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The Hardcracker Handbook...

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  • The Hardcracker Handbook...

    A valuable resource?

  • #2
    Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...



    IMHO, it is wee bit dated in some respects as the Hinge Point of out collective knowledge, in some areas, has moved on a bit.
    The "concept" was a collection of articles and newsletter type articles gleaned and assembled in one place at one time- and sometimes lacking footnotes, end notes, resources, and bibliographies as more "formal," "academic," or "scholarly work" is supposed to carry.

    Curt Schmidt
    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
    -Vastly Ignorant
    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


    • #3
      Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

      Fifteen, even ten, years ago Cal Kinzer's the "Hardcracker Handbook" was like the holy grail for most reenactors. When Tom Czekanski assembled for a limited run the similar, mostly Confederate-themed, "Third Mississippi Camp of Instruction Handbook" in 1998 it too was a treasure for those of us struggling to find a way out of the dark forest of ignorance.

      Some of the stuff in those two books is somewhat dated, but much of it is still good. The problem with both, as some view it, is that they are merely collections of photocopied articles from many sources, such as CCG, Reenactors' Journal, old Watchdogs, and the Mudsills' "Company Wag", to name some. The more important matter with these is that, while they are good, useful referrences, they are certainly incomplete, because they do not cover a number of topics that reenactors need(ed) covered. Some such topics are covered in "The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium", but now that too is out of print, given that "The Watchdog" has elected to discontinue publishing it under that name.


      • #4
        Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

        Will there ever be in print a Confederate version of the CRRC? Wasn't it brought up not to long ago?
        [B][FONT="Georgia"][I]P. L. Parault[/I][/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT]

        [I][B]"Three score and ten I can remember well, within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange: but this sore night hath trifled former knowings."

        William Shakespeare[/B][/I]


        • #5
          Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

          Originally posted by Kevin O'Beirne View Post
          Some such topics are covered in "The Columbia Rifles Research Compendium", but now that too is out of print, given that "The Watchdog" has elected to discontinue publishing it under that name.

          There has been no formal discussion with the Columbia Rifles (i.e., CR leadership) in regard to an additional printing of the CRRC2 or even the possibility of an CD version. On the part of the Watchdog Quarterly, Inc., no final decision has been made as to our plans as we are evaluating alternatives that fit our business plan.

          I do not know what your postion is with the CR, but please have the current president of the organization contact me.

          For your information, the individual authors of each article retain the copyright to the content. The Watchdog and the CR have the copyright to the specific format of the CRRC2. Any future use of the material or portion of the material requires a discussion by all parties involved, which is outside the scope of this discussion on this forum.

          In regard to the HH, there are a few issues with the use of copyrighted material and the fact that some of the material is out of date, or has been supplanted by new research.


          • #6
            Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

            Originally posted by Watchdog View Post
            please have the current president of the organization contact me.
            It is unfortunate and somewhat bizarre to post that on a public forum. YOu can easily contact the CR leadership via e-mail or phone. The ways to do it are myriad, and include simply asking either John Tobey or me for the contact info, if you are unable to find it on the CR website.

            I have been told by more than one source, including public statements by you and Mr. Barry, backed up by some of the authors of the CRRC, that "The Watchdog" intends to publish a book called, "Wearing the Blue" which will largely be those chapters of the CRRC2 for which the authors have given you permission to use, with some other chapters without such permission replaced by look-alike chapters by others. As I view that part of "The Watchdog's" business plan, that's publishing the CRRC without the CR name on it. Seems that the info in that book is coveted by a lot of folks, I guess, who don't like to give full credit where it's due.

            Originally posted by Watchdog View Post
            For your information, the individual authors of each article retain the copyright to the content. The Watchdog and the CR have the copyright to the specific format of the CRRC2. Any future use of the material or portion of the material requires a discussion by all parties involved, which is outside the scope of this discussion on this forum.
            I and, I believe, the other authors of the CRRC2 are well aware of that. The CR owns the format in which much of the CRRC2 was originally published--in the CR newsletter. Likewise, the CR owns the format of the CRRC1.

