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Source for reproduction Newspapers?

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  • Source for reproduction Newspapers?

    Does anyone have a source for reproduction period newspapers at a reasonable price? I have thought about doing a newspaper peddler impression at a couple of events.

    Mark C. Foster
    Flint, Mi

  • #2
    Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

    Ezra Barn Goods has Harper's Weeklys good price and try they have reproductions just type in newspapers in search box.

    Michael Farnsley
    aka Thomas Nast
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    • #3
      Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

      Talking about selling papers at events, check out this fellow who bulit a full size newspaper cart from a photo he was at Perryville all the time. See newspaper man or vendor.

      Good Luck on your new Impression and Papers.

      Michael Farnsley
      aka Thomas Nast
      MELODI888 adalah situs game online dengan hadiah jutaan yang bisa dimainkan langsung tanpa download! Dengan akses cepat dan kemenangan besar setiap spin!


      • #4
        Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

        I believe Thomas Publications sells a couple of different nice repros of CW newspapers.

        Greg Starbuck
        The brave respect the brave. The brave
        Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
        That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
        And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

        Herman Melville


        • #5
          Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?


          For research purposes see Civil War Extra, Volume 1 & 2; compiled by Eric C. Caren; 1999; Castle Books; ISBN 0-7858-1137-0. The book is an over-sized 10 1/4" x 15 1/2" format reproducing hundreds of 1861-1865 newspaper front pages. The papers are both Southern & Northern. Also included are British newspapers. These two books are a great read!

          See for OldNews, Inc. which sells original newspapers to collectors & leases images of original newspapers.

          [B][I]Edwin Carl Erwin[/I][/B]

          descendent of:
          [B]Tobias Levin Hays[/B]
          16th Texas Infantry, Co. I, Walker's Texas Division
          22nd Brigade, "Mesquite Company", Texas Rangers
          [B]J. W. Tally[/B]
          4th Texas Infantry, Hood's Texas Brigade[B][/B]


          • #6
            Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

            Ragged Soldier Sutlery ( also sells Harper's Weekly.
            Virginia Mescher


            • #7
              Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

              Is there a scource for reproduction southern newspapers?
              Jennifer T Wisener
              Tarheel Civilians


              • #8
                Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

                You know, I was hoping someone in particular would jump in on this one. One reenactor has a plan to copy newspapers from a university library collection and have them printed onto some plausible paper. That way one could have newspapers appropriate to a specific event made up special. I can't give more details than that, but apparently this is possible and makes a decent repro. Maybe Kinko's could help?
                Last edited by amity; 11-20-2007, 08:20 PM.
                Terre Schill

                [URL=""]Sacred Harp.mus[/URL]


                • #9
                  Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

                  Copying newspapers is a way to reproduce them but the copier toner is very coarse and the resulting product looks like a photocopy. The engravings in particular suffer tremendously from ordinary photocopying. But, absent a good reproduction, you are faced with the prospect of no other reproduction copy.

                  Making quality reproductions of period newspapers would be a great project but, from my own experience, I've found that not enough reenactors and others are willing to support the substantially higher cost of quality reproductions. And doing a quality job is a lot of work that you don't realize until you've tried to do it.

                  Michael Mescher
                  Virginia's Spouse
                  Virginia Mescher


                  • #10
                    Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

                    Mr. Mescher, this project was discussed a little bit on a regional listserver. I went back and read the posts about this and they are not clear on the technical aspects of what is planned, but I formed the impression that the goal was to make a digital copy (not a simple photocopy) of the originals there in the library, papers that would have been available on the day of the event, and then take that down to a print shop to have it printed from a CD? In that case it might be possible to engineer away defects such as folds or marks on the paper and have a "clean copy" that looked just about like the original printing plates. I doubt the idea was to make money, not necessarily even to cover costs, but just to add to the event. A sticking point was the size of the lenses on the university library copy machines, since the newspaper is 26 x 21 inches, pretty big.

                    Of course very little we can do in the 21st century is going to be a totally accurate reproduction, but we have to live with that at every level. I think if this was not going to result in something at least passable, it would not be done, since the person who is laying the plans is noted for a particularly high level of authenticity. But it would so much add to any event, obviously, so it seems it might be worth stretching the accuracy factor just a bit, but not to extremes of course. IOW, although that exact paper and ink is no longer to be had, something that looks very much like it might be feasible.
                    Last edited by amity; 11-20-2007, 10:29 PM.
                    Terre Schill

                    [URL=""]Sacred Harp.mus[/URL]


                    • #11
                      Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

                      Sounds like the plan to make digital copies of the papers would produce a better quality image. From the earlier mention, it conjured up the image of photocopies which are heavily dependent on the quality of the original and can't be modified like a digital image to fix some of the defects.

                      I wish them the best on their project!

                      Michael Mescher
                      Virginia Mescher


                      • #12
                        Re: Source for reproduction Newspapers?

                        I am still looking for a reasonable source for newspapers.

                        I found these.

                        Has any one purchased this pack before and can comment on them?


                        Mark C. Foster
                        Flint, Mi

