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Last word of the year.

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  • Last word of the year.

    What do you plan to accomplish in the next year? Make your last post of 2007 and tell me what 2008 will bring forth.

    I may have fewer events this year, but I would like to acquire an early war rifle and concentrate on my civilian impression.

    I also have some other research goals and I will be taking a lot of road trips across the country in search of documents and artifacts.

    Have a Happy 2008 everyone.
    Gregory Deese
    Carolina Rifles-Living History Association
    "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.

  • #2
    Re: Last word of the year.

    Well, Greg, I shall jump on here. Of course, you know most of my plans...but let the world hear them too!

    I will spend time in the archives and find unit specific research towards equipment.
    I will learn to sew and produce my own civilian clothing.
    I will become a 19th century civilian before I become a 19th century soldier.
    I will get Johnny Lloyd to actually go to the website he is supposed to go to.
    I will read and read. Then I will read some more. When I am done reading, I will read.
    I WISH to aquire a rifle. And maybe a set of accoutrements, too. (and return my loaners to their proper owner who probably thinks they are gone)

    This, of course, is only for my reenacting. A lot of other stuff comes first, family and work. Luckily, I only work ten days a month!!!
    [I][B]Brian T. McGarrahan[/B][/I]

    [URL=""]Tramp Brigade Mess[/URL]
    [URL=""]Southeast Coalition of Authentic Reenactors[/URL]
    [I][COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]GAME 07[/B][/COLOR][/I]

    [CENTER]"[B][SIZE="2"]I am just here to get my name in the program. Wildcats![/SIZE][/B]."[/CENTER]


    • #3
      Re: Last word of the year.

      I'm going to try to get better at everything I can- especially my woodworking but also my ability to do first person impressions and working the kinks out in my material goods. Thanks for asking!
      Chris R. Henderson

      Big'uns Mess/Black Hat Boys
      In Memory of Wm. Davis Couch, Phillips Legion Cav. from Hall Co. GEORGIA

      It's a trick, Gen. Sherman!...there's TWO of 'em! ~Lewis Grizzard

      "Learning to fish for your own information will take you a lot further than merely asking people to feed you the info you want." ~Troy Groves:D


      • #4
        Re: Last word of the year.

        My plan is to work with my unit on achieving full membership in the Potomac Legion where we have been granted Probationary Status. Besides the PL events we will host an LH at Spanglers as we do each year which will require some investment of time,Then I'm going to lose some weight(but didn't I say that last year?!?)
        Bud Scully 13th NJ Co.K Mess and 69th NY (N-SSA)


        • #5
          Re: Last word of the year.

          I'm not one for resolutions, but I just want to be able to look back December 31, 2008 on places I have been, things that I have learned, what I have shared, what I have given and new people I may have met. After these next 366 days, to think I have done my best though all that, personally, professionally and within the hobby to grow as an overall person and husband when I do reflect a year from now.

          May you and yours have a great 2008.

          Kindest Regards,
          [FONT="Georgia"][I]Marc Averill[/I]
          Dirigo Grays

          [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal." [/COLOR][/I]
          Lt. General James Longstreet


          • #6
            Re: Last word of the year.

            I'm going to strike a better balance between work, home and reenacting. Reenacting took a bit too much time this year.

            I'll focus on some good events. It will be tough to beat 2007, though, between Banks Grand Retreat, the Kentucky 1864 Trial & Chickamauga.
            Last edited by JustRob; 01-01-2008, 11:57 AM.
            Robert Carter
            69th NYSV, Co. A


            • #7
              Re: Last word of the year.

              Having stepped aside from being the SgtMaj for the WIG, I plan on stepping up to fill a Junior officers position at as many events, as those in senior Officer positions will invite me to do so at. In stepping up into an officers position, I will striving to improve my impressions at those junior officer ranks.... improving not just the material items of my impressions but in my knowledge of the responsibilities, drill and paper work associated with such rank.
              Brian Hicks
              Widows' Sons Mess

              Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

              "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

              “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


              • #8
                Re: Last word of the year.

                To attend more events! I made one all last year due to the inconvenient timing of the birth of my son, but it's all good, as they say. However, it's winter now and I am starving for the history, comradeship, and spirituality of a really good event. Spring can't come too soon.

                Oh, I also really want to concentrate on a top to bottom original rebuild of a '61 Springfield.
                Bob Muehleisen
                Furious Five
                Cin, O.


                • #9
                  Re: Last word of the year.

                  More 18th century, less 19th century.
                  More school programs.
                  Looking even more to the lower classes.
                  Restoring and reassembling a circa 1800 heart pine weaving loom.
                  Hemp sheeting.
                  Linsey-woolsey clothing.
                  And aiding with a corduroy road.
                  Terre Hood Biederman
                  Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                  Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                  ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                  • #10
                    Re: Last word of the year.


                    To continue to share, help when and where I can, spread my heresies, and otherwise crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

                    That Peace and Goodwill toward men, end World hunger, thing is so hard... :)

                    A Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours!

                    And for my wife, this night, a Harry Chapin moment:

                    I can see myself it's a golden sunrise
                    Young boy open up your eyes
                    It's supposed to be your day.
                    Now off you go horizon bound
                    And you won't stop until you've found
                    Your own kind of way.
                    And the wind will whip your tousled hair,
                    The sun, the rain, the sweet despair,
                    Great tales of love and strife.
                    And somewhere on your path to glory
                    You will write your story of a life.

