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Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

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  • Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

    For those of you here who do Facebook, there is a new group there called "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

    Here is what is says:

    This group is dedicated to fans of Gettysburg, the battle, the place, and the Ted Turner 1993 movie. Its open to everyone. How do you know you are obsessed with Gettysburg? Here is a list of questions to ask yourself. If you answer yes to a lot of them, you might be obsessed with Gettysburg:

    You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if…
    …you see a hill or mountain (be it in Gettysburg or anywhere in the country) and say “We must deprive the enemy of the High Ground!”
    …if you know the waiter/waitress staff at Lincoln Diner or O'Rorke's Restaurant all by name.
    …if you are a reenactor (what reenactor hasn’t seen the movie Gettysburg numerous times, been to Gettysburg to attend an event, or read a lot about the battle?).
    …if you know the roads of Gettysburg by their names during the battle better than their modern names.
    …if you can be dropped anywhere on the battlefield randomly and within a few seconds know where you are and tell others what happened on that part of the battlefield.
    …if you have went to Gettysburg battlefield and argued with a park ranger, and won the argument.
    …if you make pilgrimages to Gettysburg to buy things at particular stores you like in town.
    …if you ever marched or camped on the battlefield in wool or jean cloth uniforms.
    …if you can recite all the words from any of the following scenes in the Gettysburg movie: The Lee and Trimble conversation (“Give me one BRIGADE! AND I will take that hill!”), The Lee and Stuart conversation (“I told you there is no time for that! There is no time!”), Any of the camp scenes with George Picket in it, any of the conversations Buford had.
    …if you have gone onto the Gettysburg battlefield and reenacted any of the famous scenes from the movie Gettysburg.
    …if when you are on the battlefield and talking with fellow Gettysburg enthusiasts, tourists come up to you and ask questions.
    …if anytime you picture significant people in the battle of Gettysburg, you actually picture the people who played them in the movie Gettysburg.
    …if you actually know where the scenes of Gettysburg were shot when they weren’t shooting on the battlefield.
    …if you own two or more of the Gettysburg movie music CD’s.
    …if you list Gettysburg as one of your favorite movies on your Facebook account.
    …if you have spent more than three days of your life in Gettysburg visiting sites on the battlefield or related to the battle.
    …if you go the battlefield and bring your laptop with you and watch scenes of the movie Gettysburg on your laptop at the actual places the movie depicts.
    …if when you see one of the actors that was in the movie Gettysburg on TV or in another movie, the first thing you think of is that they were in the movie Gettysburg.
    …if you were in the movie Gettysburg (as a reenactor that is).
    …if you know and can spot when one of the following people were in the movie Gettysburg: Michael Kraus, Brian Pohanka, Ken Burns.
    …if you have timed yourself running the path of Pickett’s Charge.
    …if you have grabbed rocks, wood, or any other pieces of nature off the battlefield.

    If you can add any to this list, have interesting stories to tell about Gettysburg, significant Gettysburg News, or just anything Gettysburg related, please post here


    hope those of you that do facebook join!
    David Fictum,
    Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
    recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A

  • #2
    Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

    You might be going to jail...

    …if you have grabbed rocks, wood, or any other pieces of nature off the battlefield.
    Garrett W. Silliman

    [I]Don't Float the Mainstream[/I]
    [SIZE="1"]-Sweetwater Brewing Company, Atlanta, GA[/SIZE]


    • #3
      Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

      Count me out, I don't like Wastebook or GAG. I am obsessed with authenticity, so the best thing you can do with GAG is put it in the little round file. Feels like 2004 again!
      Gregory Deese
      Carolina Rifles-Living History Association
      "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


      • #4
        Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

        Actually, it feels like 1992 or so again for those of us involved in the filming of Gettysburg. I believe he was referring to the town, battlefield, and movie Gettysburg...not Gods and Generals.

        For those of us who had the honor of graduating from Gettysburg College (1999), this is simply a nice reminder of more carefree times.

        I don't see any attacks here on "authenticity". Its completely unrelated. Ease up.


        • #5
          Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

          Alright how about a film of the real men who fought:

          Gregory Deese
          Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

          "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


          • #6
            Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

            I respect Mr. Deese's viewpoint, and I too am a fan(atic) of authenticity, but I must admit to a borderline obsession with the town of Gettysburg.
            [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Carl Anderton[/FONT]

            [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="2"]"A very good idea of the old style of playing may be formed by referring to the [I]Briggs Banjo Instructor."[/I][/SIZE][/FONT]
            [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Albert Baur, Sgt., Co. A, 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteer Infantry.[/B][/FONT]


            • #7
              Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

              Sigh... How 'bout if you can go to the Lincoln Diner and order without looking at the menu?

