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Your Impression(s)

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  • Re: Your Impression(s)

    1st louisiana Co. B in 1862
    ANV, very late war

    Pvt Tyler Grecco
    4th Va. Infantry Co.B
    Last edited by rebpvt1864; 01-03-2009, 07:05 PM.
    Tyler Grecco


    • Re: Your Impression(s)

      To Mr. Steve Hesson
      I am glad to see a good naval impresion(even if you are a federal)
      You should really try to get a confederate seaman outfit going for i have never seen one.

      Pvt. Tyler Grecco
      4th Va. Infantry Co.B
      Tyler Grecco


      • Re: Your Impression(s)

        My favorite "impression" is of a confederate reenactor out having fun with all his pards...
        [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="DarkRed"][B][I]The life of one man is so short, that of humanity is so long , that we are often discouraged. But it is history which teaches us to hope. - Robert E. Lee[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]


        • Re: Your Impression(s)

          I have all the fabrics in hand, it's just finding the time to put it together. Since it apppears that the average CSN Sailor wore blue uniforms for most of the war, it would be just a matter of changing my accent.


          • Re: Your Impression(s)

            Western fed, but only so I can wear those cool hats.
            Patrick Rooney


            • Re: Your Impression(s)

              Army of Northern Virginia, 1st Corp, Va Regiments, 62-63 time frame.
              The Lord is a warrior, mighty in battle is he.
              God Bless.
              Cory Comelio
              Co. B
              57th Va. Infy


              • Re: Your Impression(s)

                Western Federal, early or mid-war
                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Respectfully,
                Joseph S. Danner

                [COLOR="Red"]The Pine River Boys - 7th Wisconsin, Company I[/COLOR][/FONT]


                • Re: Your Impression(s)

                  Mid to late war, Army Of Tennessee.
                  [B]Derrick Pugh

                  Western Independent Grays

                  "Yaller-hammer, Alabama, flicker, flicker, flicker,"
                  I felt sorry for the yellow-hammer Alabamians,
                  they looked so hacked, and answered back
                  never a word." ~Sam Watkins


                  • Re: Your Impression(s)

                    Originally posted by ILYankee5 View Post
                    It is my honor to represent troops from Illinois both Union and Confederate.
                    I second your comment. I admire the Western Theater Soldier and their resourcefulness. I do a 46th Illinois impression and a 15th Tennessee impression.

                    Michael Collins
                    Michael S. Collins

                    15th Tenn. Vol. Inf. Co "G"
                    Robert L. Miller Award Recipient No.26 May, 2003

                    "Trust in God and Fear Nothing."
                    - Brig. General Lewis Addison Armistead


                    • Re: Your Impression(s)

                      Missouri State Guard, Trans-Mississippi Confederate dismounted cavalryman, Missouri Bushwhackers are my absolute favorite impressions.

                      Mr. Stilley, a cardinal rule of the forum is that you must sign your name to all your posts. Follow this link for the rules :
                      Last edited by Silas; 09-01-2011, 04:04 PM. Reason: Signature violation
                      Dan Stilley
                      Tater Mess/ Holmes Brigade
                      [COLOR="#0000FF"]Proud descendant of Elijah and Nathan Mosher- 3rd Iowa Volunteer Infantry
                      Henry Hollenbeck- 11th Kansas Cavalry Co. B
                      Greenberry Kelly- 2nd Iowa Infantry
                      John Riley Stilley- 128th Illinois Infantry
                      Thomas Freeborn-72nd Illinois Infantry Co. I[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FF0000"]Killed at Franklin, Tennessee[/COLOR]


                      • Re: Your Impression(s)

                        Never seen a thread going for 7 years!

                        For me, mid-war North Carolina ANV and mid- to late-war Alabama AoT

                        Rich Libicer
                        Fugi's Brown Water Mess

                        6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
                        4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
                        6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
                        4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
                        21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
                        5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
                        Haitus...... Until Now


                        • Re: Your Impression(s)

                          For years it was my Western Federal mid to late war Army of the Cumberland impression (Chickamauga through Atlanta Campaign, concentrating specifically on Chickamauga and Pickett's Mill). Towards teh end of things, I really started to love my early war Western Federal impression (Fort Denelson rocks!) I also enjoyed my lat war AoT impression, but I never built it up to the level I wanted.
                          This time around, who knows? I still have a deep affection for my Western Federal impressions, but I'm really looking forward to doing more AoT this time around.
                          Warren Dickinson

                          Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
                          Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
                          Former Mudsill
                          Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


                          • Re: Your Impression(s)

                            For me, the most fascinating period in the war (at this point, at any rate) - '61 through Gettysburg.
                            My group also does a fairly generic Federal militia impression and my next (hopeful) project is to capture the unique qualities of the 5th New Hampshire, right after they left the state through the Peninsula Campaign.

                            Austin Clark
                            Private, Co. A, 26th Pennsylvania Emergency Volunteer Militia


                            • Re: Your Impression(s)

                              US Navy, officer or enlisted. Especially early war officer (before the killer full dress uniform was dispensed with) and later enlisted (get to break out the Spencer rifle). At all times, get to tell the mostly-unheard Navy story.
                              [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Verdana]Bob Dispenza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
                              [COLOR=Navy]US Naval Landing Party ([url][/url][/COLOR]
                              [COLOR=SeaGreen]Navy and Marine Living History Association ([url][/url][/COLOR]

                              "The publick give credit for feat of arms, but the courage which is required for them, cannot compare with that which is needed to bear patiently, not only the thousand annoyances but the total absence of everything that makes life pleasant and even worth living." - Lt. Percival Drayton, on naval blockade duty.

                              "We have drawn the Spencer Repeating Rifle. It is a 7 shooter, & a beautiful little gun. They are charged to us at $30.00. 15 of which we have to pay."
                              William Clark Allen, Company K, 72nd Indiana Volunteers, May 17, 1863


                              • Re: Your Impression(s)

                                Originally posted by Union Navy View Post
                                US Navy, officer or enlisted. Especially early war officer (before the killer full dress uniform was dispensed with) and later enlisted (get to break out the Spencer rifle). At all times, get to tell the mostly-unheard Navy story.
                                Bob - awesome impression. Something hardly seen anymore. You going to be drivin one of them Yankee steampaddles at Shiloh next year??

                                Rich Libicer
                                Fugi's Brown Water Mess

                                6th North Carolina - 150th First Manassas, July 2011
                                4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Valverde, February 2012
                                6th Mississippi Adjunct - 150th Shiloh, April 2012
                                4th Texas Dismounted, Co. C - 150th Glorieta Pass, May 2012
                                21st Arkansas Adjunct - 150th Prairie Grove, December 2012
                                5th Confederate, Co. C - 150th Chickamauga, September 2013
                                Haitus...... Until Now

