From: An Antebellum Plantation Household, Including the South Carolina Low Country Receipts and Remedies of Emily Wharton Sinkler University of South Carolina Press 2006 Anne Sinkler Whaley LeClercq
To bring the dead to life immediately, as the body is removed from the water, press the chest suddenly and forcibly, downward and backward and instantly discontinue the pressure. Repeat this without interruption, until a pair of common hand bellows can be procured. When obtained, introduce the nozzle well upon the base of the tongue. Surround the mouth with a towel or handkechief and close it. Direct a bystander to press firmly on the projecting part of the neck (called Adam's apple) and use the bellows actively. Then press upon the chest to expel the air from the lungs, to imitate natural breathing. Continue this at least an hour unless signs of natural breathing come on. Wrap the body in blankets and place it near a fire and do everything to preserve the natural warmth as well as to impart artificial heat if possible. Everything is secondary to inflating the lungs. Send for a medical man immediately. Avoid all friction until respiration shall be in some degree restored.
To bring the dead to life immediately, as the body is removed from the water, press the chest suddenly and forcibly, downward and backward and instantly discontinue the pressure. Repeat this without interruption, until a pair of common hand bellows can be procured. When obtained, introduce the nozzle well upon the base of the tongue. Surround the mouth with a towel or handkechief and close it. Direct a bystander to press firmly on the projecting part of the neck (called Adam's apple) and use the bellows actively. Then press upon the chest to expel the air from the lungs, to imitate natural breathing. Continue this at least an hour unless signs of natural breathing come on. Wrap the body in blankets and place it near a fire and do everything to preserve the natural warmth as well as to impart artificial heat if possible. Everything is secondary to inflating the lungs. Send for a medical man immediately. Avoid all friction until respiration shall be in some degree restored.