              ... if you go to the Gingerbread Man and they start pouring your favorite beer when they see you come through the door?

              ... If you can give directions to any spot on the battlefield from any other spot on the battlefield. Without looking yp..... ?

              Tim Kindred
              Medical Mess
              Solar Star Lodge #14
              Bath, Maine


              • #8
                Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                Yea, I hope that none of you got the wrong idea. This is not an attack of any kind. This is just fun. This is just for a laugh for those of us who have done anything involving Gettysburg (and who of us haven't?). And, I am personally guilty for several of the things on that list. Just think of it as "jonah begone" type of humor. If we can't laugh at ourselves, what can we laugh at?
                Good point on the jail thing there Garrett.
                Also, this is not a "join facebook" thing. If you just happen to have a account (which I think 60 million people do now), it might be fun to join, or at least read.
                David Fictum,
                Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
                recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


                • #9
                  Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                  Originally posted by SCTiger View Post
                  Alright how about a film of the real men who fought:


                  Thanks deeply. That was truly moving. It always is seeing the GAR/UCV veteran footage. I'd give just about anything to meet them today.

                  Perhaps Iraq War vets will be at reunions like this when we are older. Makes me think...

                  But, of course, I bow my head to these true Americans and very brave souls on both sides that faced the things we can only read about today.

                  Men with courage like these are the only ones to call themselves "hardcores" and make me proud to be an American.

                  Okay... back to the topic... off my soapbox. ;)

                  God bless them- Johnny Lloyd
                  Johnny Lloyd
                  John "Johnny" Lloyd
                  Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                  Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                  "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                  Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                  Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                  Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                  Proud descendant of...


                  • #10
                    Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                    David, on a stressful Friday, one of the bright spots in my day was reading your post. Keep up the good work, you did lighten things up for me, and Gettysburg being my absolute #1 favorite spot on the planet, I can relate. Thanks.
                    Joe Madden
                    13th New Hampshire Vols.
                    Co. E


                    • #11
                      Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                      Originally posted by Old Cremona View Post
                      I respect Mr. Deese's viewpoint, and I too am a fan(atic) of authenticity, but I must admit to a borderline obsession with the town of Gettysburg.

                      Dang Carl, I saw your avatar and thought I was looking at Kiefer Sutherland......uncanny.
                      Joe Madden
                      13th New Hampshire Vols.
                      Co. E


                      • #12
                        Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                        Thanks, that was a really cool comment Joe. Actually, I just got another one from someone who joined the group:

                        ...if every time you see "Dumb and Dumber," you think, "and that guy played Joshua Chambelain" while you shake your head.
                        David Fictum,
                        Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
                        recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


                        • #13
                          Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                          Yup, we all at least done one of those in the listing. That was pretty good. I needed a good laugh just now!

                          I watched that GAR reunion clip as well, and as a SUV/SVR member, all I can say is, it is an honor to carry on their legacy. Least we never forget!

                          Micah L. Trent
                          SUVCW Ft. Duffield Camp No.1, West Point, KY
                          SVR Co. A First Regiment Capital Guards
                          Micah Trent
                          Tar Water Mess/Mess No. 1
                          Friends of Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site


                          • #14
                            Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                            ..if no matter where you are, or what obstacle is in your way, you've ever thought about "goin 'round to the right."
                            -Ty "Tic-Tac" Gladden
                            Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry
                            One of the "Three Jesi", and founding member of the Shire Mess.
                            Part of the Chocolate People Mess, of the Texmosippiana Society...


                            • #15
                              Re: Facebook Group "You might be obsessed with Gettysburg if..."

                              GAG (Maxwell's Folly) wasn't about Gettysburg...but only because that battle had already been ruined by the movie of the same name...originally known as Killer Angels...or as some of us call it now - Turner's Folly.

                     may be obsessed with (authentic) Gettysburg if you haven't been there in the summer for 10 years because the moneychangers invaded the temple...but you are going to At High Tide to start to throw them out...

                              ...if you were in the movie Gettysburg and are still sick about it...

                     would have spent $1000 to be the man who threw the switch when they demolished the Tower.

                              ...ditto on the demolition of the "8th Ohio Hotel"

                     ran screaming into the street in happiness and then called all your comrades when we beat the Casino

                     searched for hours looking for the location of the last unidentified series of post battle photos by Alexander Gardner - the ones of the Union dead eventually located near the Emmittsburg Road.

                              ...the closest you have ever felt to the real soldiers was standing at present arms in the rain in the National Cemetery as a lone bugler blew taps

                              ...if you can recite the Gettysburg Address...and it still gives you goosebumps.
                              Soli Deo Gloria
                              Doug Cooper

                              "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                              Please support the CWT at

