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Pocket Pistol Pockets?

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  • Pocket Pistol Pockets?

    The following is from "Firearms of the American West 1803-1865" by Garavaglia and Worman..................

    Ned McGowan, acquitted of involvment in the murder of California editor James King in May of 1856, described his personal armament as a Deringer-type pistol in each coat pocket, another pair in his trousers pockets, a Bowie knife, and finally a six-shooter in his belt."

    "Another gold-seeker recalled that: A brace of smaller pistols are snugly pocketed inside our vest"

    "Asbury Harpending, descibing his own experiences in California in 1863, wrote that: In those days everyone carried a derringer........each person had a pet place for keeping his derringer secreted, but handy. For myself, I carried one in a specially prepared pocket inside of the right cuff of my coat. Just a practiced twitch, and I could have it in my hand ready for use in an instant."

    'If any man declared that he had no weapon, the statement was so incredible that he had to submit to be searched; an operation which was performed by the doorkeepers, who...were occasionally rewarded for their diligence by the discovery of a pistol secreted in some unusual part of the dress."

    This got me to thinking - has anyone seen any original coats or trousers that appear to have reinforced pockets (to support the weight of a pocket pistol)? Has anyone seen any original coats or vests that have additional pockets sewn into them that could be used to conceal a pocket pistol?

    Chris Ownby

  • #2
    Re: Pocket Pistol Pockets?

    Mr. Ownby,

    There is a picture of an original gambler's vest in a book called 'Packing Iron' a book about holsters &c. It might be a bit late for the period, I can not recall of its date.

    Stephen Shepherd
    Cabinet Box Mess


    • #3
      Re: Pocket Pistol Pockets?

      Can you imagine living in a time were that kind of “packing” was necessary? Come to think of it, that kind of “packing” might just help in some places in our country! Anyway, the thought of having my clothes altered to carry a weapon is a little unusual.

      Brian Wiswell
      Brian Wiswell

