Re: hair accessories
I was so excited to find this yesterday:

It is from Fantasy and Fashion: Essays on the History of Costume Bryn Mawr College Library, 1996
"perfect little ladies: Fashion Dolls, the Feminine Ideal, and the art of Dress in the Gilded Age." by H. Kristina Haughland
It is from a doll's collection. Look at that little hairnet! And Betty, this answers your question a little bit- you can see a little hair-bristle brush, and a comb, and one of those two-sided combs. I've heard those were for lice but I question that- it seems funny to me that a doll would have a lice brush. and if you look closely, there is what looks like a long, curved bobby-pin. Could this be the elusive hairclip?
Just a note- she doesn't specify which doll this is from, but all the dolls she looked at were from c. 1865-1870s.
I was so excited to find this yesterday:

It is from Fantasy and Fashion: Essays on the History of Costume Bryn Mawr College Library, 1996
"perfect little ladies: Fashion Dolls, the Feminine Ideal, and the art of Dress in the Gilded Age." by H. Kristina Haughland
It is from a doll's collection. Look at that little hairnet! And Betty, this answers your question a little bit- you can see a little hair-bristle brush, and a comb, and one of those two-sided combs. I've heard those were for lice but I question that- it seems funny to me that a doll would have a lice brush. and if you look closely, there is what looks like a long, curved bobby-pin. Could this be the elusive hairclip?
Just a note- she doesn't specify which doll this is from, but all the dolls she looked at were from c. 1865-1870s.