Re: the haversack
Not to be a curmudgeony Stick in the Mud... and please read as a non-negative, non-critical, neutral "what can we learn from this" type of question as to method:
But by what fact, provenance, or association is/was the 1790-1840 dates determined/assigned/invented?
Again not being negative (just that I had seen a P1856 Enfield sabre bayonet listed in a museum as a relic of the 1763 Bradstreet Detroit Relief Expedition.)
Not to be a curmudgeony Stick in the Mud... and please read as a non-negative, non-critical, neutral "what can we learn from this" type of question as to method:
But by what fact, provenance, or association is/was the 1790-1840 dates determined/assigned/invented?
Again not being negative (just that I had seen a P1856 Enfield sabre bayonet listed in a museum as a relic of the 1763 Bradstreet Detroit Relief Expedition.)