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Smiling African-American Female Image - EBay

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  • Smiling African-American Female Image - EBay

    Very interesting and unusual image. The woman's dress certainly suggests a reasonably prosperous background--perhaps a Philadelphia merchant or tradesman's wife?


    Mark Jaeger

    Mark Jaeger

  • #2
    Re: Smiling African-American Female Image - EBay

    Originally posted by markj View Post
    Very interesting and unusual image. The woman's dress certainly suggests a reasonably prosperous background--perhaps a Philadelphia merchant or tradesman's wife?Regards,

    Mark Jaeger
    Mark -

    I attach that photo for the record here.

    Isn't it more likely, given the vintage, that the woman is a head servant in the household of a prosperous merchant or tradesman? Not from a prosperous background herself but in representing the household socially she is well-dressed and well-treated. By the look of her I would also say well-loved. I don't see anything in the picture itself suggesting Philidelphia or any other Northern locale - Southerners were known as well for their opulence.

    I would guess not married to her employer as that was not well looked-upon. Rings on fingers were at the time not necessarily indicating married status, though she could have a husband.

    - Dan Wykes
    Last edited by Danny; 05-25-2008, 11:54 PM.
    Danny Wykes


    • #3
      Re: Smiling African-American Female Image - EBay

      I believe Mr. Jaeger is refering to the back of the the photo stating that the studio was in Philidelphia to come to the norther conclusion.
      David Casey

