I thrifted this bodice, which I would guess to be about 1850's or 1860s? Anyone want to confirm that? It was mislabled in the thrift store as a 1940's top.
I've been mulling over who would have worn this bodice. The fabric is a very light sheer cotton with solid print "stripes" woven into the fabric. It's gathered and closes up the front with hook and eyes. It looks adult sized, but it has short sleeves. I did some light research and it seems like the general thoughts on this matter is that it would have been a child's bodice (but then wouldn't it be smaller and close up the back?) or an adults "fancy dress" bodice (would a sheer cotton count?) It's fully lined with cotton except for the sleeves, which are lined with net.
The entire thing is hand stitched, with some beautiful mends in it. Someone later took that terrible ribbon and machine stitched it on. The bodice is faded though the original color (which you can see on the inside where the sun didn't get to it) is really, really vivid and beautiful indigo blues and rusty reds!

BTW: This is my first post in a very long while (under a new username to boot)!
Elizabeth Royal
I've been mulling over who would have worn this bodice. The fabric is a very light sheer cotton with solid print "stripes" woven into the fabric. It's gathered and closes up the front with hook and eyes. It looks adult sized, but it has short sleeves. I did some light research and it seems like the general thoughts on this matter is that it would have been a child's bodice (but then wouldn't it be smaller and close up the back?) or an adults "fancy dress" bodice (would a sheer cotton count?) It's fully lined with cotton except for the sleeves, which are lined with net.
The entire thing is hand stitched, with some beautiful mends in it. Someone later took that terrible ribbon and machine stitched it on. The bodice is faded though the original color (which you can see on the inside where the sun didn't get to it) is really, really vivid and beautiful indigo blues and rusty reds!

BTW: This is my first post in a very long while (under a new username to boot)!
Elizabeth Royal