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Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

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  • Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?


    Doing a little market research this morning to find out why you visit The Authentic Campaigner. With all of the social media options available today, some think that forums are dinosaurs from the past. Others, like myself, believe that there will always be a place for specific topics. For the American Civil War, I believe this is the place to meet. So, on to the poll question. Why do you come to the AC?
    I am just interested in the Civil War.
    I am a beginner to authentic reenacting and want to improve my impression.
    I have been reenacting for a while and want to improve my impression.
    I have been a member at the AC for years and like to visit with like-minded people.
    I am a veteran of c/p/h reenacting and the AC is my on-line home.
    Other - Please explain by replying to this post.

    The poll is expired.

    Former AC Owner

  • #2
    Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

    I selected "other" as I sort of fit into a few categories. I'm not exactly new, but I also have not been doing it for a long time either (did it for a year in '06, out in '07 after getting married; back into it Dec '12). While much of this is not "new" to me, I still have so much to learn and improve upon. There are lots of resources out on the web that can help one improve in this venture, but this forum serves as a great consolidation point for quite a bit of it.

    I also agree with you on the relavence of forums. At least for the foreseable future, I believe that they will continue to serve well in the realm of specific subjects. Social media is great, and as someone who is heavily involved in it, both personally and for groups I belong to, I will continue to espouse the use of such technologies. Social media though, like any other tool, has it's limitations. I think it's fair to say that we are of similiar mind though that the best way to move forward is not to dump the tried and true for the new, but to find the best way to use the two together.
    Thomas T. "Tommy" Warshaw III


    • #3
      Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

      Lots of good info is here if you search for it. My first post didn't go over too well (it wasn't responded to), but I didn't get discouraged. Some of us have those "things" that made us switch from being more "mainstream", mine being canteen string and blankets. You never know what is going to draw you in and keep you around.

      This forum is very relevant in my opinion, and the old threads are full of little things to learn about. There is a lot of research on here that I would never have been privy to outside of here, and I feel the same goes for most of us. Lots of people benefit from the "blood, sweat and tears" that have been lost researching things. Not enough thanks goes to the Mods for running and editing this site, nor to those that research and contribute to it.

      Enough of my rambling, it'll end up being more than $0.02 worth.
      Mike Barnes

      Blanket Collector (Hoarder)
      44th VA / 25th OH


      • #4
        Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

        I stumbled upon the AC while doing research years ago. It seemed every time I wanted specifics on different Civil War topics especially gear and uniforms an AC thread came up in my search usually with the information I needed.

        After deciding to get back into the hobby there was little doubt this was ground zero to get back in and put my kit together right. So I joined and am glad that I did!
        Louis Zenti

        Pvt. Albert R. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-W.I.A. February 15, 1862)
        Pvt. William H. Cumpston (Company B, 12th Illinois Vol. Inf.-K.I.A. February 15, 1862 Ft. Donelson)
        Pvt. Simon Sams (Co. C, 18th Iowa Inf.-K.I.A. January 8, 1863 Springfield, MO)
        Pvt. Elisha Cox (Co. C, 26th North Carolina Inf.-W.I.A. July 3, 1863 Gettysburg)

        " the hottest of the fight, some of the rebs yelled out...them must be Iowa boys". Charles O. Musser 29th Iowa Infantry


        • #5
          Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

          I skulked around the forums for about 8 months picking things up. I began shortly after I got into the hobby on he old AC Facebook page. I agree with you on the thought that the forums are not obsolete in this time of social media. However social media server a significant purpose to this hobby as well and its great that they seem to work in conjunction.Facebook is a far better source for new guys to be exposed to the Authentic community and to seek basic knowledge.

          Being far more used to Facebook I liked how it seemed more open and streamlined as compared to the forums initially. As a new guy I felt more courage to ask questions question about basic campaigning on Facebook as compared to the forums. Thats why I felt very disappointed when the admins decided to close the old Facebook page. I think Facebook and the forums are separate and that many guys expected Facebook to be able to have the same atmosphere as the forums. Now I feel like there is no centralized authentic group on Facebook for people to discuss with the same activity as the old AC page.

          Now I use AC for specific research such as the making of rations and authentic camping. I am truly amazed by the wealth of information and resources. Being a new comer to the forums it was difficult at first to find what I was looking for but I have since gotten the hang of it and it had proved to be extremely valuable.

          AC whether through the forums of Facebook really drastically how I viewed the hobby and how I interpret reenacting and has allowed me to take the hobby it its fullest in my opinion. I certiantly wouldn't be game sleeping only in a wool blanket, carrying all my gear into the field and only eating period food if I never discovered this site.
          Kyle O'Brien
          Northern California : ACWA

          20th Maine Co.G
          4th Virginia Co. A
          3rd US Artillery Co. B (1861)


          • #6
            Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

            I have bin lurking for a few years until I signed up.

