Ran across this today, thought people may enjoy. From the journal of Richard Cocke Eppes, owner of Appomattox Plantation. See other listings in this forum on Eppes' plantation life before the war, if you're just catching on to these threads.
Wednesday Dec: 9th 1857.
Day damp & raw remained at home with a severe cold & sore throat [M]uch annoyed by an act of brutality perpetrated by Mrs Marks on Amy a small girl that I allowed to remain with her & assist about the children Susan the cook whose daughter Amy is, presented herself before Mrs Eppes with a shirt of Amy’s neck arm & half the back covered with blood with the report that it was produced by a blow from Mrs Marks with a press board. Wrote Mr Marks that I would not tolerate such conduct & gave orders to send the girl over for examination.
Thursday Dec: 10th 1857.
Examined Amy this morning & found a gash or cut on the back of her head at least an inch long with a knot nearly as large as a pullet egg. [C]oncluded to keep her on this being the desire of Mrs. Eppes. Crossed to Island [Eppes’ Island-EKD] with Mr Sanxy had a conversation with Marks in which he expressed a desire to leave my service and I though being perfectly satisfied with him, thinking that it would be impossible ever to have any peace with the infernal temper of his wife, agreed that it would be the best for both. He remains until Christmas though he goes to Surry next week to make arrangements for moving. Complaints also from Fanny about being beaten with stick by Mrs Marks really do not know what to do with this roman who I can scarcely believe is sane.
Visited Bermuda farm also with Mr Saxny found Crawford getting in corn a little too damp. [snip]
Wednesday Dec: 9th 1857.
Day damp & raw remained at home with a severe cold & sore throat [M]uch annoyed by an act of brutality perpetrated by Mrs Marks on Amy a small girl that I allowed to remain with her & assist about the children Susan the cook whose daughter Amy is, presented herself before Mrs Eppes with a shirt of Amy’s neck arm & half the back covered with blood with the report that it was produced by a blow from Mrs Marks with a press board. Wrote Mr Marks that I would not tolerate such conduct & gave orders to send the girl over for examination.
Thursday Dec: 10th 1857.
Examined Amy this morning & found a gash or cut on the back of her head at least an inch long with a knot nearly as large as a pullet egg. [C]oncluded to keep her on this being the desire of Mrs. Eppes. Crossed to Island [Eppes’ Island-EKD] with Mr Sanxy had a conversation with Marks in which he expressed a desire to leave my service and I though being perfectly satisfied with him, thinking that it would be impossible ever to have any peace with the infernal temper of his wife, agreed that it would be the best for both. He remains until Christmas though he goes to Surry next week to make arrangements for moving. Complaints also from Fanny about being beaten with stick by Mrs Marks really do not know what to do with this roman who I can scarcely believe is sane.
Visited Bermuda farm also with Mr Saxny found Crawford getting in corn a little too damp. [snip]