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Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

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  • Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

    Say it ain't so, Joe!

  • #2
    Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

    That's a shame. My evolution from mainstream to progressive began as I prepared for "Fighting Withdrawal". I contacted Joe about a couple of articles I needed and he couldn't have been more helpful. He also made sure I had the items in time for the event. It's a sad day for the hobby when merchants such as he have to pull out. We all lose on this one. Good Luck Joe.
    David Parent

    The Cracker Mess
    MLK Mess
    Black Hat Boys

    Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"


    • #3
      Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

      Are they sure? This is what is says on the site:

      Our online store is currently closed for maintenance.
      Please visit us again soon.

      I say wait for an official announcement.
      David Fictum,
      Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
      recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


      • #4
        Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

        I tried e-mailing Joe to enquire about an order that I'd placed with him for a book, but the e-mail was bounced back saying 'User unknown'.

        I must hasten to make it absolutely clear that no money has been debited from my account in regard to this transaction, I was merely trying to get an update from Joe as to whether he currently had the item in stock.

        I hope that all is well with Joe, and if he has in fact ceased trading, then I'm very sorry indeed to hear it.
        Jim Smith, Volunteer Co., (UK)


        • #5
          Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!


          I've let both threads lay for several days, hoping that Joe would have time to make his own announcement--but he has more pressing personal matters to deal with right now. Thus, since Joe has notified those of us who sell through him, I'll take the liberty of confirming the closure of the Jersey Skillet Licker site.

          Joe Hofmann has been, and remains a good and dear friend of many of us--a fine vendor who enabled a number of unique goods to enter the market place. As one of Joe's small vendors, I'm very sorry to see him close his business

          As I'd told Joe a several days ago, I wish him great blessings and best wishes.

          When I came into this area of reenacting, I'd been making reproductions of 17th, 18th, and 19th century needlework items for more than 25 years, utilizing a variety of skills. Still, that long experience needed something more. Joe extended his skills in marketing, and lent his good name to vouch for my goods. He gave me an opportunity when I could not get a foot in the door outside of a small circle in the Deep South. For that, I am always in his debt, and grateful beyound words.

          I'll miss him--and besides, all the countermen at the local Post Office always had to see what what inside the box addressed to "that Skillet feller up Nawth". They'll miss him too.

          For a number of years, my signature line has said
          " Knitted goods available at
          That simple link enabled me to spend more time researching and making things and less time with websites, marketing, paypal, digital cameras, and all the other things that go into supplying this hobby with quality goods. I know I'm going to miss that link a lot.

          And I know you will too.
          Terre Hood Biederman
          Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

          Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

          ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


          • #6
            Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

            Sorry to hear about Joe shutting down. A first class guy in book and over the many years I have always been treated well by him.

            With being a modern day sutler of authentic goods I can see where it can be quite a hardship when you compare the hours worked and per hour net profit. If there was a big influx of new customers into the hobby I could see Joe and some others still in business. However, most of us over the years have purchased or made what we need and are not in the mareket for a new blouse or whatever.

            I wish Joe the best and I am sure will see him in the field.
            Marc Riddell
            1st Minnesota Co D
            2nd USSS Company C
            Potomac Legion


            • #7
              Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

              The business model is tough these days, unless done as a "hobby" or secondary revenue stream. We will miss Jersey Skillet Licker.
              Craig L Barry
              Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
              Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
              Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
              Member, Company of Military Historians


              • #8
                Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                Thats too bad and I wish him the best in all future endeavors
                Last edited by cwbauer; 01-14-2008, 11:08 AM. Reason: spell check
                [I]Chris Bauer[/I]


                • #9
                  Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                  It is to bad that he is closing down. I have bought some item from him and they were always top notch. wish him well in whatever he does.
                  Pvt. Rudy Norvelle
                  20th Maine Vol Inf Co. G
                  Third Brigade, First Divison, Fifth Corps
                  Army of the Potomac


