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Is there CWR Wargaming?

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  • #16
    Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

    Fire & Fury is a 15mm scale game in which the smallest unit is a Brigade. The game designer is also in the process of coming out with regiment scale games in order to play smaller games. It's a great set of rules, fast-paced, and easy to learn.
    James E. Boyle, Jr.


    • #17
      Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

      If you want to play online go to They also have WWII games. Play against fellow gamers.

      Dave Prince
      Dave Prince


      • #18
        Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

        Originally posted by co_mountaineer View Post
        The best Civil War computer game I have played is Take Command: 2nd Manasas. It is a real time strategy game that allows you to play as any General from the battle. The developers also release new battles and mods to make the game more realistic on a fairly regular basis. Heres a link.

        As far as computer games are concerned, I can second this sentiment. TC2M is an excellent game and the developers are great guys. There is also a strong community surrounding the game to help you and provide interesting mods.

        I am, &c.

        Ian Hutchison


        • #19
          Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

          I also recommend 'Take Command' . . superb! Had my laptop with me on night shift and even collegues with no interest in history were enthralled! (and did somewhat better than me . hmmm i blame the AI myself!!)

          Anyone remember 'North and South' on the Amiga? ah memories! :D

          For actual miniatures i'm working on 6mm 'Warmaster' armies using an online army list and rules set . . posting pics on the WAB forum in due course
          Ed Wilson
          Co.A, 19th IND (UK)
          The Hairy-feet Mess


          • #20
            Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

            If you get the game "Battlefield 1942", there is a patch online called "Battlefield 1861" that creates a Civil War scenario with authentic weapons and reload times, and original ACW scenarios like the Battle of the Crater at Petersburg (not exactly true to history, but the terrain is there). Confederate cavalry even get SxS shotguns or the rare Tarpley breechloading carbine. Revolver reloads consist of a spare cylinder. Muskets take forever to reload. In some scenarios, there are shootable cannons and even a "Monitor"-type ironclad!
            [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Blue"]Richard Knack[/COLOR][/FONT]


            • #21
              Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

              If you can get your hands on any of the TalonSoft "Battleground" series games for PC, those were pretty well done. Ebay would probably be the best bet now. I believe they released five titles:

              Bull Run (covers both campaigns)

              Incidentally, they also released a couple of games called "Age of Sail" 1&2, which were devoted to naval warfare covering the period just prior to the war. These should provide a good flavor of sea battles before the "Floating barn roof" and "Cheesebox on a raft" showed up.

              Rich Croxton
              Last edited by Gallinipper; 03-18-2009, 02:39 PM. Reason: Added more info
              Rich Croxton

              "I had fun. How about you?" -- In memory of Charles Heath, 1960-2009


              • #22
                Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

                I played American Conquest: Nation Divided for a while. I really enjoyed it but now I can't get it to work on my computer.

                Captain Andy Witt
                52nd Geo Vol Inf Co I CSA
                Blue Ridge Mess



                • #23
                  Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

                  Originally posted by Gallinipper View Post
                  If you can get your hands on any of the TalonSoft "Battleground" series games for PC, those were pretty well done. Ebay would probably be the best bet now. I believe they released five titles:

                  Bull Run (covers both campaigns)
                  An excellent series. They need to be upgraded to the 32 bit programs that were developed by the original programmer John Tiller:

                  And join the PBM (Play by eMail) American Civil War Game Club (ACWGC) wargaming club:

                  Back in the day I was a Federal Corps commander.....

                  Anyway, the Talonsoft games are based on the old TSS (Terrible Swift Sword, or GBACW (Great Battles of the American Civil War)) series [regimental/battery combat in the ACW] of board games from S&T (Strategy and Tactics magazine, and yes I used to have a 'lifetime' subscription to it....for those 'in the know').

                  Their are still some severe flaws in this system....but it's a fun and fairly accurate gaming system.

                  I have Sid Meier's Gettysburg....cute, but never bought into it compared to Talonsoft.

                  The Brigade level combat games (Blue and Gray I, II, et al....or was that North and South....should go downstairs and dig a few of them up) were issued in Quad game formats on paper by S & T....Chickamauga the best of the lot and well balanced for an Origins (national wargaming tournament) or college dorm room all night gaming frenzy.

                  Am afraid the new generation is into single soldier fighting (Role Playing, like the old Dungeons and Dragons stuff, only now it's available for any number of time frames), on line, multiplayer, upclocked gaming computers with dual graphics cards, water cooled with 6 fan towers.....well now you know what my son is up to instead of reenacting....that and Volleyball (he's 6' 7" tall).

                  A year ago was at my Dad's house and I pulled out the PanzerBlitz scenario cards for study......
                  Last edited by RJSamp; 03-22-2009, 09:13 AM. Reason: Spellink
                  RJ Samp
                  (Mr. Robert James Samp, Junior)
                  Bugle, Bugle, Bugle


                  • #24
                    Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

                    I have a copy of "Ultimate Civil War Battles, Lee Vs. Grant". it covers four battles : Seven Days, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Chattanooga. It's by Gamemill Publishing, 2003. Pretty good.
                    Hank Van Slyke
                    "Cousin Hank"
                    [URL=""]3rd Texas Light Artillery[/URL]
                    Orange, Texas


                    • #25
                      Re: Is there CWR Wargaming?

                      My favorite miniature game is Johnny Reb III by John Hill, an old reenactor. But all miniature and detailed computer CW games face the same basic problem that we reenactors face every time we take the field. The real CW was extremely horizontally linear, and games and reenactments just don't have the screen space or participants or ground to replicate that. And in my mind, the condensing of the 2-rank regimental and brigade lines into blocks or clumps loses the basic challenge of command and control of those long threads of men trying to manuever. But I really like playing the Johnny Reb miniature rule games. It's not a company level game, but is excellent at the regimental to division level for one player on each side.

                      Phil McBride
                      The Alamo Rifles
                      Phil McBride
                      Whittled Away-A Civil War Novel of the Alamo Rifles
                      Tangled Honor 1862: A Novel of the 5th Texas Infantry
                      Redeeming Honor 1863: The 5th Texas Gettysburg and Chickamauga
                      Defiant Honor 1864: The 5th Texas at the Wilderness and the 22nd USCT at New Market Heights
                      Link to My Blog and My Books on Amazon:

