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Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

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  • Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

    In today's Washington Post:

    A Portrait in Letters
    Mary Custis Lee's Two Trunks Full Of Memorabilia Tell Much About A Famous Father

    [FONT=FranklinGothicMedium][color=darkslategray][size=1]Colleen Formby
    [URL][/URL] [/font][/color][/size][SIZE="2"][/SIZE][SIZE="3"][/SIZE]

  • #2
    Re: Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

    Oh How interesting! If only we could all see and feel what it inside these trunks.
    I have often dreamed to find just this same thing, only from my own family.
    The bits of history, so left for us all.
    [FONT="Times New Roman"][/FONT]
    Charlene Staples
    Delavan, WI

    Citizens of The Old NorthWest
    Boonesfield Village
    Lost Tribes


    • #3
      Re: Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

      that is incredible, i wonder if they'll ever be printed ?..
      just a remarkable find..thank you. steve hutton


      • #4
        Re: Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public


        Some of the Robert E. Lee papers were printed.

        Pryor, Elizabeth Brown. Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee Through His Private Letters. (link to the Amazon listing).

        However, as the article has stated, not all of them (including the ones to his then fiancee Mary Custis which are reportedly brimming with his sexual desires) have been published.

        Let us cross our fingers that they will be released in some format soon.
        Emmanuel Dabney
        Atlantic Guard Soldiers' Aid Society

        "God hasten the day when war shall cease, when slavery shall be blotted from the face of the earth, and when, instead of destruction and desolation, peace, prosperity, liberty, and virtue shall rule the earth!"--John C. Brock, Commissary Sergeant, 43d United States Colored Troops


        • #5
          Re: Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

          Thank You Mrs. Formby. I enjoyed reading the very informative article. I would like to read more of the letters.
          [B][FONT="Georgia"][I]P. L. Parault[/I][/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT]

          [I][B]"Three score and ten I can remember well, within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange: but this sore night hath trifled former knowings."

          William Shakespeare[/B][/I]


          • #6
            Re: Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

            Thanks for sharing this information, Ms. Formby. I did get a laugh out of thinking Robert E. Lee as "sparkling with sexuality." I hope the letters will be open to the public sometime soon.
            Elizabeth Martin

            [I][COLOR="Navy"]"I had never met a man who didn't yell as he charged. It was what made him human, the shout either being a rally of brothers to do what you're ordered or a rally of the soul to do what you must."[/COLOR][/I]


            • #7
              Re: Mary Custis Lee papers open to the public

              Good Evening All,

              Here is an interesting 9 minute video about the Mary Custis Lee paper find, from a television show called Push Pause:

              Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

              There's also an interview with Ms. Pryor, author of Reading the Man: A Portrait of Robert E. Lee Through His Private Letters.


              [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Stacy Hampton[/FONT]

              Atlantic Guard Soldier Aid Society
              The Company of Military Historians

