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Sketch artist

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  • Sketch artist

    Can anyone direct me to period photo or reference of a period magazine or newspaper sketch artist in the field? I apologize if this was covered recently - I couldn't find it here.

    Clothes, hat, footwear for Springtime, some indication of field sketching gear - binder or box? document holder? (I'm good on the appropriate artist's tools and methods for the period but not on how they were carried to the field).

    At the moment I envision finding a duster as an overcoat, tall boots, and keeping a pistol on my person.

    (Don't let on to the boys in my unit I'm thinking of making the switch to Civilian - I'm feeling farb there because of my age. I color my hair etc. but wouldn't have to as a civ.)

    - Dan Wykes
    Last edited by Danny; 01-09-2007, 01:46 PM.
    Danny Wykes

  • #2
    Re: Sketch artist

    Alfred Waud at Devil's Den - see attached:

    LC-B815- 254

    LC-DIG-cwpb-00074 DLC (digital file from original neg.)
    LC-B8171-0254 DLC (b&w film neg.)

    No known restrictions on publication.

    Selected Civil War photographs, 1861-1865 (Library of Congress)
    Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
    Attached Files
    Last edited by paulcalloway; 01-09-2007, 01:27 PM.
    Paul Calloway
    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
    Proud Member of the GHTI
    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
    Wayne #25, F&AM


    • #3
      Re: Sketch artist

      That's Waud again on the right - see attached.

      LC-B817- 7085

      LC-DIG-cwpb-03693 DLC (digital file from original neg.)
      LC-B8171-7085 DLC (b&w film neg.)

      No known restrictions on publication.

      PART OF
      Selected Civil War photographs, 1861-1865 (Library of Congress)
      Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
      Attached Files
      Paul Calloway
      Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
      Proud Member of the GHTI
      Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
      Wayne #25, F&AM


      • #4
        Re: Sketch artist

        Thanks Paul, quite helpful start.

        I would't presume to first person a well-known correspondent like Waud, but minor news or magazine, unamed correspondent to start.

        Additional questions I will have as a follow on - how to properly insert my impression at national events? Do I just assume I can register, pay my fee, and move on down into the civ. street or military camp (more appropriate for this impression) with my A-tent? In the field, I expect I should notify the command tent (Reb or Union) of my presence during maneuvers?

        I want to avoid at all costs being an unwelcome non-or quasi-military walk-on, the self-appointed important guy who wonders out in front of cannon or horse as if they aren't there.

        - Dan Wykes
        Last edited by Danny; 01-09-2007, 01:57 PM.
        Danny Wykes


        • #5
          Re: Sketch artist

          Originally posted by Danny View Post
          Thanks Paul, quite helpful start.

          Additional questions I will have as a follow on - how to properly insert my impression at national events? Do I just assume I can register, pay my fee, and move on down into the civ. street with my A-tent? In the field, I expect I should notify the command tent (Reb or Union) of my presence during maneuvers?

          I want to avoid at all costs being an unwelcome non-or quasi-military walk-on, the self-appointed important guy who wonders out in front of cannon or horse as if they aren't there.

          - Dan Wykes
          I can't speak for national events since I don't attend them and they are not representative of our focus here, but you should consider yourself a "speciality impression" and therefore always contact event organizers in advance - regardless of what event it is. Don't just fill out the registration and show up - make an effort to get in telephone or email contact with the event organizers and spell out exactly what you want to do. Make sure you retain the name of the person you spoke to who grants you permission to attend as a sketch artist.

          Commanders are not the same as event organizers. Commanders are specialty impressions as well and usually decidedly less useful than a sketch artist.
          Last edited by paulcalloway; 01-09-2007, 01:59 PM.
          Paul Calloway
          Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
          Proud Member of the GHTI
          Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
          Wayne #25, F&AM


          • #6
            Re: Sketch artist

            Originally posted by paulcalloway View Post
            I can't speak for national events since I don't attend them.
            Aren't some campaign events national? I'm a little tired of mainstream.

            - Dan Wykes
            Danny Wykes


            • #7
              Re: Sketch artist

              "National" as in "people come in from all over the nation"--yes. "National" as in "7000 people show up"--no. :) What region are you looking in? Check the events folder for some great upcoming options, and contact information for the organizers in order to introduce yourself and the impression.

              I think "sketch artist" has great potential, myself. Very nifty!
              Elizabeth Clark


              • #8
                Re: Sketch artist

                Along with what everyone else has said, I'd also add, be prepared for the conditions at whatever event you'll be attending. If you need to march along with the army, be ready to carry everything over the distance, make your own shelter, bring period food (or arrange to "buy" army rations), cook your meals, etc. There probably won't be any of the valuable space in wagons or kabuki transports for your stuff, which would be low priority.

                If you need to stay with the period civilians as if you were boarding in town or at a nearby farm, there probably won't be a "civ street" with tents at a c/p/h event. You'd be more apt to be staying with a family in an actual house, and need to coordinate with them beforehand to take you in.

