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Economic Output North and South before the War

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  • Economic Output North and South before the War

    Ladies and Gents,

    I'm looking for the economic output of North and South before the war broke out as part of my research. I have some good credible source material that tells me it was North 92%/South 8%. But most of the information on the actual figures is -at best - sketchy.

    Can anyone verify this at all?

    Dave Burt
    David Burt
    Co-author (With Craig L. Barry) Suppliers to the Confederacy: British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
    Suppliers to the Confederacy II: S. Isaac Campbell & Co, London/ Peter Tait & Co, Limerick
    Suppliers to the Confederacy Volume II: More British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
    Suppliers to the Confederacy Volume III: British and European Imported Quartermaster Goods, Artillery & Other Ordnance, OUT NOW!

  • #2
    Re: Economic Output North and South before the War

    Do you mean "economic" or "industrial?" The economic output of the South was quite considerable, with the value of cotton exports in 1860 about 50% greater than the entire budget of the Federal government. For manufacturers, it's definitely slanted to the North, but you have to both define "North" (i.e., non-slave states or states that ended up fighting on the northern side) and decide what you want to measure and how. The old Centennial Commission history gives the "North" 110,000 manufacturing plants vs.18,000 in the "South," but without much breakdown.

    If I really wanted all the details, I'd check out the 1860 American Almanac (, Hunt's Commercial Review (, and the 1860 Census (e.g., on manufactures:
    Michael A. Schaffner


    • #3
      Re: Economic Output North and South before the War

      Just to clarify it is INDUSTRIAL output I'm looking into. My mistake there. I'm interested in the states that fought on both sides and their industrial output. Thanks for the tips, I will look into them.

      Dave Burt
      David Burt
      Co-author (With Craig L. Barry) Suppliers to the Confederacy: British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
      Suppliers to the Confederacy II: S. Isaac Campbell & Co, London/ Peter Tait & Co, Limerick
      Suppliers to the Confederacy Volume II: More British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
      Suppliers to the Confederacy Volume III: British and European Imported Quartermaster Goods, Artillery & Other Ordnance, OUT NOW!


      • #4
        Re: Economic Output North and South before the War


        If you are not familiar with it, I suggest that you get a hold of a copy of Harold S. Wilson's "Confederate Industry - Manufacturers and Quartermasters in the Civil War", University Press of Mississippi, 2002. In his introduction he discusses Southern Manufacturing circa 1860 and does provide a lot of data at a fairly granular level. His focus is on mill output and textile manufacture but he does provide other reliant information. Also included are a number of references that may yield additional sources for information.

        Dick Milstead
        Richard Milstead


        • #5
          Re: Economic Output North and South before the War

          Thanks for the tip Dick. I do have it in my library, but I had forgotton about it.


          Dave Burt
          David Burt
          Co-author (With Craig L. Barry) Suppliers to the Confederacy: British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
          Suppliers to the Confederacy II: S. Isaac Campbell & Co, London/ Peter Tait & Co, Limerick
          Suppliers to the Confederacy Volume II: More British Imported Arms and Accoutrements
          Suppliers to the Confederacy Volume III: British and European Imported Quartermaster Goods, Artillery & Other Ordnance, OUT NOW!


          • #6
            Re: Economic Output North and South before the War

            You should also check the different Census Reports of the 1850's and early 1860's. They could help you with statistics.

            Tom Arliskas
            Tom Arliskas

