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Vote for the April Cover of the AC

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  • #16
    Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

    Nic was able to capture every detail for his Illinois impression. The fact that the photo is a bit dark even adds to the period look of the photo. Nic, you did a great job on that photo, and I am very impressed.

    All the best,

    Andrew Kasmar


    • #17
      Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

      I was torn between 1 and 3 but ended up choosing number 1 because it takes a lot to get that many guys looking that good. Very well done to all three!
      Brandon Ledvina


      • #18
        Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

        Can I get some more info on the first original image 27th&9th? Thanks, John Pillers
        John Pillers
        Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

        'We're putting the band back together'


        • #19
          Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

          John, here's the link to the photo on the Illinois in the Civil War Project;
          Nic Clark
          2017 - 24 years in the hobby
          Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


          • #20
            Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

            I'm the front rank man in the left most file in image #1. I know I am repeating some information, but to further the discussion here is a summary of the 5 W's about it.

            The image was struck by Todd Harrington at Harper's Ferry of members of the United States Marine Corps Historical Company - who were providing educational and historical programs in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of John Brown's Raid in October 2009.

            The assembled historians in the image were portraying the Marines sent to Harper's Ferry in October of 1859 to put down John Brown's attempted insurrection. Behind them is the reassembled Engine House that John Brown and his remaining followers barricaded themselves in and that the Marines stormed on the morning of October 18, 1859. They are wearing the 1852 pattern fatigue uniform of the US Marines and are armed with US Pattern 1842 69 calibre muskets and are using the Marines distinctive white buff accoutrements that they used throughout the early 19th century and through the War Between the States.

            I served in the Marines and the participants in this image included a majority of Active Duty Marines and Marine Veterans. The uniformity and crispness of impression comes from the individual's personal pride and esprit.

            I was honored to participate in the 150th Harper's Ferry Commemorative Program and to stand with the fine men in the image.
            Last edited by Pvt_Sullivan; 03-15-2010, 07:44 PM.
            Your Obedient Servant,

            Peter M. Berezuk


            • #21
              Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

              Image No. 1 was made at the 150th Anniversary of the Marine raid on the firehouse at Harpers Ferry to end the infamous "John Brown's Raid ".

              The period Marines are members of the United States Marine Corps Historical Company. You can read a brief description of the event it was made at, here:

              Brian Hicks
              Widows' Sons Mess

              Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

              "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

              “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


              • #22
                Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                Looks as though Pete and I were posting at about the same time.
                Brian Hicks
                Widows' Sons Mess

                Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

                "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

                “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


                • #23
                  Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                  Originally posted by BrianHicks View Post
                  Looks as though Pete and I were posting at about the same time.
                  But you did have Hutch's blog with much more info than I had Brian, thanks.
                  Your Obedient Servant,

                  Peter M. Berezuk


                  • #24
                    Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                    Very close call, for me. #3 has that authentic appearance that others have already mentioned. It is an impressive picture in which all involved can take justifiable pride. My vote, however, went to the equally impressive #1. Not only does it have that "feel" of an original, it also displays a branch that we don't see very often.
                    [I][/I]Die Gedanken sind frei
                    John Thielmann[I][/I]


                    • #25
                      Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                      I voted for image no. 3, nic did a spectacular job recreating a very common image. For me, my test in making sure I was right in my thoughts that this was, undoubtedly, the best image up this month, was showing it to my non reenactor friend who deals 1800s wetplates and arms- he was completely convinced it was an original!
                      Ian Broadhead
                      Liberty Rifles
                      " Lee's Miserables"


                      • #26
                        Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                        All were great images. For me had to go with #2, it just kind of was there for me.
                        Jim "Doc" Bruce
                        War means fightn and fightn means killn.
                        L 'audace, l 'audace, Toujours l 'audace.
                        Every man must know his limitations.


                        • #27
                          Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                          Number 1, of course. John Brown!

                          Charles Pinkham
                          Company D, Minnesota First
                          The Lincoln Guards

                          Lincoln, Lovejoy, and Abolition!


                          • #28
                            Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                            Numbers one and two are very interesting photos and show the artistic caliber of many living historians in the hobby. However, image 3 could absolutely be mistaken for an original and that is something that is very, very difficult to pull off. It's a perfect example of a simple personal image from a new volunteer early in his soldier career, nothing too flashy....just right.
                            Preston Todd
                            Hard Case Boys
                            Top Rail Mess


                            • #29
                              Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                              Sorry, but some of you guys and gals are blind! It's image three hands down! I thought the purpose of these images was to make them as authentic as possible? Like a few have already mentioned, this could easily be mistaken for an original. While number two is pretty unique, it still lacks something. Number one is just a cool looking bunch of reenactors with awesome uniforms...Still, it looks like a reenactor "team" photo that we've seen dozens of times.

                              Ernest T. Bass Mess now forming. Recruits wanted!

                              Jason "Beauuuuuregard" Whitman


                              • #30
                                Re: Vote for the April Cover of the AC

                                thanks guys, for all the compliments about how my image looks like the real deal. After all, isn't that the point? Thanks, again.
                                Nic Clark
                                2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                                Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks

