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What are your favorite WBTS units.

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  • #16
    Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.


    19th Louisiana Inf.
    Consolidated Crescent LA. Inf.
    8th LA. Cav.
    9th LA. Inf.
    12th GA. Inf.
    6th MS. Inf.
    32nd AL. Inf.
    Austin's (14th) LA. Battalion Sharpshooters
    2nd TX. Inf.
    Madison "Light Tips" LA. Arty.
    5th Co., Washington Arty.
    ANV Stonewall Brigade
    AOT Kentucky Orphan Brigade
    1st & 3rd FL. Consolidated Inf.
    14th Confederate Cav.
    1st LA. Hvy. Arty.
    17th SC. Inf.
    CSS Webb and crew
    CSS Alabama and crew
    CSS Florida and crew
    CSS Arkansas and crew


    1st LA. (Fed) Cav.
    6th MI. Inf.
    12th CT. Inf.
    32nd IA. Inf.
    5th OH. Arty.
    2nd MA. Arty.
    1st RI. Inf.
    23rd ME. Inf.
    3rd NH Cav.
    165th NY. Inf.
    1st & 3rd LA. (Fed) Native Guard
    99th USCT
    55th IL. Inf.
    88th IN. Inf.
    18th IN. Arty.
    USS Blackhawk and crew


    • #17
      Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

      Boy, favorites are tough but I'll give it a try.


      20th Maine (GGGrandfather's regiment (father's side))
      11th Maine (GGGrandfather's regiment (mother's side))
      Bty F (Ricketts), 1st PA Lt Arty
      Irish Brigade, 28th MA
      Iron Brigade
      1st Minn
      USMC all theaters


      Stonewall Brigade
      Longstreet's Corps
      15th Alabama
      Washington Artillery


      Dan McLean


      Failed Battery Mess

      Bty F, 1st PA Lt Arty
      (AKA LtCol USMC)



      • #18
        Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

        In no order of preference:

        15th Wisconsin Infantry
        13th U.S. Infantry
        2nd Minnesota Infantry
        105th Ohio Infantry
        1st Battalion Cavalry, Dakota Territory
        [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Peter N. Olsen[/FONT]


        • #19
          Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

          Irish Brigade
          Iron Brigade
          114th Pennsylvania (Zouaves De Afrique)
          Pennsylvania Reserve Corps
          115th Pennsylvania
          164th New York (Corcoran's Irish Zouaves)
          11th New York
          146th New York
          155th Pennsylvania
          2nd Rhode Island
          79th New York Highlanders

          Stonewall Brigade
          Louisiana Tiger Zouaves
          24th Georgia
          VMI Cadet Corps
          44th Virginia
          Richard Condon

          114th PVI, Co. A "Collis' Zouaves"
          "The Marked Mess"


          • #20
            Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

            Benning's Brigade of Hood's Division - "The Rock Brigade"
            15th Georgia
            15th Mississippi
            Cleburnes Division
            Johnny Pullen
            Possum Skinners Mess
            Armory Guards

            "Mr. Davis tried to do what God failed to do. He tried to make a soldier of Braxton Bragg."
            General Joe Johnston


            • #21
              Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

              Overall Fav: 15th Arkansas(Cleburne's/Josey's)

              93rd Ohio
              105th Ohio
              9th Ohio
              9th Indiana
              15th KY
              36th Ill
              100th Ill
              33rd New Jersey

              26th TN
              10th SC
              7th SC
              13th LA
              2nd KY
              10th MISS
              5th Company Washington Artillery
              24th SC
              Lee White
              Researcher and Historian
              "Delenda Est Carthago"
              "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"



              • #22
                Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.


                1st Minn
                2nd Minn
                6th Maine
                29th PVI
                34th Mass
                105th ILL
                48th OVI
                7th WS Light Arty
                5th WS Inf
                20th CT
                3rd MI

                18th LA
                15th TX
                34th MS
                2nd FL Battalion
                44th TN
                2nd VA
                3rd VA
                7th SC
                5th Co WANO
                9th KY
                Soli Deo Gloria
                Doug Cooper

                "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                Please support the CWT at


                • #23
                  Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

                  3rd Arkansas (The only Arkansas Regiment to serve in the Eastern theater)
                  Hood's Texas Brigade
                  5th Virginia
                  The Stonewall Brigade
                  10th Virginia
                  [FONT="Times New Roman"]Robert Masella
                  Wheeling Fencibles
                  Pridgeon's Shenandoah Legion
                  Southern Division

                  "Quem Deus vult perdere, prius dementat" (The one whom God wants to destroy, he first makes mad): Col. S. Crutchfield, (Jackson's Chief of Artillery)[/FONT]


                  • #24
                    Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

                    Originally posted by 3rd_Arkansas
                    3rd Arkansas (The only Arkansas Regiment to serve in the Eastern theater)
                    Son, you forget:

                    * Fagan's 1st Arkansas Infantry Reg't. (served in Virginia from June 1861 to March 1862... s'matter of fact, they were at 1st Manassas while the 3rd was still straggling into Lynchburg to muster in; most surviving copies of the Arkansas state belt plate trace back to Fagan's people.)

                    * Bronaugh's 2nd Arkansas Infantry Battalion. (served in Virginia from July 1861 onward & through the Seven Days campaign; survivors consolidated with the 3rd Arkansas Regiment in July, 1862.)

