtedly recreate to the T. That is drill and marching down the road. We can get close on other's, but the fact is that they are the only things that are strictly laid out for us in period manuals and regulations.

        Ryan McIntyre
        124th New York State Volunteers
        Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

        "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
        Joseph H. Johnston
        March 16th 1863
        Camp Convalescent

        "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
        Henry M Howell
        March 8 1863
        In camp Near Falmouth


        • #5
          Re: marching

          I find that there are only two things in this hobby that we can undoubtedly recreate to the T. That is drill and marching down the road. We can get close on other's, but the fact is that they are the only things that are strictly laid out for us in period manuals and regulations.

          Ryan McIntyre, Cpl.
          124th New York State Volunteers
          & The Squatting Bullfrog Mess

          You are so correct. Back in 2003 John Cleveland had the Port Gibson March. After the second mile..and many you remember the first hill, many never made it to Widsor Ruins. We raised alot of money, probably the most to date...but with regret, I don't see this type of event anytime soon. Folks would have to focus on getting into shape.


          • #6
            Re: marching

            I would attend a event such as this. A good size colum of troops on a road march would look awsome , and a good way to illustrate how important that slow marching candence is.
            Taylor McCullen

            51st NC Co.K


            • #7
              Re: marching

              I'd like to see something like this out West here or in AZ based on Gen. Carelton's California Column. I know my Bro. Don and the rest of the pards in the 1st. CA dream and work towards that too.
              Tom Smith, 2nd Lt. T.E.
              Nobel Grand Humbug, Al XXI,
              Chapt. 1.5 De la Guerra y Pacheco
              Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
              Topographer for: TAG '03, BGR, Spring Hill, Marmeduke's Raid, & ITPW


              • #8
                Re: marching

                Originally posted by benjaminmcgee View Post
                I was wondering if there are events that are geared towards marching long distances, literally all day with the hourly ten minute coffee break. In my mind this is the most important part of soldiering in all time periods.

                You need to get yourself to some "better events". Start reading this forum's event's folders and then go to some of the events in them.

                Check out John Tobey's article, "A Pilgrimage of Flies: Federal Soldiers on the March" in the research articles folder on this forum.

                And while life on the march is to be explored by reenactors, it's hardly "the most important aspect"; I don't know that there is ANY "most important aspect" because many, many aspects of soldiering should be equally important to a reenactor who's interested in accurate portrayals.


                • #9
                  Re: marching

                  Doug Dobbs is putting on the following event this June.

                  145th Anniversary of the March of Sixth Corps To Gettysburg.

                  The Web page is not updated but here is the link.

                  120 miles total From Fairfax Va to Gettysburg.

                  I'm going to do two days since that's all I will be able to get off work. :cry_smile
                  Last edited by hendrickms24; 12-18-2007, 01:28 PM. Reason: wrong info
                  [FONT=Courier New]Mark Maranto[/FONT]


                  • #10
                    Re: marching

                    I found the date!

                    The date for the Sixth Corps March June 25-July 2, 2008.
                    [FONT=Courier New]Mark Maranto[/FONT]


                    • #11
                      Re: marching

                      The HardCase Boys conducted a March along the Telegraph Road between Forts Donelson and Henry this past January (?) and from what I understand, plan on doing the same again this next year. Nothing but a unit on the march. No powder burning, nothing but two days marching. Tim Arnold is the fellow to contact.

                      BGR this past March provided an event of extended duration (Step off pre-dawn Thursday Morning, and end mid-morning Sunday) which provided each day with long marches in rough terrain. Granted... this was an historic scenario with limited chance engagements between opposing forces. "Into the Piney Woods' in 2009 will provide the same type of scenario and duration.
                      Brian Hicks
                      Widows' Sons Mess

                      Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

                      "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

                      “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


                      • #12
                        Re: marching


                        I think the HCB boys are referring to it as "A Day on the March".
                        John Spain
                        4th Tennessee / 25th Indiana

                        "If you surrender, you will be treated as prisoners of war, but if I have to storm your works, you may expect no quarter." Forrest

