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Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

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  • Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

    For those of you who don't know me, I am David Fictum, the Gettysburg student who is working on writing a book on the history of Civil War reenacting. In doing research, many have suggested that I look at past issues of the Camp Chase Gazette. Today I went down to the book shop that is located next to the Lincoln Diner in Gettysburg (it had a 50% off sale on all items). In their large Civil War section, they had a shelf of Civil War magazines. In amongst them were 5 issues of the Gazette from various times in the 90s (got them for a little over a dollar a piece. Too bad they only had 5). I have to say, for my research, just those 5 issues are amazingly valuable, and enjoyable, to read. I now have many more leads to follow in terms of research.
    So now, I appeal to anyone who has a collection of a lot (if not all) of the Gazettes to please contact me about being allowed to see issues of the Gazette, and make scans of ones that have information that will help my project.
    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help, and thanks to the reenacting community in general (a lot of you here on this forum included).
    David Fictum,
    Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
    recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A

  • #2
    Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette


    I have around 6 0r 7 years worth dating back to around 1998. I stopped getting them when the CW Historian came out. I will be in Gettysburg on April 12 for our 2nd Delaware Adopt a Position workday. I will bring them with me if you are interested. I should be around the Delaware State monument around 11:00am or so. Let me know.
    John Barr
    2nd Delaware


    • #3
      Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

      That would be great. But are you talking a temporary loan to me type situation? Thank you very much for your help though.

      I can't wait to see if anyone can help out with the earlier years.
      David Fictum,
      Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
      recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


      • #4
        Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

        I have a box full of old old issues. I am unsure of the years but I think late 80's and early 90's. I will pull them out of the attic and let you know what I have.

        There is one issue that I know I have lost. It is an issue with an article about sewing ANV Battle Flags. If you happen to come across this issue you could help me out as well.
        Paul Herring

        Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
        Stonewall Brigade


        • #5
          Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

          I would find as many CCG's from the 80's as you can find. I would also look into Civil War Times magazines fom the 80's, becauses they used to feature reenactors on the front cover each month, and also covered reenactments/living history as well.

          I believe these sources will help a bit when you cover the 125th anniversary events. The 125th anniversary events played a huge roll in the evolution of reenacting, and basically set many standards of our hobby as we know it today.

          Aaron Schwieterman


          • #6
            Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

            Our library here in Fort Wayne, Indiana has a subscription going back to the days when it was a glorified news letter.

            Not every town has a world-class library though. Still, you might check your local library and, if necessary, inquire through interlibrary loan.

            Camp Chase gazette
            Keitz, William P.
            Title: Camp Chase gazette.
            Publication info: Lancaster, Ohio : Camp Chase Gazette,
            Physical descrip: v. : ill. ; 24-28 cm.
            Current frequency: Monthly (except Dec. & Feb.),
            General Note: Published: Marietta, OH : Camp Chase Pub. Co.,
            General Note: Description based on: Aug. 1979.
            General Note: Editor: Aug. 1979- William P. Keitz.
            Recently arrived: GENEALOGY--V. 35 NO. 3 JAN/FEB 2008;
            Special numbering: Issues for Aug. 1979-May 1980 and Oct. 1980-Sept. 1981 both called v. 9.
            Bindery Color Number: 990
            Subject term: Historical reenactments--Periodicals.
            Geographic term: United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Periodicals.
            Geographic term: United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Antiquities--Periodicals.
            Added author: Keitz, William P.
            OCLC Number: ocm12095831
            ISSN: 1055-2790

            Allen County Library.
            Paul Calloway
            Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
            Proud Member of the GHTI
            Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
            Wayne #25, F&AM


            • #7
              Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette


              Wish I had seen your request before today. I was at the MOMCC conference this past weekend and the auctioned off a collection of Camp Chase Gazettes from 1998 to 2004 (all issues in this time frame) for $17.00.

              Beth Crabb

              IN LOVING MEMORY OF
              John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009


              • #8
                Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

                Wow, what a response! Thank you all very much.

