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Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

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  • Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

    I guess this is where I leave my $.02

    Seems that everytime I turn around on this Forum I'm steping in something I shouldn't. No wonder the other forums talk about this site so much. It wasn't like this 3 years ago, but I was gone for 2 years. I took some time off, had a stroke. Thought about my life, and where I wanted it to go. Now I think I'm going to resign from this forum and go to another or not.

    Can't say it's been fun, but I don't need the problems.

    George MacGillis
    George MacGillis
    USCG ret. Disabled Vet
    Goldendale WA.

  • #2
    Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

    Stepped on by who and where?
    Paul Calloway
    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
    Proud Member of the GHTI
    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
    Wayne #25, F&AM


    • #3
      Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

      What? There may be some good reasons for getting out but I am not sure this is one of them. Who cares what somebody else thinks or what they post that you don't agree with when you get down to it? The real challenge (as I've said before) is "you" vs "yourself."

      Maybe it's the fast approaching $10 membership fee...That will weed a few out. It's worth the fee though if for no other reason than to pick up odd pieces of properly made gear or sell the same. It would be even better if the buyers knew their available check book balance before commiting to a sale, and the sellers actually shipped with a degree of promptness after being fully paid. But no sense in wishing for what you can't have, afterall.
      Last edited by Craig L Barry; 03-02-2008, 08:07 PM.
      Craig L Barry
      Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
      Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
      Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
      Member, Company of Military Historians


      • #4
        Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out


        I agree if you have a beef with something or someone you address it with the source. How else can conflict be resolved if you are not willing to communicate constructively with the source of the problem?

        Each board is different so investigate what makes you personally feel comfortable and which type of board provides you the helpful information you are seeking in the hobby. The discussion boards are an asset as much as they can cause the hobby split to widen. Anyone who has buttoned up a uniform jacket twice knows this to be true.

        We have all witnessed someone take a double canister shot on several different CW boards just because he/she has posted and had a pulse.

        Guys like to rib each other and when someone stumbles we stack on the target. Ball busting is how guys communicate with each other. Just be aware that you might get an electronic knuckle sandwich if you tease too much on the forums and try to be a little electronic thick shinned.

        It’s all about balance…………….
        Mark Bond
        Federal Artillery


        • #5
          Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

          Wow.....Who defecated in his Cookie Crisps?
          I had a few minor problems, but Paul always responded in a resonable amount of time and have taken care of the gliches.
          If you do not do your research by using the tools provided then you will be scolded for repeat questions, and repeat threads, which I completely understand. I get tired of seeing the same questions.

          That is my .02 cents worth.
          [B][FONT="Georgia"][I]P. L. Parault[/I][/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT]

          [I][B]"Three score and ten I can remember well, within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange: but this sore night hath trifled former knowings."

          William Shakespeare[/B][/I]


          • #6
            Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

            No wonder the other forums talk about this site so much.
            "I can't give you a surefire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure; try to please everybody all the time."

            -Herbert Bayard Swope, American editor, journalist and first recipient of the Pulitzer Prize.
            Gregory Deese
            Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

            "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


            • #7
              Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

              I am a newer guy here. I can tell that some people have been here for years. I will also admit, I am a little afraid to post here and ask questions until I have exhausted all other avenues first. Some responses can be short. But then, if I do not find the needed info elsewhere, I am confident of recieving good info here.

              I play an online game called World of Warcraft, and belong to a guild that has forums and such, and a post was made by our guild leader that I think may be applicable here. I follow this guide whenever I join up with a new group of people, and I have found it to be helpful. I share it here in hopes that all can better understand group dynamics in general, and so that maybe new people will not have unreasonable expectations, and as important, that older members show some patience with the new guys, and be helpful.

              Please note, the wording used is with the game we play in mind, but it can be adapted to be helpful whether on these forums, or for when you plan to join the Jaycees, the Lions or the 47th Illinois.

              Here was Shannon's post:

              You've just joined a new guild and the excitement of starting something new and unfamiliar is a great motivator. So, how do you ensure that you integrate smoothly with your new guild and start off with the goodwill and positive support of your new guild mates?

              The first impression you make is important in how you are perceived by your guildies. This time of forming initial impressions is a golden opportunity for you to begin building the support and trust that you will need in the future.

              You can position yourself in the eyes of your guild mates as a person deserving of their support and consideration, which will help you as you progress along in the game.

              How do you begin forming relationships on a positive note?
              • Understand that there is an existing culture in Eden and you need to adapt to Eden, not the other way around
              • Take time to observe the guild's culture and what emphasis is placed on certain values
              • Treat everyone you meet with respect and common courtesy
              • Have a sense of humor about the triumphs and defeats of every day
              • Expect that things will be done differently in Eden from other guilds and accommodate yourself to the changes involved
              • Accept that it will take time for people to get to know and trust you. Don't try too hard or push yourself on others
              • Ask questions to avoid assuming that you know the expecations
              • Give of your time and attention to guildies seeking help or advice
              • Gain the cooperation of others through being friendly and approachable
              • Accept invitations to instance or quest, as many lasting relationships begin this way
              • Participate on the boards and in guild chat in a positive and helpful manner

              What are some attitudes and expectations to avoid?
              • Expecting that things will be done the same way in Eden as in your previous guild
              • Not taking time to get a feeling for the guild's culture
              • Treating community members as amateurs or with disrespect
              • Trying to be overly familiar with your guildies without first establishing trust
              • Trying to change how things are done without having guild managment's blessing
              • Expecting that your knowledge and experience will be instantly recognized and appreciated
              • Expecting rapid promotion without first having proven your worth to the guild
              • Engaging in gossip or politics
              • Constantly comparing how things were done differently/better by your old guild
              • Demanding the time and attention of guild management
              • Being abrupt or short with people and their requests for information or guidance
              • Refusing invitations to quest or do instances

              The relationships that you form in the beginning with your guild mates are vital to your success in Eden. I hope these pointers help both new and older members alike as we grow together as a community!

              - Shannon
              Ron Mueller
              New Madrid Guards

              "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
              Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
              Abraham Lincoln


              • #8
                Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

                Well, I don't want to turn this into a bash George Macgillis thread. From what I can tell, something happened over Private Messages with one of our forum members.

                I can understand being frustrated with that ... been there myself. I can even understand PM'ing the mods or admins and reporting the incident. I just can't understand going over to CW Reenactors to complain.

                Oh well. No hard feelings. At least nobody threatened to sue me this time.

                You're welcome here anytime George. Take care and hope to see you around the forums.
                Paul Calloway
                Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                Proud Member of the GHTI
                Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                Wayne #25, F&AM


                • #9
                  Re: Not a Hatefull Rant but I'm getting out

                  Oh and Ron, I'm fairly certain thats the first time World of Warcraft has ever been weaved into a post on our forum. :)
                  Paul Calloway
                  Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                  Proud Member of the GHTI
                  Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                  Wayne #25, F&AM

