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Essence of coffee recipe

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  • Essence of coffee recipe

    I am looking for a recipe for "essence of coffee."

    Matthew Sternad

  • #2
    Re: Essence of coffee recipe

    There's a good thread about it on here somewhere but I tried to search it and couldn't find it. So here goes.

    Place one half cup of instant coffee crystals in a cup and add a few drops of boiling water. Use as little as possible, but you want the coffee to break down some. Then empty one can or Borden's condensed milk into a pan or bowl heat on the stove or microwave until it is heated slighty, now mix the coffee paste into the warm condensed milk, auntil it makes a nice think almost fudgy paste. Thats one way to do it I'm sure there are others. I've discovered its more an art then a science to get it right so there is some play in the receipe. Good Luck!
    Robert Ambrose

    Park Ranger
    Fort Frederick State Park, Maryland
    5th Virginia Infantry Co. K


    • #3
      Re: Essence of coffee recipe

      There is an excellent research article at (the shoe company), just scroll down to instant coffee. They list period correspondance, regulations, and receipts.
      Ross L. Lamoreaux

      "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


      • #4
        Re: Essence of coffee recipe

        You can also find related info under this thread:

        Making Condensed Milk

        Eric J. Mink
        Co. A, 4th Va Inf
        Stonewall Brigade

        Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


        • #5
          Re: Essence of coffee recipe

          Thank you all,
          I shall give it a good old college try. Now does anyone know where I can get a printable label for the coffee?

          Matthew Sternad


          • #6
            Re: Essence of coffee recipe

            I was viewing the essence thread two days ago. Here's the link : I post it to thank a particular moderator on this forum for combining a zillion food related threads into one place to make in an effort to make things easier to find. The substantial downside is that you have to go through a hundred plus pages - not posts - to make sure you've gone through it all. It didn't make things easier.

            I nearly posted a snide response two days ago, but thought I'd give it a rest instead. Okay. I've rested. I've made my snide remark. Your turn, moderator.
            Silas Tackitt,
            one of the moderators.

            Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.

