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Cobbler image - eBay

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  • Cobbler image - eBay

    This occupational image, currently up for bids, is as good as they come (see attachment):

    By all means check out the other items being offered by this seller. There are some nice dags, ambros, and cdv's. However, if you look at the Chinese beheading image, make sure the kiddies aren't near the computer screen--it's strong stuff, and very disturbing.


    Mark Jaeger
    Last edited by markj; 06-04-2007, 03:09 PM.

    Mark Jaeger

  • #2
    Re: Cobbler image - eBay

    Wow!!! What an awesome image!!!! I wish I could afford it. I know occupational images of the era are rare!!! I haven't seen any involving leather type work!!! Since I don't think anyone is going to purchase my Christmas present early, I save the image to my computer!!! The next best thing!!! My guest prewar picture-1850's?

    The Mad Mick
    Jeremy G. Richardson

    Preserving History by Recreating the Past!


    • #3
      Re: Cobbler image - eBay

      Actualy this fellow is what was known as a "treeman" or Treeer. What his job is is to finish boots and shoes. Note the lack of hammers or pliers on his bench. He has a large assortment of burnishing sticks and a heel shave. His job was to burnish the sole and heel edges and to chase any wrinkles from the boots. He also "peaked the boots, note the raise edge in the center of the vamps on the boots hanging from the "tree" behind him. He also "glassed" the soles and stained them, as well as putting any decorative marks known as fudging on the sole edges. Also of note is the tool in the back on the left which is a pegging float used to file down the pegs sticking thru the shoe.
      He is remarkably clean handed for a treeer and also appears to be wearing his sunday best for the photo. Pre CW this job paid about $.03 cents per pair. It is an extremly rare photo of a a very specific branch of the boot making trade.
      Tom Mattimore


      • #4
        Re: Cobbler image - eBay

        Thank you sir for the information!!!! I am an infant in my studies of the civilian market. I have an interst in learning as much as possible. I have studied the military side for several years. I have more of an interest towards harness makers, as they tended to fasion accouterments at the outbreak of war. Like you said thought cobblers were a branch if you will of the leather industry! It is nice to see a specialized image from the past!

        Jeremy G. Richardson

        Preserving History by Recreating the Past!


        • #5
          Re: Cobbler image - eBay

          ... and his shirt fabric is a printed pattern - what a farb! ;) ...

          PS - thanks for the great comments, Tom - Have actually printed them out with a copy of the pic and put them in my files
          John Peterson

