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Should our clothes all fit?

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  • #31
    Re: Should our clothes all fit?

    I was doing some research for a paper and came across this quote, remembered this post and thought I would share it with everybody. It's from Warren Lee Goss' "Recollections of a Private"

    "My first uniform was a bad fit: my trousers were too long by three or four inches ; the flannel shirt was course and unpleasant, too large at the neck and too short elsewhere. The forage cap was an ungainly bag with pasteboard top and leather visor ; the blouse was the only part which seemed decent ; while the overcoat made me feel like a little nib of corn amid a preponderance of husk. Nothing except "Virginia mud" ever took down my ideas of military pomp quite so low."
    Jake Koch
    The Debonair Society of Coffee Coolers, Brewers, and Debaters

    -Pvt. Max Doermann, 3x Great Uncle, Co. E, 66th New York Infantry. Died at Andersonville, Dec. 22, 1864.
    -Pvt. David Rousch, 4x Great Uncle, Co. A, 107th Ohio Infantry. Wounded and Captured at Gettysburg. Died at Andersonville, June 5, 1864.
    -Pvt. Carl Sievert, 3x Great Uncle, Co. H, 7th New York Infantry (Steuben Guard). Mortally Wounded at Malvern Hill.


    • #32
      Re: Should our clothes all fit?

      What Im seeking as in "photographic evidence" goes in line with this thread.....
      Wm Green :D
      Illegitimi non carborundum
      (Don’t let the bastards grind you down!)

      Dreaming of the following and other events

      Picket Post

      The like to do a winter camp.....hint hint...


      • #33
        Re: Should our clothes all fit?

        An hour or two clicking through the Library of Congress images shows the whole fit continuum. You'll see everything from laughable misfits to well-tailored, even in the same pic.

        Just finished hand-sewing a Louisiana shirt, only to find it too small through the chest. It's going to be easier to lose weight then re-sew the thing, so I'm going on short rations and forced marches. :-)
        Steve Pelikan
        WA state
        Yes, I sewed/knitted that.

        With respect and admiration
        Pvt. Paul Dumphy
        Co. B, 31st Missouri (US)


        • #34
          Re: Should our clothes all fit?

          I have click more than a few hours of time in the LOC (instead of working). Trying to find in the trouser dept (if it happens to show the trouser leg hitting the shoe) the barely fits (high waters) out of the over all percentage of photos, keeping in mind Im looking for C.S. Weight gain around the middle that is 1/2 rations and forced march, Im thinking more of someone inseam that is between those issued sizes...
          Wm Green :D
          Illegitimi non carborundum
          (Don’t let the bastards grind you down!)

          Dreaming of the following and other events

          Picket Post

          The like to do a winter camp.....hint hint...