                As Paul said, the organizers should have approved the impression well in advance and either informed the commanders there will be someone from a newspaper present, or else set it up as a surprise for the commanders. But either way, generally speaking, the more you act like an actual sketch artist, the better. You'd either get a pass beforehand from the organizers as if you were already on campaign with the army before the event started, or need to approach the pickets, be taken up to headquarters, present some evidence you're legitimate (letter of introduction from your publication, etc.), and get a pass at that time and instructions on where to camp, what access you'll have to officers, what's off limits, what to do in case of engagement with the enemy, etc. The army is fairly suspicious of civilians.

                When talking to the organizers, if you can find information on whether sketch artists or reporters were present historically, and especially if they had any impact on the situation, you'll have a better chance of being welcomed rather than just tolerated. If you can say, "Colonel so-and-so complained in his diary about having to deal with reporters constantly on this campaign," having you around is going to add to the realism of the officers' experience. At the opposite end, there may be some events where it just wasn't logical for any real or hypothetical members of the press to be present at the historic situation, so don't worry if it doesn't work for a particular event--there will be others.

                I predict you'll be very popular, especially if you can do some quick sketches of soldiers at halts or in camp, that you don't need to keep to send in to your newspaper and can give to them. And a web page afterward, showing the sketches you "sent in to your newspaper for engraving," would be great.

                Hank Trent
                Hank Trent


                • #9
                  Re: Sketch artist

                  Try going to Mike Farnsley's "Bohemian Brigade" website that covers a lot of information on being a special correspondant.
                  Pvt. S.D. Henry
                  Co. A 3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry
                  "Bath City Greys"


                  • #10
                    Re: Sketch artist

                    Dan, I've been doing Alfred R. Waud for about a year now, along with Joe Bordonaro as War Correspondents. And it's a hole new kick on the hobby. My advise to you is to go to the Bohemian Brigade website and start getting your kit together. We will be going to McDowell Va. in May to do a story for the CW Historian, And Antietam in Sept. The Bohemiam Brigade will be meeting there for that one. If I can help you in any way I'm at your service, Just e-mail me.
                    Last edited by Arthur Stone; 04-06-2007, 02:32 PM.
                    Art Stone
                    13th N.J.V.
                    " Rally, Boys Rally"
                    Last order from Cpt. H.C. Irish at Antietam


                    • #11
                      Re: Sketch artist


                      For smaller regional events, our Mr. Morgan has been doing a sketch artist on and off for several years now. Its proved quite a popular impression. In our part of the country, the event organizing structure and the event command structure are normally the same, so only one clearance is required.

                      The best sketches often seem to come not from battles, but from the passing scene--from camp life and town life, from the small poignant detail noted.
                      Terre Hood Biederman
                      Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                      Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                      ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sketch artist

                        I'll have to agree that it's a great idea for an impression. I considered it myself, being an avid pencil sketcher/doodler/watercolorists. Since I've been plugging away at my civilian impression lately, (due inpart to my girlfriend's recent entrance into the nuthouse, er hobby :tounge_sm) I'd love to put together a period watercolor set just for something else to do.

                        As far as signing up for events under a special impression, it makes sense to me too. But perhaps, just perhaps, while you're getting your feet wet, you could just go to a few smaller events as a civilian, go out and sketch sketch sketch, just for fun. That way you can figure out all the kinks and details, like camping, the best way to carry your kit, etc. etc. It's just like being a soldier and figuring out how you like to pack your and wear your traps. Then you can go in with great confidence and a worn in pencil. That's just my 2 cents anyhow. :)

                        Mr. Stone - I believe we met outside of Spiro's in Gettysburg this past Remem. Day. I was with Ryan Conroy. I'll have to contact you and Joe before an event we all be at so I can track you both down and hangout some.

                        Best Regards,
                        [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Matt Mickletz[/FONT][/SIZE]

                        [SIZE=4][SIZE=3][/SIZE][FONT=Garamond][COLOR="#800000"][/COLOR][I]Liberty Rifles[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


                        • #13
                          Re: Sketch artist

                          Matt, Yes I remember you. By all means, the more the merrier. You can e-mail Joe or I if you like and we'll get together.
                          Art "Alfred"
                          Art Stone
                          13th N.J.V.
                          " Rally, Boys Rally"
                          Last order from Cpt. H.C. Irish at Antietam


                          • #14
                            Re: Sketch artist

                            Hres a link on a early 1861 image of Alfred Waud right before 1st Bull Run
                            all suited up for serious drawing.
                            MELODI888 adalah situs game online dengan hadiah jutaan yang bisa dimainkan langsung tanpa download! Dengan akses cepat dan kemenangan besar setiap spin!

                            You can also see more reference on artists during civil war period.

                            Michael Farnsley
                            aka Thomas Nast


                            • #15
                              Re: Sketch artist


                              I've been doing an artist impression for museum living history
                              over the last couple of time period is 1855-59.
                              Here's a photo of my art box and supplies I use in the field.
                              I have an actual copy of a 1849 Windsor & Newton art supply
                              catalogue, if any of you are interested in viewing it, I gladly
                              dig it up and post some images of it.

                              Here's my art box (the box itself is original and dates to the 1860s or 70s I believe)

                              Jeff Prechtel

                              A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.

