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Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

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  • Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

    Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

    CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - Federal authorities say a Chattanooga-area man argued with his girlfriend, then drove his car into a Civil War monument.

    Click link for entire story.
    [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=4]Matt Crouch[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [COLOR=Blue][I]All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence. [/I][/COLOR] [B]Denis Waitley [/B]

  • #2
    Re: Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

    Man, What a scumbag! What did that monument ever do to him. Cpl Dan Morgan 10thVA(IVR)


    • #3
      Re: Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

      That idiot should not only be made to pay for a total restoration of the monument, but be made to write and mail an individual letter of apology to every person in Missouri for being a jerk and only seeing their monument as a "thing" and not a representation of the men who served from their State.

      Monuments are the enbodiment of the lives and experiences of the men they honor.
      Many people today look at them as only so much fancy granite, marble, or bronze.
      However, in that seemingly silent marker lies the joys and sorrows, the hopes and horrors,
      the brotherhood and pride, and the memories of every person it was raised to honor.
      They are an attempt by those who raised them to insure that neither they nor their deeds will ever be forgotten.
      Most importantly, perhaps, is that they also symbolize their belief that this Nation will endure.

      I apologize for the sermon, but I have a BIG problem with people who only view memorials as benches and pretty things to look at.
      Mark A. Pflum
      Redleg and unemployed History Teacher
      Phi Alpha Theta (MU XI Chapter)


      • #4
        Re: Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

        To add to this, the monument is needless to say pretty banged up. We had to have a crane to lift it up back into its spot on the Ridge.

        Lee White
        Researcher and Historian
        "Delenda Est Carthago"
        "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


        • #5
          Re: Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

          This is getting many postings do we have on this BB about wrecking Monuments? TOO MANY! It seems to be an all too occurring problem.

          Please check the URL to the story, I couldn't get it to work for me, would like to copy and send to some boys I came with to 140th Pickett's Mill WIG event, let em know what’s going on!

          Kevin Dally

          Kevin, cut and paste it into the address box. Should work that way. - Mike Chapman
          Last edited by dusty27; 08-05-2004, 08:40 PM.
          Kevin Dally


          • #6
            Re: Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker

            That idiot should not only be made to pay for a total restoration of the monument, but be made to write and mail an individual letter of apology to every person in Missouri for being a jerk and only seeing their monument as a "thing" and not a representation of the men who served from their State.
            As far as I'm concerned, his apology would not be accepted. Nail his hide to the wall and since he defiled the memory of Missouri boys, draw and quarter him at the same time, preferably between two Missouri mules.

            My patience with idiots ran out a long time ago. This is a symptom of an overall malaise within our society for things that were once considered precious and respected.
            Michael Comer
            one of the moderator guys


            • #7
              Re: Man charged with plowing car into Civil War marker


              Got it to finally work, it just wouldn't "go" when I copied & pasted yesterday.

              What Federal charges can be brought against this idiot? Would this be classified as a "Hate Crime"?

              Michael: I hear your frustration! I was glad to have met you in camp at P.Mill, wish we were communicating about something of happier news!

              Kevin Dally
              Kevin Dally

