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Milk Label

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  • Milk Label

    Ladies and Gents,

    Does anyone have a period Condensed milk label or other milk label and would be willing to share it with me? I've tried with no avail to get in contact with sullivan press. So I'm asking here

    Ryan McIntyre
    124th New York State Volunteers
    Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

    "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
    Joseph H. Johnston
    March 16th 1863
    Camp Convalescent

    "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
    Henry M Howell
    March 8 1863
    In camp Near Falmouth

  • #2
    Re: Milk Label

    This is from Sullivan's web site

    Nineteenth Century Package Labels
    (DCW401) Our labels are faithful copies of researched and documented originals. We include a sheet of documentation with every set. Remember, we don't reproduce what we can't document. $7.00 per set of 10 labels which includes:

    Stuart & Sullivan Tomatoes (can)
    McQuades Mountain Dew Whiskey (bottle)
    Fine Old Bourbon Whiskey (bottle)
    Lemon Syrup (bottle)
    Condensed Milk (can) :)
    Essence of Coffee (can)
    E. Lazenby & Son Mushroom Ketchup (bottle)
    E. Lazenby & Son Mixed Pickles (bottle)
    Mason's Challenge Blacking, Original & Genuine (shoe polish tin)
    Dr. Strong's Vegetable Stomach Pills (matches)
    Jake Nott
    4th VA CO A
    Anchor Lodge #283
    Valley of Columbus 32°


    • #3
      Re: Milk Label


      thanks for the update. I know that Sullivan has the labels, and more what I want the Label CD, But it's just impossible to get a hold of him or to get him to fulfill an order.
      Ryan McIntyre
      124th New York State Volunteers
      Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

      "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
      Joseph H. Johnston
      March 16th 1863
      Camp Convalescent

      "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
      Henry M Howell
      March 8 1863
      In camp Near Falmouth


      • #4
        Re: Milk Label

        I emailed him around a month ago, asking a question about the food label cd. No reply. Maybe he is on vacation.
        Jake Nott
        4th VA CO A
        Anchor Lodge #283
        Valley of Columbus 32°


        • #5
          Re: Milk Label

          I recently reproduced a Borden's Condensed Milk label from a period original. It's spot on. I'd be glad to send you a jpeg of it.
          [SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Todd S. Bemis[/SIZE][/SIZE]
          [CENTER][/CENTER][I]Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry[/I]
          Independent Volunteers
          [I]simius semper simius[/I]


          • #6
            Re: Milk Label

            Maybe they don't want to do business anymore...
            Sullivan Press charged the credit card but has not sent product yet. Is it a vacation or "Take the money and run?"

            Sam Hayle
            Hoodwinked Mess


            • #7
              Re: Milk Label


              Please send the pic. I'd like to see it.

              [B][SIZE="3"]N.E. Miller[/SIZE][/B]

              [SIZE="2"][B][CENTER][I]"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts"
              -Marcus Tullius Cicero[/I][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]


              • #8
                Re: Milk Label

                I went ahead and posted the label in the 'Material Culture Help Group' in the Social Groups section, along with a champagne label and a bunch of food can labels. There's also a stomach pill label and a sewing needle package so you can be sick and let out your pants after you eat and drink all that stuff. Finally, there's an American Express label so you can have it all sent to you.
                [SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Todd S. Bemis[/SIZE][/SIZE]
                [CENTER][/CENTER][I]Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry[/I]
                Independent Volunteers
                [I]simius semper simius[/I]


                • #9
                  Re: Milk Label


                  Thanks for the post. Also, I'm trying to find info or a copy of the C.E. Rogers & Co. condensed milk label. The company was from Michigan and produced the milk and other dairy products during the war, just not as extensively as the New York Condensed Milk Co.

                  Thanks again!

                  [B][SIZE="3"]N.E. Miller[/SIZE][/B]

                  [SIZE="2"][B][CENTER][I]"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts"
                  -Marcus Tullius Cicero[/I][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]

