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Scott's Report of Fashions

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  • Scott's Report of Fashions

    Hello All,

    Has anyone ever seen a copy of "Scott's Report of Fashions" published by Genio C. Scott?
    Apparently Scott published this sartorial magazine in the mid-nineteenth century starting about 1843. This magazine gave the latest men's fashions of the day.

    I couldn't find much online except that LSU has a copy in their special collections.

    Any leads would be helpful.
    -Kyle M. Stetz
    Liberty Rifles

    "I think the prospect for an active and laborious campaign in Virginia is pretty clear and we will again this spring renew our old occupation and struggle between life and death for six more weary months." Capt. Samuel S. Brooke 47th Va. Infantry-- March 27, 1864

  • #2
    Re: Scott's Report of Fashions

    Try searching for the author, you might find a library with a copy and do inter-library loan.

    Have a nice day.
    Susan Armstrong


    • #3
      Re: Scott's Report of Fashions

      Originally posted by NYCivilWar View Post
      Hello All,

      Has anyone ever seen a copy of "Scott's Report of Fashions" published by Genio C. Scott?
      Apparently Scott published this sartorial magazine in the mid-nineteenth century starting about 1843. This magazine gave the latest men's fashions of the day.

      I couldn't find much online except that LSU has a copy in their special collections.

      Any leads would be helpful.
      I found this on a Google search but I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for but it does have some of his prints online.

      I did a search in World Cat and found that the American Antiquarian Society also has some copies so you could check with them as to the dates.
      Virginia Mescher


      • #4
        Re: Scott's Report of Fashions

        In 1841 a Scott & Wilson published A treatise on cutting garments to fit the human form... found here: The Scott of Scott & Wilson is not identified beyond a last name, however in the front matter of the book there is an advertsiement for London Report of Fashions and a New York Report of Fashions, and other publications as well, so I think it may be the same man.

        Good Luck,
        Benjamin L. Clark
        [URL=""]MonDak Heritage Center[/URL]
        [URL=""]Museums Assoc. of Montana[/URL]

