Posting on behalf of Allen Roberson:
Originally posted by Allen Roberson, SCCRR Director
I would like to express to all living historians and folks associated with this web site how grateful I am for your support of the acquisition of the McRae Archives by the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum. Your support will insure that the McRae Archives remains whole and available to scholars of American history throughout the world. This collection will also be the foundation of an engaging and scholarly exhibit on imported English Confederate equipment for the National Civil War Sesquicentennial in 2011 that will reflect positively on our Civil War history and heritage. We hope to eventually travel this exhibit beyond the state of South Carolina
The S.C. Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum has long enjoyed a wonderful and reciprocal relationship with the living history community, especially those living historians who strive for a high degree of professionalism and accuracy of interpretation. Our collections often form the basis for your research which in turn leads to new historical discoveries that in turn benefits us – the custodians of Civil War material culture. It is a wonderful and mutually beneficial arrangement and we feel like the information that the McRae Collection will eventually yield will lead to some of the most significant and exciting discoveries in recent memory.
We will keep you posted on developments regarding the eventual access to and exhibition of this great collection. Please be patient as it will take months to inventory and process, before it is made available to the public - if we are successful in our fund-raising. However, we confident that the McRae Archive will yield much information on equipping the Confederate soldier in the field. On behalf of the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum, thanks again for your support. Please come visit us whenever you can.
W. Allen Roberson, Director
South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum
Columbia, South Carolina
The S.C. Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum has long enjoyed a wonderful and reciprocal relationship with the living history community, especially those living historians who strive for a high degree of professionalism and accuracy of interpretation. Our collections often form the basis for your research which in turn leads to new historical discoveries that in turn benefits us – the custodians of Civil War material culture. It is a wonderful and mutually beneficial arrangement and we feel like the information that the McRae Collection will eventually yield will lead to some of the most significant and exciting discoveries in recent memory.
We will keep you posted on developments regarding the eventual access to and exhibition of this great collection. Please be patient as it will take months to inventory and process, before it is made available to the public - if we are successful in our fund-raising. However, we confident that the McRae Archive will yield much information on equipping the Confederate soldier in the field. On behalf of the South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum, thanks again for your support. Please come visit us whenever you can.
W. Allen Roberson, Director
South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum
Columbia, South Carolina