                    And all the towns that you walk through
                    And all the people that you talk to
                    Sing you their songs.
                    And there are times you change your stride,
                    There are times you can't decide
                    Still you go on.
                    And then the young girls dance their gypsy tunes
                    And share the secrets of the moon
                    So soon you find a wife.
                    And though she sees your dreams go poorly
                    Still she joins your story of a life.

                    So you settle down and the children come
                    And you find a place that you come from.
                    Your wandering is done.
                    And all your dreams of open spaces
                    You find in your children's faces
                    One by one.
                    And all the trips you know you missed
                    And all the lips you never kissed
                    Cut through you like a knife.
                    And now you see stretched out before thee
                    Just another story of a life.

                    So what do you do now?
                    When she looks at you now?
                    You know those same old jokes all the jesters tell
                    You tell them to her now.
                    And all the same old songs all the minstrels sang
                    You sing 'em to her now.
                    But it don't matter anyhow
                    'Cause she knows by now.

                    So every chance you take don't mean a thing.
                    What variations can you bring
                    To this shopworn melody.
                    And every year goes by like a tollin' bell.
                    It's battered merchandise you sell.
                    Not well, she can see.
                    And though she's heard it all a thousand times
                    Couched in your attempted rhymes
                    She'll march to your drum and fife.
                    But the question echoes up before me
                    Where's my magic story of a life?

                    Now sometimes words can serve me well
                    Sometimes words can go to hell
                    For all that they do.
                    And for every dream that took me high
                    There's been a dream that's passed me by.
                    I know it's so true
                    And I can see it clear out to the end
                    And I'll whisper to her now again
                    Because she shared my life.
                    For more than all the ghosts of glory
                    She makes up the story,
                    She's the only story
                    Of my life.

                    Auld Lang Syne Mess
                    Curt Schmidt
                    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                    -Vastly Ignorant
                    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                    • #11
                      Re: Last word of the year.

                      Now that I'm back from Germany/Iraq... my resolution for 2008 is to get more involved with the hobby. After what amounted to a 4-year-hiatus for me from doing ANY events, it's good to see the authentic side has progressed so much in that timespan.

                      Oh, Brian... I'll go to the Tramps' website this year... no fear!

                      Happy New Year!!! ;) See you at W64 if all goes well.

                      -Johnny Lloyd
                      Johnny Lloyd
                      John "Johnny" Lloyd
                      Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                      Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                      "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                      Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                      Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                      Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                      Proud descendant of...


                      • #12
                        Re: Last word of the year.

                        As I sat with family and friends I contemplated my answer to this posting. I realized that for ten years I spent this holiday away from my family until I decided to return to college to complete my degree. I realized how much I treasure my family and friends and how much I missed while I was away. To all of those who are deployed, are stationed too far away from home to get back, and those in emergency services or work essential jobs that removes them from the presence of thier loved ones, I wish a Happy New Year.

                        I plan to work harder at learning proper drill, conducting research for the book I intend to write, and attending the events that I can so I too can share fond memories of events past around the watch fire.

                        Happy New Year to all of you here at the AC, may 2008 be blessed with joy and happiness for you all.
                        Matthew S. Laird
                        [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rogers Lodge #460 F&AM

                        Cane Hill College Mess, Company H, McRae's Arkansas Infantry
                        Auxiliary, New Madrid Guards Mess
                        [I]"An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry. "[/I] Thomas Jefferson



                        • #13
                          Re: Last word of the year.

                          It's 2008 here, but it's still 2007 out west, so I'm momentarially pretending I'm from the west. My main goal for this year is to continue to upgrade my impression. That's going to include everything from the uniform, which I'm in the process of getting together, and upgrading myself, namely loosing more weight this year. I intend to keep improving my impression, until I can look in the mirror and look at my gear, and be satisfied, at which point someone'll have a sale and I'll find more stuff I don't need :D
                          [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Black]Nicholas A. Keen
                          Cannoneer Battery B, 3rd Penna. Artillery
                          "When our boys went about the citizens they seemed surly and unaccomadating and showed no disposition to grant us any favors, for which I could not blame them because the soldiers I know to be a great nuisance"- Robert Patrick "Reluctant Rebel"
                          Harper's Weekly May 4 1861: "War they have invoked; war let them have; and God be the judge between us."

                          "There is nothing so exhilarating in life as to be shot at without effect."

                          - Winston Churchill



                          • #14
                            Re: Last word of the year.

                            Happy New Year, Shana Tova, Bonne Année, Feliz Ano Nuevo, Xin Nian Kuai le, Glückliches Neues Jahr, Akemashite omedetô, Aam Saiid, Feliz Ano Novo, etc. Etc. Etc...
                            For all
                            The Mcouioui family:D
                            Cécile, Noa, Sacha, William:wink_smil
                            William Miconnet
                            French Mess
                            BGR & IPW Survivor
                            Never ever give up!
                            In memory of Steve Boulton, live the little story, lost in the history...
                            I believe!


                            • #15
                              Re: Last word of the year.

                              Originally posted by JustRob View Post
                              I'm going to strike a better balance between work, home and reenacting. Reenacting took a bit too much time this year.

                              I'll focus on some good events. It will be tough to beat 2007, though, between Banks Grand Retreat, Kernstown & Chicamauga.
                              The eternal struggle that never gets easier Rob. It makes folks like you and I, from opposite ends of the country, really make our picks count! Family comes first, and it will cost me possibly the best event of 2008, but other great choices fill the gaps, thanks to all you good folks with the guts to put on good events.

                              Other than that, my main goal is to stay in first person for 365 I guess I better get off the computer
                              Soli Deo Gloria
                              Doug Cooper

                              "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                              Please support the CWT at