                  • #10
                    Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                    I bought my first authentic cap there. He answered all notes promptly, and sent the cap before the check even cleared. Can't beat that with a shillelagh.
                    [FONT=Times New Roman]Yours most respectfully, your obedient servant,[/FONT]
                    [FONT=Times New Roman]R. L. ("Rob") Griffiths.[/FONT]
                    [FONT=Times New Roman][I]Member, Civil War Preservation Trust.[/I][/FONT]
                    [FONT=Times New Roman][I]Authentic Campaigner member since November 10th, 2004.[/I][/FONT]

                    [FONT=Times New Roman][I]"I am not aware of ever having used a profane expletive in my life, but I would have the charity to excuse those who may have done so, if they were in charge of a train of Mexican pack mules at the time."[/I] - U. S. Grant[I].[/I][/FONT]


                    • #11
                      Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                      I just took reciept of a Federal Forage cap from him less than 2 weeks ago. Like Rob, I think it shipped before the check could have cleared, and is very nice. I will value it all the more now.

                      Good Luck and Best Wishes to the Jersey Skillet Lickers.
                      Ron Mueller
                      New Madrid Guards

                      "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
                      Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
                      Abraham Lincoln


                      • #12
                        Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                        In my early days I made the jump from fresh fish to a more progressive impression in one quick leap. Joe spent an hour on the phone with me on evening. At the end of the discussion I asked where I could get a canteen half. He said don't worry about it I'll send you mine. Sure enough a used beat up fine canteen half arrived. It was Joe's own. I've carried it wearing the blue and gray from PL LH at Geetysburg 2003, PL Antietam through Rich Mountain. It still hangs on. I've never bought one.

                        Thanks Joe
                        Frank Lilley
                        Sore Foot Mess


                        • #13
                          Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                          Dagnabbit, another good man leaves the biz. Joe has a had a profound positive effect on the hobby and he will be missed. After the physical challenges and business upheavals he has gone through over the past few years it is a testament to his integrity, guts and determination that he made it work despite all that. His service was superb and he never made excuses - the buck stopped with Joe...and you always got something very nice in exchange for that buck.

                          Now one serious thing here is the potential loss of access to the shoemaker he used. Anyone know if that person will still be available somehow?
                          Soli Deo Gloria
                          Doug Cooper

                          "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                          Please support the CWT at


                          • #14
                            Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!


                            A lot of these things are still being sorted out. The majority of Joe's small makers were set up to do the one thing they did best--make stuff, send it to Joe, and get a check right then. Marketing, advertising, carrying inventory, toll free numbers, websites, dealing with customers, pursuing bad checks and scam chargebacks--that was Joe's job.

                            I'm the only one who even carried the extra expense of being an Approved Vendor--made possible by the fact that my raw materials costs are lower than most--the bulk of my costs being in labor.

                            It will just take awhile for folks to make some decisions about the costs and benefits of dealing with the market that is available.

                            Part of what the market place will have to learn is that lead times will be different. Sister and I used to giggle at the great pile of knit goods on the floor in August, and how they were all gone in October. Then, when cold weather came, those who did not plan ahead could not seem to grasp that no matter how much they begged, our maximum production rate was 2 items per week, and that was if we paid somebody to clean the house. Nevermind that we lost 6 weeks of production preparing for, and working down, the fall dye run.
                            Terre Hood Biederman
                            Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                            Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                            ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                            • #15
                              Re: Jersey Skillet Licker defunct?!

                              I just thought I would add a little testimonial about the Skillet Licker business. I was in need of a blouse for a special event and it wasn't until right before the event that I had enough cash on hand to order one. I went right to Joe because he had been great to deal with in the past. I explained my situation to him and he said that, sadly, he didn't have any in stock. Instead, he decided to send me his own blouse by priority mail to me.

                              When I opened the box there it was, a dark blue blouse made by Nick ************ in the late '90s. It is beautiful with a blue/brown jean lining, not something encountered much anymore. I couldn't believe that he would loan it to a guy he had never met before, but he did!

                              Furthermore, when I spoke to him on the phone later about the event and how much I liked the coat he offered to sell it to me, saying that he would rather see it in the hands of someone who would appreciate it and use it than hanging in his closet. I take my hat off to you, sir, and wish you and yours the best.
                              [B][COLOR=#0000CD]Matthew P. Cassady