            I agree that any further use of the material as it appears in the CRRC2 as published requires discussion by "The Watchdog" ,CR, and the authors. However, the authors are certainly free to do what they want with the text of the chapters as they wrote them, and the illustrations provided by the authors.


            • #7
              Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

              ...I didn't intend to open it.
              Last edited by WoodenNutmeg; 01-31-2008, 06:17 PM.


              • #8
                Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

                Originally posted by Watchdog View Post
                I do not know what your postion is with the CR, but please have the current president of the organization contact me.

                Kevin's status is that of one of two Life Members in the Columbia Rifles. We tend to heed the advice of our sagacious elder statesmen. While I find it somewhat disingenuous on your part about the feigned ignorance of the current CR leadership, please feel free to send me an email at, and don't forget to include the CRRC2 financials indicating our share of the proceeds for preservation. By your own word, they were due today.

                Insofar as the articles from the Columbia Examiner, Columbia's Torch, CRRC1 and CRRC2 are concerned, as well as a sizeable collection of unpublished pieces not included in any of the above periodicals and books, the more prolific member authors, and the CR Board of Directors have been enjoying an ongoing discussion as to how to get that information into the hands of those who could use it the most, rather than squabbling about edits, deletions, next editions, etc. , and from best I can tell, that was the original vision of John Tobey, the fellow who put the most sweat into both the Columbia Rifles Research Compendiums. As we've said a few times before, "it's not bad for a unit handbook."

                I look forward to hearing from you.

                Charles Heath
                Columbia Rifles, Inc.

                P.S. Bryan, as far as inquiring about the Hardcracker Handbook is concerned just shoot Cal Kinzer an email at, and inquire as to the availability of that resource. While you are at it, send an email to Jim Butler about any leftover Campaigner College Handbooks that may be available.
                [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

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                [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                • #9
                  Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

                  First, I am pleased you want to hear from The Watchdog, which truly is a first and you are right on the money! CRRC # 2 is very decent for a unit handbook, and that's what it is...your unit handbook. The only returns or complaints have been a few with broken bindings. In Bill's defense, neither he nor I talk to former CR founder John Tobey about current CR business or politics. Why would we? The CR politics and unit business is impactful primarily for yourselves and for use in your own plans. The simple truth is the rest of us out here wouldn't know you exist for the limited positive impact or leadership to the hobby at large. My opinion only by the way, but it is an honest and informed opinion. We are big boys so there is no need to blow smoke. We have always been honest with each other. For example, I am left wondering how exactly Watchdog Editor Bill Christen would know Charles Heath is president and that he is handling the CRRC # 2 financial business this year? Wouldn't that be the Treasurer of the club? Was it announced someplace? All that is business between you and Bill Christen as he is handling the financial end of CRRC # 2. As I understand the information is about ready and should be en route. He is not being disingenuous to my knowledge by asking who the president of the CRs is this year.

                  Second, congratulations on your election to the highest office w/ the CRs, Charles, and even though Kevin is just in an honorary role as mouthpiece emeritus and has no official standing, I like Kevin, he remains one of my favorite writers to read, so I will answer some of his concerns regardless of whether it is any of his business or not. And as is becoming increasingly common for K-O'B, I am hearing about those concerns for the first time here on the A-C Forum. I know you both have my email address. If you lost it, it is So...moving on.

                  Thanks for expressing your questions here on the public A-C Forum with your usual gentle touch. Your way of doing things is base and unprofessional and not how we at The Watchdog would prefer to handle business for future reference. If you are not an elected officer of the CRs club, you would be well advised to stay out of what you know nothing about. However, you expressed your opinions, you asked a few questions in this Forum, and in this Forum you will get your answer. That is, to the extent you will allow me to jump in here and clear up some of the misinformation you expressed about the upcoming publications, Wearing the Gray (WtG) and Wearing the Blue (WtB). To lay the groundwork, just as Bill handled the CRRC # 2 project, I am heading up these two book projects, so direct any questions you may have to me. The CRRC # 2 is what is called a niche you both state it is your "unit handbook", and a fine effort with some good research, but a limited intended audience. For example, there is obviously no Confederate research, no Cavalry and no Western Federal, mostly secondary source research and an emphasis on man/methods/material culture but only the AoP infantry. In other words, it is extremely ambitious and extremely narrow. The market for that information is limited and there is necessarily much ground left uncovered. And at 450+ pages, the CRRC # 2 has hit the upper limits of what can be published in the softcover perfect bound format. So there you are. A different approach to the Federal soldier that concentrates more specifically on material culture than the man or methods is necessary in our view. The CRRC # 2 is not that book. The other subjects (man/method) probably need to be covered separately.