                I will definately be going to my campus library and getting to work on this. I did notice that the Civil War Times did have pictures of reenactors on their fronts on some issues (I was looking at them in our library at one point for some other info and wondered about that, I didn't know they did anything with reenacting), I will have to look into that. I never even thought about using the Inter Library Loan system for requesting the Gazette (I thought that no libraries would carry that, but apparently 9 do in some form). I will let you guys know what I get.
                David Fictum,
                Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
                recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


                • #9
                  Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

                  OUCH!!! I pitched I'll bet 20 years worth when I moved 6 months ago. I never even considered that these would be of any use to anyone. I think I kept a few issues from the mid 80's. I'll check when I get home from work.

                  Scott Bumpus


                  • #10
                    Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

                    I am at the library presently, and talking it over with the people here, it sounds like it would be extremely hard to library loan these magazines. It looks like it would be easier to just borrow copies from people here on the forums like I am trying to do presently. It seems like the easiest editions around here to get are the ones from the past 10 years or so, and some have posted here with ones that are earlier, but does anyone have ones from the mid 80s and earlier?
                    David Fictum,
                    Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
                    recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


                    • #11
                      Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

                      I'm at the library pretty regularly here, if there's a particular article you'd like a copy of let me know and I'll try to copy it and send it to you.

                      If it's something recent though, since Nicky left, I'll send you a bill for the bath I'm gonna have to take at a nearby truckstop. :)
                      Paul Calloway
                      Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                      Proud Member of the GHTI
                      Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                      Wayne #25, F&AM


                      • #12
                        Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

                        Well, I want to look at entire issues because each issue seems to have several things I can use usually, I have to usually look at all the things in one of these issues to see if I can use it, and I don't have a list of all the articles ever written in the Gazette.
                        So, if any of you know anyone with a lot of older editions of the Gazette, it would be appreciated.
                        David Fictum,
                        Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
                        recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


                        • #13
                          Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette


                          As I said in my previous post I have around 6 or 7 years worth dating back to 1998. If ya want them, meet me at the Delaware monument on April 12 like I said. They have been sitting in the basement for years, they are 'FREE' to you if you want them.
                          John Barr
                          2nd Delaware


                          • #14
                            Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette


                            I found three issues from '97 and three others dating June 1987, Jan-Feb 1986, and May 1985. I figured you'd like the three 80's issues but what about the 97 ones? Let me know what you need and where to send them.

                            It was interesting flipping through the old event listings where I came across one for July 17/18/19/20/21 of 1986 in Centerville, VA for "AUTHENTIC Infantry. Mounted Cavalry, Full-Scale Artillery, Civilans and Sutlers BY INVITATION ONLY! STRICT authenticity will be observed":)

                            That was a loooong time ago and we'd hardly ever seen an ad quite that bold. Especially for a "national event."

                            Scott Bumpus


                            • #15
                              Re: Looking for old editions of the Camp Chase Gazette

                              Paul Calloway wrote: If it's something recent though, since Nicky left, I'll send you a bill for the bath I'm gonna have to take at a nearby truckstop.

                              This is funny. Well worth the small membership fee for this one alone. A couple thoughts spring to mind...When it comes to raising an issue like the quality of the post-Nicky Hughes CCG, it is best to propose some sort of solution along with raising a concern or issue. It is more constructive. Let me assist here and help propose a about you improve the content there by writing and submitting something better than what is currently being published in the Camp Chase Gazette. I may even be able to get it published in The Watchdog section of CCG if you footnote and cite your sources properly. The research and writing you could produce would undoubtedly be a better use of time than showering at the truck stop.

                              (I hesitate to suggest anything Freudian) but is there is some other unstated reason you like to stop to shower at the truck stop on your way home from the library?

                              Craig L Barry
                              No Showering with Truckers Mess
                              Last edited by Craig L Barry; 03-11-2008, 09:19 AM.
                              Craig L Barry
                              Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
                              Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
                              Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
                              Member, Company of Military Historians

