The SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum made the first substantial payment towards purchasing the McRae Papers Collection in January 2007. Funding for the second payment must be raised by June, with the final payment due in December 2007. The museum greatly appreciates the support of the Living History community.
Contributions are accepted as check, money order, or credit card and can be sent to:
Shirley Schoonover
SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum
301 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Please contact Shirley Schoonover at 803-737-8095 with any questions regarding contributions.
If one prefers PayPal, I can accept payments at and your contribution will be forwarded to the SCCRR through the ACPP.
Contributions are accepted as check, money order, or credit card and can be sent to:
Shirley Schoonover
SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum
301 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC 29201
Please contact Shirley Schoonover at 803-737-8095 with any questions regarding contributions.
If one prefers PayPal, I can accept payments at and your contribution will be forwarded to the SCCRR through the ACPP.