I've been busting at the seams about this project for a couple of months now after Neill approached me about helping out. It is my honor to help Neill, Allen and the staff at the SCCRR who are eager to share this groundbreaking information with us on the A/C forum.
The conservation of the McRae papers is a daunting task, but one the SCCRR seems willing to shoulder. We are the beneficiaries of their hard work and determination to preserve this priceless collection.
With this in mind, the ACPP is proud to announce that it will be collecting donations, through the A/C preservation forum, for the SCCRR and the McRae collection. Details of how will follow shortly, but EVERYONE on this forum owes a large debt to the SCCRR as we will be among the first to see these documents in a long time. Isn't that worth a donation of any amount that you can muster?
Thanks go to Neill and Allen for sharing this with us.
I've been busting at the seams about this project for a couple of months now after Neill approached me about helping out. It is my honor to help Neill, Allen and the staff at the SCCRR who are eager to share this groundbreaking information with us on the A/C forum.
The conservation of the McRae papers is a daunting task, but one the SCCRR seems willing to shoulder. We are the beneficiaries of their hard work and determination to preserve this priceless collection.
With this in mind, the ACPP is proud to announce that it will be collecting donations, through the A/C preservation forum, for the SCCRR and the McRae collection. Details of how will follow shortly, but EVERYONE on this forum owes a large debt to the SCCRR as we will be among the first to see these documents in a long time. Isn't that worth a donation of any amount that you can muster?
Thanks go to Neill and Allen for sharing this with us.