            I have a general interest in midt 19th century warfare. (should finish my B.A in medieval archaeology in a few month.. then I will go on with a master in history)
            Iam also doing acw reenactment, but we are only about 50 persons with that hobby here in Denmark... so we are very mainstream.

            There is a lot of very interesting Articles here. And new once get added from time to time.

            My gear is at best mainstream, (availability/high cost is my main "excuse") but that is no excuse for not doing drill correctly. Since doing drill correctly don't cost more than doing it wrong.

            the topic "Debunked : left oblique aiming over right shoulders" is a great example why I follow this site.
            Thomas Aagaard


            • #7
              Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

              I've been a member of the AC since, I think, 2004. I come here because I want to read about the research, improve my impression, and read about events coming up that are worth the drive out from Utah. There's pretty much no living history/reenacting here in Utah, so this is where I can get my fix pretty much and be able to communicate with the guys I've met at events.
              Kenny Pavia
              24th Missouri Infantry


              • #8
                Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                I'm here to learn and add to my impression. I've been reenacting for three years this September. From the beginning I've tried to be as minimalist as possible (albeit sleeping in an wedge tent). Folks in my unit say I have the most "authentic" tent due to the lack of extras - my gear, blanket (or two depending on the weather) and groundcloth is all I have. This year I plan to delve into foodstuffs. I typically carry hardtack, summer sausage, cheese and an apple or two. From reading columns here and other reading elsewhere, I'm gonna expand into salt pork and desecrated vegetables. I check into the site daily to see what is new or to re-read a columns to refresh my memory. This is an excellent resource for any reenactor.
                Robert Pardi
                71st PVI, Co. K


                • #9
                  Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                  I enjoy any cavalry talk. For a long while now there has been none, and I have offered several topics. So now I stop by to see whats on , but don't stay long. The AC is a great place to gather info and learn of where the good events are. Still a fan. plm
                  Save me a place at the fire,

                  Paul L Muller


                  • #10
                    Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?


                    I originally came to the AC in the early 2000's because this was the place where people who wanted to improve came to meet on-line. Like many of you, for a long time, I read one hundred posts for every one I made. This was the place that got me excited about attending EBUFU events. This was the place to learn. This was command central for the c/p/h hobby. I don't think I am alone in saying that the AC had a profound impact on what I wanted to accomplish in the hobby.

                    Over the years, my reasons for visiting and for coming back as an admin have slightly changed. I came back because we are a community. We may be dysfunctional at times, but I view the people I have met here and out in the field as my extended family. Being out of the hobby for a couple of years made me nostalgic, but not in the way I thought it would. While I was out, I watched from afar, because I couldn't completely detach myself from it (as much as I wanted to). What I really missed, more than anything was the people. It really hit me how many good friends I had made over the years. I feel like I could go to almost any state in the U.S. and have a place to stay. I have come to love our little community.

                    So, that's why I come to the AC. I still come to learn, because every day, there is something I see here that I didn't know before. I miss seeing some of our old friends from back-in-the-day, but I look forward to meeting new people and keeping this meeting place for our community. Everything that is on this site is our collective body of work and I am extremely proud of all of the things we have accomplished together.

                    That is why I still come to the AC.
                    ERIC TIPTON
                    Former AC Owner


                    • #11
                      Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                      What Brother Eric said ...
                      Paul Hadley


                      • #12
                        Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                        I use to come to the AC to see how fast I could have a post deleted and be threatened with banishment. I now come because I am a totally dedicated keyboard campaigner and it is warm and dry. Oh, and to see Eric.
                        Tom Yearby
                        Texas Ground Hornets

                        "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


                        • #13
                          Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                          Hi Tom! Try this out: I have built a she-bang around my computer desk for a more authentic experience. The indoor fires are a little bit of a challenge, but nothing that can't be overcome with some good fieldcraft. ;)
                          ERIC TIPTON
                          Former AC Owner


                          • #14
                            Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                            Originally posted by Eric Tipton View Post
                            Hi Tom! Try this out: I have built a she-bang around my computer desk for a more authentic experience. The indoor fires are a little bit of a challenge, but nothing that can't be overcome with some good fieldcraft. ;)
                            I nearly spit coffee all over my keyboard reading this.
                            Thomas T. "Tommy" Warshaw III


                            • #15
                              Re: Why Do You Visit the Authentic Campaigner?

                              I come to the AC because of many of your choices in the poll. I think the forum is definably not dead. The main reason is you can't search Facebook of that one tidbit of info you remember reading months ago. Also its dedicated to the hobby and is a home to some of us p/c/h types. I received your email today about the renewed energy. I offered to help clean up some of the links and do admin work several times. Never was taken up on the deal. The offer still stands. Nevertheless good luck in moving forward. I don't plan to leave the forum and would love to help if needed.
                              Thank You,

                              Brent Dacus

                              The AC Admin
                              The Company of Military Historians
                              Member, Civil War Preservation Trust

                              Are you reading? I still am...