                    My list of favorites:

                    Liddell's/Govan's Arkansas Brigade
                    6th/7th Arkansas
                    3rd Louisiana
                    26th Arkansas

                    1st Iowa
                    36th Iowa
                    25th Iowa
                    31st Illinois
                    36th Illinois
                    3rd Minnesota
                    8th Wisconsin
                    28th Wisconsin

                    and, of course, the "200th Injianna"...

                    Tom Ezell


                    • #25
                      Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

                      Well I have to say

                      2nd Kansas (Heh this is my re-enacting unit have to include them).
                      8th Kansas (The Fighting Kansans of Chickamauga and Chattanooga).
                      48th Indiana (GGGUncle, mothers side)
                      "Louisana Tigers"(Richard Taylor's (GGGUncle by marriage) first command.


                      • #26
                        Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.


                        1st NY Dragoons (15th NY Cav) - 2 Companies recruited from my home town
                        155th NY
                        164th NY (Concoran's Irish Zouave Legion)
                        I had relatives in all three aswell.

                        22nd Batt. VA Infantry (Reenacting Unit)
                        VMI Corp of Cadets
                        Stonewall Brigade
                        Cleburnes Division (Hoods Army)

                        Everyone, what makes those units you chose, your favorites?



                        • #27
                          Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

                          17th Indiana, Wilder's Brigade of Mounted great grandfather was a member of Co. A.
                          Ted Rupel
                          Ted Rupel


                          • #28
                            Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.

                            63rd NY
                            69th NY
                            88th NY
                            9th MA
                            28th MA
                            37th NY
                            155th NY
                            164th NY
                            170th NY
                            182nd NY
                            69th PA
                            116 PA
                            42nd NY
                            82nd NY
                            23rd IL
                            10th OH

                            1st VA Battalion
                            1st GA
                            24th GA
                            1st AR
                            Louisiana Tigers
                            and 15th AR

                            27 MS

                            To answer why: predomonantly Irish & Fenian
                            Bill Eiff
                            [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="DarkGreen"][/COLOR][/FONT]War-battered dogs are we
                            Fighters in every clime,
                            Fillers of trench and grave,
                            Mockers, bemocked by time.
                            War-dogs, hungry and grey,
                            Gnawing a naked bone,
                            Fighters in every clime,
                            Every cause but our own.


                            • #29
                              Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.


                              5th Kentucky "Louisville Legion"
                              1st Michigan Engineers
                              Iron Brigade
                              9th New York Heavy Artillery
                              1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery
                              7th Illinois Infantry
                              10th Illinois Infantry
                              33rd Illinois Infantry "Teacher Regiment"
                              44th Illinois Infantry
                              93rd Illinois Infantry
                              95th Illinois Infantry
                              105th Illinois Infantry
                              139th Illinois Infantry (they were a 100 days regiment in 1864)
                              1st Illinois Light Artillery Battery "B" "Taylor's Battery"
                              11th Wisconsin Infantry
                              8th Wisconsin Infantry
                              Mostly Western Federal Units. . . There are a lot that I like in the East though.


                              1st Tennesee Infantry (Feild's)
                              Stonewall Brigade
                              37th Tennesee Infantry
                              44th Tennesee Consolidated Infantry
                              52nd North Carolina Infantry
                              I know. . . Not many (for the Confederate side at least).
                              I have alot more I like, they just don't come to mind right now.
                              Any Regiment is worth studying to me though.
                              I am, Yr. Ob't Servant,
                              Riley Ewen

                              VMI CLASS OF 2012
                              Hard Head Mess
                              Prodigal Sons Mess, Co. B 36th Illinois Infantry
                              Old Northwest Volunteers


                              • #30
                                Re: What are your favorite WBTS units.


                                Definitely like the 80th Indiana VI. Not just because I just found a relative of my Mom's on the rolls, but the guys deserve a lot of respect--they answered Lincoln's '300,000 more' call, then before their training was just quite half-complete the War Department shipped 'em down to Kentucky to meet Bragg and Smith's advance. And even though they were green as grass at Perryville and really took some casualties they aquitted themselves well enough to be mentioned favorably in dispatches.

                                9th Tennessee Cavalry (CS)...shameless plug for GG-Grandpa R.F. Peek on Dad's side :D

                                Just started reading about Wilder's Lightning Brigade, trying to learn more about Mounted Infantry, and I'm developing a real respect for the mobility/firepower combination of this outfit.

                                The Kentucky Brigade (3rd, 7th, 8th & 12th) throughout the War but particularly after reassignment as Mounted Infantry, and Forrest's command in general

                                The 9th Indiana VI

                                The 6th Mississippi Infantry

                                The 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry

                                The Orphan Brigade


                                19th Indiana VI

                                14th Indiana VI

                                12th Tennessee Infantry (CS)

                                The U.S. Regulars

                                5th Texas Infantry

                                John Buford's Cavalry Division


                                J.O. Shelby's command

                                1st Colorado Volunteers

                                All Theaters--

                                The men & mules of the QM Corps, performing on a daily basis what must have seemed like one of the labors of Hercules.
                                Last edited by KentuckyReb; 05-01-2004, 12:18 AM. Reason: Believe it or not I misspelled 'Kentucky'
                                Micah Hawkins

                                Popskull Mess

