I have conspired with the administrators at the Common Ground and the CWreenactors. It's collusion - big brother is indeed watching.
Collectively our tolerance for trolls, cheats and dullards is at an all time low... and we've decided to do something about it.
We have this thing called IP tracking and its not beyond me to share that information with other forum administrators about people who aren't behaving themselves on my forum, or to take steps here on the AC for people that aren't behaving themselves on the other forums.
Warnings have already been issued in a couple cases.
These sandboxes are small, do us all a favor and don't pee in the corner.
Collectively our tolerance for trolls, cheats and dullards is at an all time low... and we've decided to do something about it.
We have this thing called IP tracking and its not beyond me to share that information with other forum administrators about people who aren't behaving themselves on my forum, or to take steps here on the AC for people that aren't behaving themselves on the other forums.
Warnings have already been issued in a couple cases.
These sandboxes are small, do us all a favor and don't pee in the corner.