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For Those Of You "over-there"

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  • For Those Of You "over-there"

    Yesterday I watched my Brother and Nephew (who turned 20 years old in Iraq) get back on a plane to go back "over-there" from thier mid-tour leave.

    On that note...I wish all of you the best Holiday Season you can have, but most I pray for you a "SILENT NIGHT".

    -Pray for Peace
    Last edited by Dale Beasley; 12-21-2007, 11:12 AM. Reason: GO ARMY!!!

  • #2
    Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

    I spent Christmas 2006 in a hootch in Ramadi freezing my toes off in my sleeping bag on my cot. It was the worst Christmas I have ever experienced because my wife and I were not together for the holiday. At least I had my Army Family...

    This week, I sent a package to my veternarian's son that is at FOB Warrior for Christmas (1LT Micah Dolort-Silver). I sent him a helluva care package of stuff I wished I had last year downrange. If you who read this know him, please tell him Merry Christmas from me.

    Merry Christmas to ya'll "over there" wherever you are and keep yourself safe! Don't let haji get you down...
    Johnny Lloyd
    John "Johnny" Lloyd
    Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
    Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

    "Without history, there can be no research standards.
    Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
    Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
    Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

    Proud descendant of...


    • #3
      Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

      Yeah, my son and daughter-in-law got to come home in late October, 1st LT Shawn Comer and 1st LT Tracy Comer - FOB Hammer, 3rd ID. It was tough seeing them go back too, and it's tough not having them here for Christmas. But I'm sure it's tougher for them.We'll be having Christmas with the rest of the family but there will be plenty of thoughts about them and they will be missed. We sent a box of goodies and are going to celebrate with the bigger presents etc. when they come home - hopefully by June.

      Hopefully we'll all take a moment or two to think of all our people that are serving away from home all over the world at Christmas time.
      Michael Comer
      one of the moderator guys


      • #4
        Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

        I also wish to offer both the men and women serving in the armed forces, as well as their families left back at home, a Safe and Happy holidays.

        Thank you all for your commitment and sacrifices for us all.
        Ron Mueller
        New Madrid Guards

        "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
        Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
        Abraham Lincoln


        • #5
          Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

          Could you share a list of that stuff you wanted? I have a package going out next month to a good friend of mine over there.
          Robert Carter
          69th NYSV, Co. A


          • #6
            Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

            Originally posted by JustRob View Post
            Could you share a list of that stuff you wanted? I have a package going out next month to a good friend of mine over there.
            List is here:

            Add to the list I put there:

            1) flashlights that don't use batteries (turn crank flashlight)- available at Target
            2)Mini tool kits- Target too
            3)Leatherman multi tools
            4)Long underwear that isn't made of synthetic materials (synthetics stick to the skin in IED attacks when they heat-up). It's bitter cold in most of Iraq now and raining like crazy.
            5) Rolls of duct-tape in Green or Olive Drab colors- very useful

            I put this stuff (flashlight, multi-tools, mini-tool kit) in my package downrange this week. Practical and small items that aren't bulky or heavy are the way to go as a rule.

            Hope this helps- Johnny
            Last edited by Johnny Lloyd; 12-21-2007, 05:03 PM.
            Johnny Lloyd
            John "Johnny" Lloyd
            Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
            Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

            "Without history, there can be no research standards.
            Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
            Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
            Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

            Proud descendant of...


            • #7
              Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

              Good Morning,

              I just wanted to bump this thread back to the top. I pray each of you had a “Silent Night”. Remember you are there for each other, so take care of yourselves, do what you think is right and come home.

              For those of you deployed, “SOUND-OFF”, let us know who you are.



              • #8
                Re: For Those Of You "over-there"


                I appreciate all the support and wish every one a happy holiday season.

                Chris Reed
                COP callahan
                Baghdad Iraq


                • #9
                  Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                  For those of you deployed, “SOUND-OFF”, let us know who you are.
                  Just sounding off from FOB Q-West, Iraq. Happy Holidays to all.
                  Craig Hyson
                  [SIZE="1"]OIF I, OIF 07-08[/SIZE]
                  Susquehanna Rifles


                  • #10
                    Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                    Originally posted by C. Hyson View Post
                    Just sounding off from FOB Q-West, Iraq. Happy Holidays to all.
                    HOOAGH to all you guys, SILENT NIGHT...

                    Glenn D. Beasley, Jr.
                    LTC, MS, USARMY
                    18th AIRBORNE CORP
                    OIF 2


                    • #11
                      Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                      Originally posted by C. Hyson View Post
                      Just sounding off from FOB Q-West, Iraq. Happy Holidays to all.
                      Via my Brother, who is with you I was...

                      HOOAGH, and Merry Christmas

                      Glenn D. Beasley, Jr
                      LTC, MS, USARMY


                      • #12
                        Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                        Merry Christmas to all of you "over there", you are in our thoughts! Thank you and stay safe!

                        Edward Parrott
                        Edward Anthony Parrott


                        • #13
                          Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                          Sounding off from FOB Marez in Mosul, Iraq.
                          Rick Biddle
                          Co. A 4th VA Stonewall Brigade
                          Co. A 15th TX Texas Ground Hornets

                          Minion of the Warlord

                          "War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over" - MG William T. Sherman


                          • #14
                            Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                            One of my good friends is finally back to Fort Lewis, and I am glad that he is safe and sound after his 2nd tour. Having spent a couple Christmas' in far away lands, I can relate. So to all the soldiers still deployed (Especially our brothers and sisters in the 2nd ID) Have a Very Merry Christmas, keep your heads down, and we pray that y'all come home safely.
                            Todd Morris

                            Proprietor, Morris & Company Historical Clothiers


                            Canton Lodge #60 F&AM Canton, Ohio

                            In Memorium: Pvt. Simon Morris, Co. G, 78th OVI Died: April 14, 1863 Jefferson Barracks, Missouri
                            Joseph Rezin Thompson, 1st W.Va. Light Artillery
                            Azville W. Lindsey, Co. G, 12th W.Va. Volunteer Infantry


                            • #15
                              Re: For Those Of You "over-there"

                              Thanks to all of you who are serving/ have served to protect our freedom!
                              Mark Taylor

