I am currently working on securing funds for 2, possibly 3, historical markers to be placed near the remains of CW earthworks in Bell County, Kentucky. One location is the site of Camp Buckner. This was an early war CS camp in which the Confederate Army launched its operations into Knox, Laurel, and Clay counties including the first battle of KY (Barbourville) and Battle of Wildcat Mtn. This site is on State Park land and they have been notified. The second site is on private land and the earthworks are clearly visible. The land is owned by a private college. I need to raise about $4000. I have thought about a golf scammble (using the golf course which presently stands upon Camp Buckner), living histories, and a preservation march. I have talked with nearby Cumberland Gap park and they would like to see some type of living history/march there. I am open to suggestions on raising this money.
ew taylor
ew taylor