                  Hence, what WtG and WtB will not be is a companion piece to CRRC # 2. The editorial staff of The Watchdog, including the WD Asst Editor who wrote most of the material, think the CRRC # 2 has run its course and we need to go in a new direction. The new publications will not cover the exact same ground in the same way. For example, we think the drill and parade formation material is widely available elsewhere, the chapter on the farm is not an area of interest for most readers and the chapters on first person ethnic impressions are just promulgating insulting stereotypes. We did get some complaints (justified) about that. Also, the Firearms section is in need of a total overhaul, one that takes better advantage of original source material and corrects the more obvious oversights and mistakes. This has been widely acknowledged elsewhere and should come as no surprise to read here. The CRs more recent claims to fame are puerile, urinating on mainstream event medallions and knocking over port-a-johns as some form of guerilla protest. The Watchdog on the other hand has a different mision, we have been "getting it right" since 1993 (or trying to) raising money for battlefield preservation (which includes the CRRC # 2) and publishing pamphlets and other niche books. We see our paths diverging, like Nike did with Michael Vick, in other words.

                  Fellow CR founding member John Tobey has asked to work with me on WtB, and since he "owns" the copyright to all his material in CRRC # 2, including all the material written under his nom de guerres, we may well use relevant portions of it in a re-worked format for WtB as we will cover the AoP in addition to Western Fed. John's copyrighted material will not be available to the CRs for any future publication plans you may have for your unit pamphlet, which is what it is without his contributions. Another example of material currently in CRRC # 2 that we would not use is K-O'B's chapter on canteens. And as much as I admire K-O'B's magazine article submissions, his CRRC # 2 chapter on canteens is not properly cited or footnoted and it is very similar to Coates and Gaede's 1989 Company of Military Historians article on the same subject (I have it here in front of me). In fact it even uses some of the same headings, though in different order. That article as it is now would be an example of something below our current publishing standards. Hence we would not consider that type material for WtB or WtG. I am not picking on K-O'B personally here, or his other contributions to the CRRC # 2, but rather using that particular chapter to illustrate what I consider a very important point about what readers should expect from a Watchdog published book.

                  I hope that clarifies the distinction between CRRC # 2 and the future book publishing plans for The Watchdog.
                  Last edited by Craig L Barry; 02-03-2008, 04:03 PM.
                  Craig L Barry
                  Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
                  Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
                  Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
                  Member, Company of Military Historians


                  • #10
                    Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

                    S. Chris Anders

                    "Authenticity Glorifies the Campaign"


                    • #11
                      Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

                      The Watchdog's business dealings on CRRC # 2 with the CRs were not as smooth as our past publishing projects. Chapters and articles from the book were published here and elsewhere without the publishers knowledge or permission, by at least one of the authors (K-O'B). And the above nonsense about questioning our future publication plans, etc is way out of line. Let the CRs take out a loan or front their own money to self-publish the parts not written by John Tobey, and good luck to you. I have heard of playing hard to get, but this is playing hard to want.

                      The Watchdog's dealings with the CRs will end with CRRC # 2, and by that example should serve as fair warning to anyone else who chooses to do business with the club.
                      Last edited by Craig L Barry; 02-04-2008, 11:53 AM.
                      Craig L Barry
                      Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
                      Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
                      Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
                      Member, Company of Military Historians


                      • #12
                        Re: The Hardcracker Handbook...

                        Originally posted by WoodenNutmeg View Post

                        ...I didn't intend to open it.
                        Not only did you open it, I think you might have kicked it over in the process.
                        That is ok Bryan. I now have my question answered.
                        [B][FONT="Georgia"][I]P. L. Parault[/I][/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT]

                        [I][B]"Three score and ten I can remember well, within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange: but this sore night hath trifled former knowings."

                        William Shakespeare[/B][/I]

